Defending the side. Outsiders gave the platform to Leyonhjelm and allowed him his voice and failed to give any editorial comment rejecting anything he said. Neither Dean nor Cameron are known to hide their opinions from their audience. Snigger or not their silence for the time it was held spoke reams for where they really stood. That silence for which they aren't known is sufficient to indicate whose side they are on and it's not Youngs. You have to remember they have earphones directing where they need to go if they are caught out behaving badly. Too late Bolt too late and besides Dean is renowned for his snigger it's apart of his schtick. The apologies were made not for any other reason that they were facing a legal backlash and were advised.
"Senator Hanson-Young has engaged defamation lawyer Rebekah Giles, who has issued legal letters to Senator Leyonhjelm, Sky News and 3AW radio over the matter.
Sky News has apologised for airing comments by Senator Leyonhjelm during its Sunday morning Outsiders program, hosted by commentator Rowan Dean and former Liberal MP Ross Cameron. They have also apologised on-air."
Peter van OnselenVerified account @vanOnselenP
Peter van Onselen Retweeted Sharon Smith
Those accountable for that disgraceful show and its content are the male hosts, the male news director and the male CEO. Not a 25-year-old producer writing a strap which says exactly what a senator (disgracefully) said.
Peter van Onselen added,

Alan Moran inspired everyone on the far right was popular with the ultra-right of the LNP, the IPA. Tony Abbott Cory Bernardi and Murdoch media all still court him and his anti-everything positions. However, he became so extreme he was suddenly dropped. Sacked by the IPA and ignored publicly by PM Abbott as his social media activities became far too extreme to be believed and simply they were too disliked by the public. Now that's saying something. However, he still remains the lovechild of the likes of Sky News opinionators Rowan Dean and Andrew Bolt. Moran was seen touting his anti-science on the Outsiders last night and Abbott will be touting the same on Bolt's program tonight. To the rest of the world, we have rapidly become a backward nation who gives voice to outliers like Moran.
"However, while Bernardi and Alan Moran’s views may be widely held within the Coalition, for the wider community they are seen as extreme, alarming and deeply unpopular."
"Moran’s views on Islam, climate change and renewable energy are closely aligned with a number of people within the federal Coalition."
"In addition, Moran controversially suggested that deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek was using rape allegations to destabilise Bill Shorten’s leadership."
Today the only people to take Moran seriously are the likes of the unmade bed Rowan Dean, Andrew Bolt the worst of the Sky News Free Zone after 8pm. He writes for Dean's Spectator as well as the IPA's Catallaxy Files. The man has been funded by the Tobacco Industries the Fossil Fuel Industries and other desperate regressive organization wanting to put the brakes on progress. Moran has been a long time gun for hire but too hot to handle. If you are too extreme for Tony Abbott then one can only say your too suspiciously obvious for politics.
However, lest we forget just yesterday or the day before, Andrew Bolt once again declared Science to be just another Religion. It's as insane as declaring himself indigenous that changing the narrative is all it takes to change reality. It's strange just how much "religion" aka "science" Bolt uses to produce and distribute his commentaries but how little he uses to fill his content. His discourse generally lacks the intense method and rationale of scientific scepticism in favour of the faith that some of his readers will believe him.
Former Prime Minister John Howard has raised a real security concern that few politicians - other than Pauline Hanson - have dared even hint at. Australia has 1 million people of Chinese ancestry, and the Chinese police state is now counting on using the divided loyalties of some. My editorial from The Bolt Report:
Another fake claim of racism shows the Human Rights Commission cannot be reformed. It must be scrapped. Any witch hunter we hire must find witches, and in a country so short of real racists, the commission's Race Discrimination Commissioner has a dangerous record of inventing more. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
in a country so short of real racists, the commission's Race Discrimination Commissioner has a dangerous record of inventing more." Bolt
It's so true in fact so true the AHRC finds it deals with next to no cases. But beware of the person who protests so much Andrew Bolt he is one of the few and he seems only protected by the legal backing of his master's lawyers. However, he has been convicted and when he cries foul today we know he remains who he is unchanged an ultra-racist. He is what he is.
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