Monday, 2 July 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 2/7/18; Politics killed the system. The LNP's privatisation of power producers and deliverers under Howard and others has allowed for Gaming of the System ; Now Abbott's calling for Socialism to reverse what he supported and did but only of Coal;

Iconic look: Ten years have passed since Corey (pictured) hosted Australia's most infamous house party, earning him a 'bad boy' image

Australian teenagers have a history and record of trashing their parent's homes and the Herald Sun used to be the first to headline the events. Generally, they were the kids of a wealthy and white middle class. Kids from the schools Bolt sent his. The fact is that rules changed with easy over-enthusiastic landlords providing rentals via Airbnb market and that has allowed Bolt to selectively pick the headline news today. The trashing of homes and rental properties has always occurred but as they are now affordable and available to a wider market the attention has turned away from over-energetic spoiled white kid's destruction to that of minority groups particularly if they are Sudanese or African. The other issues of damage in the Airbnb market are left silent. Rest assured property damage in rental housing isn't solely the domain of the Sudanese kids or their community but the reporting by Bolt is and can be guaranteed when it happens. Heis guaranteed to make out it's exceptional as if it's not uncommon to that group alone. When it's not and never has been. It's part of what's regarded as Rental Risk which is higher in the new AirBnB market desperate to rent.


Column Tim  Soutphommasane has proved with a final smear  of the Attorney-General why the government was right to drop him as the Race Dioscrimination Commission — but must not now replace him. He has  misquoted Christian Porter to vilify him as a racist. See, when you pay a man to find witches, he must invent some where none exist.

You have to laugh at Bolt's next Banner" Tim Sniffs "when he has proved himself to be an ultra-racist. 
1) Go to his son's IPA podcast last December and listen to Bolt's personal white boy's derision of the Sudanese Beauty Pageant. It couldn't be more racist.
2) Bolt selectively searches for episodic events that are part and parcel of short-term rental risk in which hundreds of accounts of damage are listed and ever more so since Airbnb entered the market. Bolt who once singled out white kids trashing homes when their parents were away has turned top report only the misdemeanours of the Sudanese and the implies it a whole community and immigration issue.
Yes, Tim sniffs out racism but fails to sniff in Bolt's direction where racism reeks. Bolt isn't a nail he is a Bolt



 According to Bolt, he's blaming SBS for reporting facts
"It is running an ad to push its global warming religion that could make our annual winter death toll even worse, especially among poor pensioners." Bolt

The day before yesterday he went on to speak of "fuel poverty" that pensioners were dying because of "fuel poverty" a new term coined by the Tories in the UK to hide the increased poverty not brought about by fuel at all but by the austerity policies of the Tory government and the widening wealth gap that's been occurring.UN human rights chief to probe extreme poverty in the UK — RT UK News

Bolt's idiocy is palpable in his support of single-use plastic bags. As with climate change the world is driving against their use even in the country, he feels at home in the most of, the Netherlands. When we know that single-use bags are 25% of the pollution outflow from our river systems which are 90% of the pollution in our oceans. His banners are sensational not to convey news or rational debate but are there to attract as PAYWALLS to the Herald-Sun and his columns. Yesterday he claimed they were excruciating hard work. However, if you actually examine them what they are they a culmination of what he has blogged about for the past week and sometimes longer. All this to sell Murdoch's papers and to be have been repeated on Sky.
Bolt last week applied statistics when he said 5.5 people more died because of stopping the use of these bags not %  but 5.5 people. Bolt's actually reported that half a person had died.


  Power prices are higher because energy companies are gaming the rules says Grattan Institute

 “Federal and state politicians should be honest about the likelihood that higher wholesale price expectations are the new normal, and that intervention to keep ageing legacy assets is a poor long-term solution. Instead, governments should keep the pressure on other parts of the electricity bill such as retail and networks.”
Green power is cheaper than dirty coal-powered electricity. If that's the case the average should drop but  " There is no silver bullet that will drastically reduce the cost – and price – of generating and delivering electricity,” the Grattan Institute report said.
It accused the energy industry of ‘gaming’ the system, creating artificial supply scarcity to drive up power prices."
 The fragmentation and privatisation turned the market into a profit-driven one rather than a service-driven one and now it's too big for any government to buy back and rationalise for the betterment of all Australians.

Bolt's all for a country with no Bill of Rights written into its constitution no Human Right's  Commission at all. Then nobody would have the right to complain.  So why does Bolt feel so at home in the Netherlands a place dearly love to retire to a Socialist country and one of the top 10 in the EU? Why because the country has everything he wants us not to have? "All the more reason to believe the real problem is the commission itself. Don't change the captain, scrap the ship." Bolt  Is he really an Australian he certainly doesn't reflect the values of the majority of this country none of the values of the Netherlands and he certainly wouldn't survive in the USA with the attitudes he adheres to.
He's complaining that the AHRC has sent a case to be dealt in the courts because in their opinion it was a matter of law.
We know what Bolt thinks of Australian Law as well "f" the law I was innocent and should have been allowed to lie" " We're we privately assured such judgments would not happen"Bolt
Who assured him judgements that he didn't like were never going to be made again the man in the moon?  Bolt wants to scrap the AHRC, The Law, Universities, the ABC, SBS, get the drift? His man to do it is still Tony Abbott or someone groomed in the IPA in the future no doubt.
When someone wants to single-handedly change all our Institutions and Culture I think Fascist is the appropriate word, isn't it?

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