Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 4/7/18; Fake News: Sure Is!!; Bolt's Liberal View; Academics are all Lefties; Bag the Bag; No racism or bigotry in Australia except for Andrew Bolt;

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Sinister. NSW Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane pushes China's interests above Australia's: "China cannot continue to rise the way that it has within a West-designed world order... The rules have to change... It needs greater control of the global media... Global media and the engine of social media are in the hands of China’s opponents. "  
13m Link

Andrew Bolt the right wing media boy roars like a lion from his digital corner selling Murdoch's papers. He no longer has to stand on a street corner in shorts on a cold winters mornings yelling "Here ya Herald,   Mussie MP  front man for Chinks, Here ya Herald " yet like paper boys of old he's got a digital corner a banner and a PAYWALL to try to sell that toe rag of a paper filled with Fake News.
 Yesterday snot-nosed Bolt was trying to sell the BS as fact that his mates Rowan Dean and Ross Cameron said SORRY but he didn't tell anyone it was because Dean was told to by his legal masters. He and Sky News were about to be sued. Nor did Bolt mention that a producer was suspended for Rowan and Ross's bad behaviour when they in all fairness should have been. The curtain behind the scene was kept shut by Andrew Bolt but he still wanted part of the action by trying to maintain the illusion that his two mates were running a spontaneous commentary from the heart and were just two boy scouts. What Bolt tried to keep hidden was that they were, in fact, two puppets on a string totally produced an manufactured by others and not really running anything just another Punch and Judy show like the Bolt Report on Sky after 6pm.

As for Bolt and China notice he doesn't mention that Andrew Robb Trade Minister in the great Abbott government and wannabe Marco Polo said much the same thing yesterday as did Labor MP Shaoquett and Sam Dastyari before him. Robb who stole the credit for the ALP's hard yards of setting up the FTA agreements was shafted when Robb simply signed the bottom line of the work already done. Bolt's boy Tony wanted to look good and took the credit and Bolt let the world know he was the champ and not chump of Australia. Robb yesterday put China and India in the forefront of world trade this Century and attempts to deny it absolutely maniacal. Trump and News Corp were simply being dickheads for domestic politics serving themselves and not Australia or the USA. They were creating false monsters for political gain and destroying the china shop doing it.
China remains the saviour of the LNP 's economic policies. Australia's biggest buyer of not one thing but everything Australian Resources, Education, Tourism, Business, Property and more it has saved this country from going down the economic gurgler but has been continuously maligned and loudly by News Corpse and lackey Bolt why?
Well smart as a tack they kicked News Corp out of China and Murdoch has always held a grudge for one. Second Abbott and the LNP became Pillocks of the Pacific and handed the region to the Chinese and now are politically stuck between a rock and a hard place because the region the Pacific Islands are giving us the bird. Diplomatically Turnbull can't afford to have the Chinese pull the economic plug on them and really interfere with politics as we know it by creating an economic collapse and have the LNP booted from office. But now they also need to seem to be standing to a threat another grand and false fear to protect us from the Sino Dragon and  News Corp is the tool with which to do it. Who is the biggest media corporation in the Anglosphere but Murdoch's News Corpse? They did it with Sam Dastyari who was doing little more than what the LNP was doing and now not just another ALP MP but a Muslim to boot. What's so funny is one day Muslims are too dumb to be Australian for Bolt but today they are too sinister, Sinister like the Chinese. Bolt should get a job writing for the comedic papers The Onion and The Shovel but he never actually wrote this it's only  a PAYWALL after all,

Yes, another PAYWALL. It's easy work if you can get it.
1) The first bit of Bolt's bull is the Academic Union stopped the Ramsy Centre. No, the Chancellor Vice Chancellor and the board did and did for very specific reasons spelt out as clear as day. The Ramsay degree course was never to be a WCIV Studies Course or degree really at all. So, in reality, it had nothing to do with a "liberal" education.
2) Secondly, Bolt proves it  when saying
"No wonder such people are hostile to the teaching of Western civilisation, or, as Matthew Arnold once put it, "the best that's been thought and said".
 That is Bolt's idea of a liberal view

Most of the CO2 in the world isn't Australian so why should I suffer and help clean up the planet
Most of the cancer cigarettes smoke cause isn't in Australia so why shouldn't tobacco companies be allowed to sell it to Australians without restrictions.
Most of the plastic bags aren't from our rivers so why not keep ours filthy
Most of the BS is spread by others in the West so why should Bolt stop.
Most of us should throw our garbage over Bolt's front fence as a reminder that he is part of a community and has a responsibility to the wider community to stop littering false facts.
Media Watch said it quite well and clearly other states have had bans on single-use plastic bags for years and have not found that half-dead person Bolt keeps prattling on about. The 5.4 people his non-recognized, non-peer reviewed piece of obscure research he has been using as a foundation for spreading BS.
Firstly the LMA is an Australian organization and recognized as such. As was the Shane Warne Foundation. Secondly, if anything untoward has gone on it's simply a matter of yet another organization out of thousands that haven't been audited until reported as being fiddlers of the books. It suggests better and more regulation of privatised Charities is required. Why hasn't News Corps licences been taken away after all the ATO has said they have cooked the books in order not to pay taxes owed.  Some corporations spend up to $10 mill or more to avoid mining resources tax or other taxes. Why hasn't the ATO audited Bolt's deductions? Often he who yells the loudest generally has something to hide. 
Is "dobbing in" an Australian value Bolt supports self-regulation and if that's the case he ought to be supporting the LMA why isn't he? Bolt seems to be both a "dobber" and a racist ethnocentric in what is largely regarded as a non-racist and non-bigoted country. He burns our ears like a fish wife with his complaints about Aborigines, Muslims and Africans all the time blaming their Cultures Religion and race for any transgressions.

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