Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 27/6/18; Trump reshaped the Supreme Court; ABC and Bolt's False facts; Remember "It's Time";


 What it means to be seen as a real Australian

Why Ultra Conservatives aren't Real Australians and Andrew Bolt is severely out of step
Australia also had the third highest share of respondents (68 per cent) that said any migrant who had become a citizen was a “real” national, regardless of language proficiency.
Nearly four in 10 (38 per cent) were also happy to call migrants who have not become a citizen a “real” Australian – a higher share than most other nations.




 So much for the separation of powers in the USA
 Democrats Must Stop Pretending the Supreme Court Is Apolitical
The party has largely avoided talking about the radical nature of the Roberts Court.

Here we have a long post suspicious in that it only has a single reference and guess who Bolt scraped this from None other than John Hinderaker from the ultra-conservative e-zine PowerLine. Is there anything Bolt that can be found here? Apparently all the Institutions known as America are according to Andrew Bolt activists the courts, the media universities, the very structures that make up a nation " so many activist judges tried to stop and so many journalists demonised and misrepresented: " "Trump deserves to celebrate at having overcome institutional hostility to impose security controls of the kind for which he has an unquestionable public mandate:" If that's the case Trump would be miles ahead in the polls reflecting his popularity with the voters but he's not and the opposite is true so much for Bolt's BS. Trump has since his election had to wait to stack the supreme court with newly appointed judges of his choice which seems a move that most fascists undertake. Why has Trump spent so many years since his election in court if he is as popular as Bolt make out? More than any other President before him.
One would assume that a President with a popular mandate as large as Trumps would have the support of the people and the Institutions know to the world as America and not the opposite being the case. How President Trump Could Reshape the Supreme Court—and the ...
Ain't that the truth more "Global warming doesn't mean that cold temperatures won't be recorded but rather that record heat temperatures will be far more common."ABC  Bolt has spent 20 years trying to tell us the planet has been cooling and he is still trying.
According to Bolt, The Bolt Report has enormous ratings "off a small base". It's amazing what one can achieve with false facts an manipulated statistics, lies damn lies and more lies all of which hang the smallest of baselines the exceptional year of 1998 that single year the anomaly since records began.
Bolt's use of statistics has him nitpicking rather than taking a look at the systemic operation of the ABC and its aim of objectivity. Bolt accepts the fact that Murdoch media News Corp is conservative but it's allowed to be in a "Free Market". News Corp actually on occasion has a leftist spin but on very few occasions and when that occurs Bolt picks out the enemies in the ranks. However, they are individual moments and aberrations to the systemic nature of the organization outliers if you like and Bolt likes to feel he's the enforcer pointing out those lead astray. 
In the same manner, he has a team of vigilante's with hawke eyes looking for the exceptions in the ABC and when difficult to find will make some up and declare they are evidence of bias and then wildly generalize about the systemic and unobjective nature of the organization. In this case, he is totally wrong and still crying Wolf but nobody is listening.
26/06/201816Bolt is the professional writer isn't he " forced to choose between  rump and these vicious mobs, I know which side most voters would choose." His ideas are just as stupid as his English and he does choose the RUMP more often that the lead on most issues. In the first post this morning he indicated Trump had popular support of the American people. When this occurs it's clear he hasn't. We in Australia saw the same once when Bolt was a boy and the ALP slogan "It's Time" reflected the feelings on the day and when people wore their politics on their sleeve. But Bolt was too young and dumb back then to remember and so yes he has a habit of always picking the RUMP.


The Iranian team's performance in the World Cup inspires Israel's Prime Minister to deliver a very pointed message to the Iranian people about the fascists who control them:

Talk about Bolt supporting the RUMP. He obviously finds it extremely difficult to write anything positive about Israel given their massacre of Palestinians, their support of Al-Qaeda associated terrorists, their lack of press freedoms, their incarceration of children and their illegal occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights. Bolt chooses to  Follow the RUMP Netanyahu who has made PR post on Youtube, not for Iranians but Israelis and people like Bolt to praise. It's called damage control by any other name. Did anyone notice Bolt's silence on Israel's Mai Lai moment?

44m5Apparently the conservatives in the Liberal Party want to return to the days of Abbott "No Free Voting Allowed" in this Liberal Party it's too leftist too Socialist. Aren't they the very opposites of what the Liberal broad church stands for? 

One day she's Bolt's Joan of Ard next he's stoking the fire. Bolt's loyalty is given to only one man Tony Abbott Murdoch's hopeful ally in the Liberal Party. It's a flip and then a flop too isn't it?

 Why is Bolt panicking over events like this? Maybe his neighbours will post his addresses in Australia and he will be rushed with his fans trying to express their opinions rather than he foist his on them. Bolt holidays out of Australia he loves the place so much.
When Trump News Lights the fire and turns America into every American right to protest Bolt calls foul. Trump started in your face politics and now the conservatives can't stand the heat. We saw it in Australia in 1972 when Australians wore their politics on their sleeves and who are you going to vote for became a matter of urgency and politics no longer was a topic not mentioned in polite company or Liberal company. The floodgates have opened and in this case, Trump opened them and yes Bolt can't accept the heat and yelling foul.


No wind power in South Australia or Tasmania at 1:45pm today. Next to none in Victoria. Prices soar, and coal-fired in Queensland comes to the rescue yet again. 

 Occasionally once every 2-3 months Andrew Bolt posts items like this and makes out they are a trend when in fact they aren't. They are an occurrence as is a cold day But does he post the studies of the cost benefits of the trends studied globally or the trends shown in Australia, no he doesn't. Recent research in the USA and trends shown in Australia indicate the very opposite of what Bolt is saying and despite subsidies, the cost of solar and wind power energy has already fallen way past the price of coal and it's employing Australians and Americans at a faster rate. We can, however, rely on coal being the energy source once remembered. New coal doesn’t stack up – just look at Queensland’s renewable energy numbers

 Why is Andrew Bolt begging us to watch a Meteorologist as opposed to a Climatologist? Does he want tomorrows weather report? Well, Kininmonth wouldn't be positioned even to give him that report. He retired in 1998 is that a coincidence it's Andrew Bolt's pivotal year when according to him the world started cooling. In his retirement, he took to being paid publicist one of the minority advocates against man-made global warming.  His most famous declaration was that Green House Gasses will Cool the Planet. Now we know Andrew Bolt also supports this claim then. He also maintains increased CO2 is enriching and not toxic a statement akin to the Monsanto salesman who claimed their pesticide was drinkable and when challenged ran from the studio. The man is a sponsored speaker for the Heartland Foundation among other anti-warming groups like News Corp.
Any way Bolt appeared the be the greater idiot of the two with Kininmonth talking about cycles of thousands of years and Bolt desperately trying to shorten the period of severe damage. Progress to more efficient forms of energy certainly isn't about to be a bad thing and if anything his children and grandchildren will watch him being an idiot way before  people of another Age will consider us to be as Bolt seems to fear.
It's a weird logic Bolt follows isn't it not caring what others think of him now but being concerned what people thousands of years from now will think. It's very religious for someone claiming to be agnostic.

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