Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Saturday, 16 June 2018
Andrew Bolt's Blog, 16/6/18; No Bias Found.. But you need to find reluctantly admitting that; Bolt knows how to act when pranked; EU and a vote for Common sense; Universities get rid of Ridd;
37m "Regarding the overall handling of the email probe itself, Inspector General Michael Horowitz extensively reviewed decisions about whom the FBI and DOJ interviewed, how they sought evidence, how they decided to grant immunity to certain people, and so on. Without endorsing all these choices, he concluded that overall, they were “not unreasonable” and seemed based on investigative judgment calls — not political bias, as President Trump and many on the right have often asserted."
So here is Bolt's lead to his post "I am allergic to conspiracy theories. But the evidence now is overwhelming - thanks in part to the extraordinary new report by the Department of Justice inspector general - that there is a dangerous bias against Trump in the FBI." Bolt. Straight out of the barrel after 3 weeks away with BS and a lie.The DOJ report clearly stated that the investigation requested by the FBI and Comey himself showed there was No political bias found. Bolt simply uses his old tactic of admitting that no bias was declared only after he's written it up as if there was and even then he fails to admit the truth of the report by the DOJ. Simply batting for a side, not any truth or principle. No mention that James Comey actually requested the DOJ investigation.
"The IG report clearly states that its investigation “found no evidence that the conclusions by department prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations”; and yet, the president’s sycophants in right-wing media are spinning the report to claim that “anything that Mueller is doing” in his probe of the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia “is tainted” by the IG’s findings." Bolt makes no mention that Manafort Trump's campaign manager in the 2016 election has had his bail revoked and jailed for witness tampering.
10m3 Bolt certainly didn't support the glitter protest he was succumbed to in Lygon st did he wanted them arrested when in fact he was the one who turned violent. I'm sorry women attending an abortion clinic are stressed enough without the type of haranguing we have seen them face by Bolt's peaceful protestors who have been known to kill people. These women don't like Bolt turn on those as viciously as Bolt did and attempt GBH, do they?
Bolt fails to mention that Donald Trump agrees with Europe.
Bolt doesn't believe there's any difference between Soapbox Corner the MCG, a University and the media like News Corp advertising and selling product called "news" even when only less than 40% of the nation consider they getting what's being advertised is news and not just fanciful "opinion". If he were sold a car without an engine he'd be in court the first to complain about it. What are the chances he allows that verbal freedom and BS to flow freely in his house?
It's about time media like Breitbart, The Herald Sun, Sky News or even the ABC are held to task particularly when they sell a false product as News Corp does on countless occasions and feels justified in doing so. They have simply twisted the English language for a cent's sake.
We've heard Bolt vilifying the South Sudanese here in Melbourne entertaining himself when mocking and laughing at the idea of a Sudanese Beauty Pageant and doing so sponsored by the IPA not as "comedy" but as pure bile and racism on a podcast with his son James who seemed more embarrassed for what it was his father was on about naturally in conversation. There is a certain amount of responsibility that has gone missing when a shit show like the Bolt Report presents itself as "debate" but is little more than single-minded propaganda that compares itself with the ABC's The Drum or Q&A. Have you ever heard Bolt calling for the release of Julian?
It's about time we came to our senses instead of allowing ourselves to vanish down the American Fox "News" rabbit hole that will take us to the USA Wonderland of truth which is little more than a chase for a dollar and calling Hollywood and Disney Land essential news.
When Gandhi was asked about "Western Civilisation" his response was " that would be a good idea" in much the same way Bolt supports turning University Science Departments into structureless opinion spaces rather than spaces developed with a method of debate in mind. According to Bolt Peter Ridd's public profile and statements about Marine Science at James Cook are in themselves Scientific and as such methodologically correct, unlike the rigorous research that has and continues to be done.
The debate Bolt put's forward about correctness seems to be the neoliberal one that James Cook will suffer for having sacked Peter Ridd who in fact gave science away to focus on politics. One would have thought that James Cook and the ANU were, in fact, upholding the standards of their university's integrity and standards by their rejection of Ridd Lomborg and the Ramsay Foundation. The real Peter RiddInside the AEF, the climate denial group hosting Tony Abbott as guest speaker | Environment | The Guardian
"Trump gave a free-ranging press conference the likes of which we seldom, if ever, see from a US president." Kenny
No, Donald Trump exposed himself in front of the media at the Kim Summit. The reason he knew the media by first names and pointed to questions from a very English speaking and respectful media was apparent in that they were White House selected. We didn't hear the normal announcement before a question who they represented only Trump calling out "Is that you John" people on a first name basis.
Bolt's tacking like a drunken sailor here his first post is Germany's want to restrict "Fake News" and praising Trump for restricting American MSM coverage to simply media that Trump likes such as Fox. In the hands of Murdochian's Trump's BS becomes "Kenny makes a great point on Trump's much-mocked communications style:" a smokescreen for"lies".
"I doubt I am alone in thinking there is something refreshing in this, despite the obvious risks." Bolt. Yes you heard it a press conference that was an in-house produced "show" is deemed "refreshing" by Andrew Bolt
Bolt can't help but reveal himself can he "But, of course, the diversity Guthrie actually wants more is of skin colour and accent. Not opinion." Bolt One only needs to compare his show and The Drum to understand the meaning of the word "diversity" as opposed to the meaning of " Racism" when he opens his mouth.
Andrew Bolt honed his 'skills' in journalism as an obit writer because he preferred opinion to fact as it was less demanding. No doubt he enjoyed these tidbits of non paid writings. One wonders why they drew his attention
Deep involvement of Israeli banks in the building of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank may amount to the war crime of pillage, HRW has said. While the settlements are condemned worldwide, Israel keeps building more.
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