Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog; 26/6/18; Remember "IT's TIME" we pushed back; According to Bolt half a man died; Using Kyrgios Bolt still doen't rate; Bolt's English is why he can't get into a University;


The Left is the home of the modern fascist. Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters urges mobs to attack Trump officials in public: "If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere."

This must be part of Andrew Bolt's 80 hours a week regime the one that makes him so much better and more worthwhile than anybody else particularly the unemployed like Duncan Storrah.  Bolt pushes Paywall buttons for Murdoch, the IPA and no matter that they try to change the very meaning of words and language they can't hide.  Fascism is always Right -wing according to the man to who created and idolised it, Mussolini, it can't refer to anything other than Corporatized Government. If that's the case Maxine Waters is an Anti - Fascist ANTIFA.
"It's Time" was coined by Gough Whitlam who was also ANTIFA who brought politics into the light and he changed Australia for the better. In much the same way we too wore our hearts and politics on our sleeves openly showing we had to react and push back telling Australia who it was we were going to vote for and refusing to do business or even bother associating with the Right. We pushed back and said Fascists were no longer welcome anywhere. Today they are Bolt and the conservative puppets of Murdoch Media, the IPA and the conservative Right of this LNP government.

Repeating yesterday's stupidity and advertising for tonight. Bolt is such a hypocrite attacking the Greens in Australia and anything slightly responsible done by business here. Bolt is a proud Capitalist and Free marketeer so he says, He rails against anything Socialist and in fact calls it Communist showing us why it was he was never educated at Adelaide Uni. He waxes Lyrical holidays and dreams of retiring to a much better country in his mind the Netherlands which is, in fact, one of the EU's top 10 Socialist countries.
The Netherlands is turning Green yet Bolt parades around in Orange and remains a monarchist. Green energy and plastic bags are already being removed but you won't hear Bolt tell you that. Major Supermarkets throughout the EU are doing the same and not because of any government regulation but because that represents better business. When Bolt sees responsible action he becomes wiser than any company director railing about the inconvenience of wind and solar power and the removal of plastic bags to the world. He burns wood feeds native animals and claims he does the shopping with his beloved plastic while nobody is listening to him. He has found a stat that he sends out that 5.5 more people died because of the removal of these single-use bags. That alone echoes Bolt's idiocy. Who was that half person in Pensylvania that died and how well is his other half getting on?
Our next door neighbour Indonesia is one of the leading lights in the revolution against plastic bags 25% of the worlds plastic pollutant and 90% of which can be found flowing into our oceans. Indonesia is well aware of the damage done and is now a world leader in producing biodegradable plastic bags. Bolt would never tell you that as it's a Muslim country they can't be seen to be smarter.


 The media blew this up by reporting that what Kyrgios did was unable to be shown to the public. Sure enough Andrew Bolt wasn't shy to scrape it off Youtube to try to get ratings and what you saw was so underwhelming you came to realize the media were merely using it as a beat-up and Bolt taking the opportunity to make hay of it by having it as a center piece on his no-show The Bolt Report. Why is Bolt so anti- Australia so anti- Western Civilisation decrying an act that you can witness on any day of the week in Australia the UK. Mountain out of a molehill for the sake of press attention it sure is. Bolt is such a  counterfeit moralist in the style of but not as well read as Bob Santa Maria, He takes TV back to the future, doesn't he. The suit the faux outrage and head master's expression any wonder we and he watches and listens to the ABC 

Image result for Cartoon If it walks like a duck


A Paywall

Can anybody decipher Bolt's banner posted by someone who regards himself as a professional writer of over 30 years standing? Shouldn't that be "TRUSTED"?

 Basically what Bolt's overlong post sets out to do is flip the tale like a spoilt brat take the ANU's reasoned stance and flip it to say "Well we now realize we don't want you to administer our sacred trust. "

The Ramsay money would have been thrown away had the Ramsay board caved to the ANU's demands."Bolt Boo Hoo.

So now"Ramsay Centre as it seeks alternative university partners to ­establish courses and scholarship programs to advance the study of Western civilisation..." 

Why does the Ramsay Center need to be within any University is a question nobody addresses Its natural home is it seems with the IPA. It's wanting to bribe to gain the reputation and integrity it otherwise hasn't got.

They say if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck it is one. Well this has Tony Abbott written all over the attempted ploy he did as PM to have Dr Bjorn Lomborg's Copenhagen Consensus Center ensconced on a university campus for the tune of $4 mill and he had no buyers for the very same reason that the Ramsay Center has come bearing gifts like the Greeks with their Trojan Horse . This ploy has Tony Abbott written all over it and it's not newThe ANU was ready to accept the arrangement until it became clear that the offer was being misrepresented when Tony Abbott came off like Kyrgios at Wimbledon but in his essay in Quadrant
According to Mr Evans and Professor Schmidt, the univer­sity was initially willing to accept the centre having a voice in curriculum design and staffing ­appointments, “but only a voice, not a controlling ­influence”.
As I have always said if a post is long it's generally not Andrew Bolt's it used to be Peter BH's who seems to have vanished  MIA. The length is merely an attempt to hide and confuse the nub of the issue rather than clarify it.
“It has insisted on a partnership management committee, with equal numbers from both the Ramsay Centre and ANU, and as such holding an effective veto over ANU decisions.”
With all departments structured and funded like that there would be no University. 


 If Andrew Bolt was a Journalist his comments would be editorialy slashed for misreporting but he's not. He's a commentator whose commentaries leave him unconvincing and seemingly pushing crap up a hill with the proverbial right-wing pointed stick. Bill Shorten isn't the government and as leader of the opposition is entitled to be freer with his calls as free as Abbott was when opposition leader when he was as outrages as Trump. Yes, Bolt has a platform but he hasn't the skills to be convincing in his opinions just pushy.
 "A Danish cargo ship, the Alexander Maersk, carrying 108 migrants and stuck off Sicily since Saturday, has now been permitted to dock"
 So it seems things aren't as clear cut as Bolt makes out, however, is agenda is.

 When 68.5 million people have been displaced since 2017 Bolt defines them as "illegal" the only thing illegal however is Bolt's definition of "asylum seekers" and their right to seek refuge. In fact, it could be argued Andrew Bolt incites criminal acts by calling people in need of help criminals.

The fact that there is a debate going on shows Bolt emphasis that it's the EU Tampa is absolutely wrong. The new Italian government is in the process of running a geographic argument with the Captain of the German NGO ship who they say the correct port of rescue is Libya.
No Bolt  the lifting of the ban was a legal one and not a religious one. So the ABC is not biased but factually accurate the only bias here is Bolt's inability to see the distinction.
Albo's ambition is too see Australia more Socialist like the 10 Socialist countriesin the EU of which the Netherlands is one. A country Andrew Bolt has made clear he prefers over and above Australia. Bolt's made that perfectly clear over the past 59 years of his life. Strangely hypocritical of him given he claims to despise Socialism.

The difference between the Bias obvious in News Corpse is it's systemic character whereas the ABC admits to individual transgressions of some staff  to which Barry agrees and says yes the ABC should try to do much better. News Corpse however is designed to be biased and holds no values pertaining to facts or objectivity. The ABC does have those aims and hasn't been found to be systemically at fault. In fact, it's found not to be. Bolt just can't wrap his pea brain around that fact systemically or as an individual, it's what make Barry smarter by far as he can and does see the difference. Bolt can't unless he no longer wants to work for Rupert Murdoch but he's such a well trained monkey that won't ever happen. Also because nobody trusts the man, his opinions. or his abilty to be a journalist.

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