Friday, 19 October 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,19/10/18; Magpies : In how many ways can Andrew Bolt reveal his Hypocrisy? ISIS in Syria ;

Magpie on green grass

 If you love feeding magpies, your kindness could be killing them - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


 On any given spring day around Australia you can spot cyclists and pedestrians ducking, weaving and running for cover to avoid swooping magpies.

 Andrew Bolt loves feeding his local Magpies despite this warning. It show the kind of Australian he really is.

Image result for Image of Israel

Bolt has misread the Australian Jewish support for the "right-wing" Zionist influenced policy to move our embassy to Jerusalem and acknowledging it as Israel's capital. News Corp's publicity that Morrison was weak for saying it was just under consideration rather than an actuality has brought a reaction that has in fact angered the Jewish community in Wentworth which was always divided on current Israeli. Furthermore when Goys like Bolt declare what it is they ought to think it goes beyond anger and will result in a protest vote not against Turnbull but against the divisive right-wing of the Liberal Party.
 Bolt fails to recognize we aren't America and never have been and we are Australians first some of who also happen to be Jews. Bolt it seems speaks for nobody other than that minority in the Liberal Party, He is an agnostic, dual passport holder that hates socialism yet dreams of retiring to a much more socialist nation than Australia the Netherlands. He complains incessantly about the country in which he was born Australian Jews don't. Bolt even dreams of a barge in Amsterdam a city double the population of Melbourne with over 50% of who aren't even Dutch and 35% not from a Western Culture. Ten million tourists pass through Amsterdam yearly so much so the AirBnB industry has driven the locals out of its centre. Bolt complains about Melbourne but dreams of the Netherlands how hypocritical is that?
 He says supports Israel but then also dreams of a country noted in history for killing more Jews as a % of its population than even Germany. Neo-Nazis are great supporters of Israel as is Bolt. In America, they are quite open about it and speak of it as the new Final Solution. However, that's America Bolt and not Australia.
 The ALP  is morally and ethically correct in not supporting the shift of our embassy to Jerusalem as it would play into the hands of the Israeli Zionists and international ultra- right wing which in 2018 seems to have found a very strange and threatening bond.


Bolt's links come from Murdoch Media
 ISIS, Israel and US backed rebels have attacked Russian backed Assad forces in Syria with the help of US intel and logistics. One wonders who has been supplying ISIS forces with weapons it certainly hasn't been the Russians.
 Yes it's terrible but not as terrible as the number of Yemenis slaughtered daily with the aid of American logistics and never really mentioned by by Western MSM. Strange that Bolt seems to overlook the fact that indiscriminate numbers of women and children have been killed. However he emphasizes that several numbers of Europeans and US Nationals have been taken hostage, no figures have yet been supplied. Why is it that Putin has been the one to break this news One asks what were these Europeans doing there in the first place? They certainly weren't tourists nor there it seems to assist ISIS
" The area has been under attack by the US-led coalition and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) for the last month. But the offensive has been met with heavy resistance from around 5000 ISIS fighters."
It seems Trump had spoken too quickly when he declared the war won against ISIS who are also in Afghanistan giving the Americans a difficult time as well Israel secretly armed and funded 12 Syrian rebel groups, report say  Haaretz Trump hardly seems concerned that the Saudis America's and our allies are torturing and murdering people and are doing it on a wholesale basis. ISIS is using the hostages as bargaining chips for unstated demands which Putin has failed to disclose. "State news agency Tass Wednesday cited an unnamed "diplomatic-military source" as saying the hostages were seized in a raid on a refugee camp and were demanding Syria free IS members.

 The hostages it seems were taken from refugee camps that housed people Andrew Bolt claimed were simply economic refugees that didn't need to be given asylum in the West. So why does he seem so concerned now?

 Islamic State have captured 700 hostages in Syria overnight.

   ISIS murderous history: Terrorist group takes 700 hostages

ON TUESDAY, Donald Trump made a bold declaration, declaring victory. Only two days later, that lie was proven deadly wrong.
That’s what US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday.
But fast forward to today and we hear reports that far from being defeated, Islamic State has this week captured 700 hostages and says it will kill 10 of them a day unless the group’s demands are met.
It’s understood that members of IS attacked a refugee camp last week, leading to the hostages being taken. Among them are Europeans and US citizens.

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