Sunday 15 July 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,15/7/18; Correcting Andrew Bolt's Fake News on the ACCC Report; Australia ranked Worst in the world; Andrew Bolt showed his ignorance a few days ago about our Youth Justice System and Magistrates sentencing;

‘ACCC chairman Rod Sims

 Correcting Andrew Bolt's Fake News: The ACCC supported Tony Abbott

 Note to Nationals: no, the ACCC didn't say build more coal plants | Katharine Murphy | Australia news | The Guardian

 In the watchdog’s advice on solving our energy woes, the word coal doesn’t figure. Neither does baseload

So the ACCC said governments might want to consider underwriting debt finance for project developers seeking to supply power to commercial and industrial customers. Think of this as guaranteeing a bank loan.
In order to qualify for the putative help, the project would need to be large enough to serve the needs of a large number of customers, and capable of providing a “firm” product.
If a firm generation product is a new concept for you, it could be a few things. Possibly new coal, yes, in some universe where someone is prepared to pay a premium and wait many years for the asset to be built and take the risks associated with the plant becoming a stranded asset as the world decarbonises.
But meanwhile, in the real world, this would more likely be a renewables project firmed by gas or pumped hydro, given that would be quicker and cheaper to build, without the long-term downside risks that coal invites.
So to recap, the word coal wasn’t used by the ACCC in the context of this recommendation. Neither was the word baseload.

No, the ACCC didn't support Tony Abbott only 'competition'

 Australia ranked worst in the world on climate action: RenewEconomy

 Australia is performing worse than most other advanced countries in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to the global SDG Index, which compares different nations’ performance on the goals.
According to the SDG Index, released yesterday in New York, Australia is ranked 37th in the world – down from 26th last year, and behind most other wealthy countries including New Zealand, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.

 Parkville guards stood down after prisoner allegedly assaulted by a fellow inmate

Andrew Bolt was complaining about magistrates not giving African kids custodial sentences not about the conditions in youth detention centres. It seems Magistrates are aware of these conditions and they are intelligent enough to ignore the ignorance shown by opinionators the likes of Andrew Bolt
"Published data from the Department of Justice shows there were 130 alleged assaults in the 12 months to March 31, 2018."

Fact Checks

Are ABC employees five times more likely to vote for the Greens than the general population?

Sky News after 6pm provides an platform for "flimsy" bullshit statements like this with an uncritical acceptance of whatever the IPA wishes to sell the audience. The Bolt Report does much the same. Like Donald Trump the LNP wanted and appointed Michelle Guthrie CEO of the ABC ex Murdoch & Google executive in the hope of damaging the public broadcaster. However like Donald Trump they seem to be unhappy with her appointment but unlike Trump they can't sack her. This government has actively been politicizing the top positions in our Commonwealth agencies in an attempt to drag the country away from Democracy to a one party nation.

"RMIT academic and adjunct fellow at think tank the Institute of Public Affairs, Sinclair Davidson says that ABC employees and journalists are five times more likely to vote for the Greens than the general population. RMIT ABC Fact Check investigates."

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