Bolt's never shy when promoting himself and he believes any publicity is good publicity. So yes, he is Shameless: He doesn't advertise this as a PAYWALL for Murdoch he simply sets it like cheese in a trap called news.
Arrogant: He's that too and like Pauline Hanson, he expects Climate Change deniers, who constitute 3% of the scientific community, to be given 50% of the ABC's time in the debate that isn't one anymore and he calls that then a balanced argument. Maybe the ABC should also give IS equal time as well? In fact, Bolt believes those proportions should be legislated.
Out of control: Bolt certainly shows he is when he presents opinion as news and false fact for cash. It's a faux product, an activity for which Australia's biggest conman Peter Foster is in jail for. Bolt did a perfect example of it yesterday when he posted his PR statement, a damage control, factless editorial trying to make out that Israel has been a victim in the past 7 weeks of Hamas insurgency. He suggested that the MSM media's soft reporting has been a condemnation of Israel when the opposite is true. Gaza is already yesterday's news a clash was reported when people were being shot like fish in a barrel.
Bolt makes out that the IDF, one of the world's best equipped military forces were compelled to kill unarmed protestors which included women, children, people in wheelchairs, the aged, the Press and medics out of "fear" when Israeli snipers were caught laughing thrilled for having hit a target over 300 meters away. The movie Killing Gaza shows just how fearful the IDF really are and how they really behave when on the attack and it's not selectively but in the vain of Mai Lai.
They claim to be an anti-terrorist force yet they have hospitals set up in Syria to assist IS and Al-Qaeda. It was written that Sharee Markson actually stumbled on their facilities and was almost arrested but as she worked for Murdoch she was allowed home safely and nothing more was said of what she saw or had occurred. It's been quoted that Rupert Murdoch has shares in Genie Oil which is heavily invested in the illegally occupied territories of the Golan Heights in Syria staling oil.
A little known public fact is that in 1948 the land known as Palestine was divided into two parts 52% became Israel and 48% was to be Palestinian today Israel has usurped 91.2% of that territory given to the Palestinian people leaving them with 8.8% and they drove 750,000 people out of their home they now call Israel to create the biggest open air concentration camp in the world. Today Israel with the help of Trump has again stolen land in Jerusalem an officially divided city in which a majority of Palestinians live to set up a new US embassy which isn't planned to be in West Jerusalem at all but in what's known as no man's land the neutral zone and Donald Trump Bolt claims deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. How Shameless and Arrogant and Out of Control is that?
Bolt's playing Nero watching Rome burn when in Tips he posts a video of Jorge Borges an Argentinian poet who was a supporter of the military Junta in Argentina. The Junta that viciously killed and disappeared citizens at will for speaking against it. Says just how Bolt's suit and tie hide his jackboots and uniform.When fascists and racists hide their genocidal instincts behind culture and call for calm debate they deny the try to silence the right of legitimate screams of pain to be heard. That's exactly what Bolt does when he posts his crap and turns up Wagner at the same time or discusses his aesthetic appreciation. Just another Dorian Gray
Roger Franklin: "What might an Australian Tom Wolfe have made [of our] white/black relations?... There would be pen sketches of the ... excuse-makers whose pieties play no small part in keeping the victims of their cliched compassion forever on the outskirts of a white society we are tirelessly told can never entirely shed its inherited guilt."
You couldn't get more trash than posited by Richard Franklin of Quadrant on Line that delights self-declared author of repetitious diary notes and author of nothing Andrew Bolt. Publishers operate in the free market, unlike Franklin who operates in the very subsidized atmosphere of Quadrant soon to disappear if the subs are cut. Franklin also contributes to another heavily subsidized rag The Spectator which almost went under in a defamation suit
The quality of Franklin's work so loved by Andrew Bolt is reflected here:
Caught. A senior Hamas official - accused of sacrificing children and civilians - protests that 50 of the 62 people allegedly killed by Israeli troops on Monday were in fact members of Hamas, the terrorist group that runs Gaza. The figures were "official", Salah Bardawil said. Watch his interview.
Remember when Bolt repeated as rote anything and everything IS media broadcast. He was such a believer in everything they said he became the media voice for IS down under. The FBI and all the investigators into the mass shooting in Orlando was according to Andrew Bolt an IS victory and all the agencies denying that was wrong.
Here he is doing the same for Hamas. Hamas wants credit for the 7 weeks of protests Israel wants Hamas to have the credit and Andrew Bolt is their media man down under to spread the news of their list of heroic martyrs.
So 110 dead women children press and medics killed is all a lie as is some 4000 protesters injured by live bullets the real story is the proportion of Hamas among the dead and injured was 80% Hamas and they were armed and Bolt has caught Hamas taking credit for the Nabka.
Aaron Patrick in his careful dissection of the last days of Tony Abbott's time as prime minister never accuses Julie Bishop of being a treacherous, two-faced leaker. Just like he never accuses Niki Savva of having had a conflict of interest she should have disclosed. These are judgements he safely leaves to you.
Richard Dawkins, the famous atheist, agreed weeks ago to come on my show. I am agnostic and had planned a conversation, not a confrontation, about his published views on Islam and Christianity. But just 90 minutes before showtime Dawkins started to bombard me with listsv of questions I could not ask. Here's how I responded last night.
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