Sunday, 3 June 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog 3/6/18; Greg Sheridan held up to be a News Corp Journalist is simply another propagandist like Andrew Bolt; Dog Happiness:


Israeli army kills Palestinian nurse in Gaza border protest

 Najar, a 21-year-old volunteer medic, was shot as she ran toward the fortified border fence, east of the south Gaza city of Khan Younis, in a bid to reach a casualty, a witness said.

 Wearing a white uniform,” she raised her hands high in a clear way, but Israeli soldiers fired and she was hit in the chest,” the witness, who requested anonymity, said.

An Israeli military spokeswoman had no immediate comment on Najar’s killing. Israeli officers have previously said that army snipers target only people posing a threat, but that the bullets can sometimes run through them or ricochet, hitting bystanders.

 Israeli army kills Palestinian nurse in Gaza border protest


 A reply to News Corp's Israel's media apologist  Greg Sheridan's comment on the ABC's Q&A that "Israel is capable of investigating complaints against the IDF's brutality itself".



The well-oiled legal machine that enables IDF violence

According to Yesh Din, between 2011-2016 (data from 2017 has yet to be published), only 3.4 per cent of investigations into attacks on Palestinians opened by the IDF’s Criminal Investigations Department ended in indictments. That’s 32 out of 948 cases. That number is especially striking considering the fact that the military prosecution decides ahead of time which cases it will prosecute. This means that most complaints by Palestinians do not lead to investigations.

In 2016 the military prosecution received 302 complaints of crimes committed by soldiers against Palestinians or their property. Forty percent of those complaints had to do with soldiers opening fire on Palestinians, 34 percent revolved around soldier violence, and 24 percent were lodged in response to property damage and looting. In 220 of those incidents, the military prosecution decided to either open an investigation or close the case. Out of those, only 46 led to investigations. The remaining 174 cases were ordered closed. Of the cases that were opened, only 6.4 percent led to indictments by the end of the first quarter of 2017. That’s five cases. One of them was the case of Elor Azaria, an Israeli soldier who was filmed while executing a dying Palestinian. By 

Is your dog happy? Ten common misconceptions about dog behaviour

  1.  Some bring unhappiness on themselves
 Pauline Hanson, wearing a red jacket with a silver brooch, looks past a camera in the foreground.

10. Barking, snapping or lunging is the first sign of an unhappy dog

Dogs often give subtle signs they are becoming anxious, like avoiding eye contact with whatever is worrying them, licking lips, brow furrows, lifting a paw or tightening muscles in their face. If nothing is done to help these dogs move away from whatever is worrying them, these signs can often escalate to more troubling behaviour that is more obvious, such as growling and snapping.

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