Saturday, 20 October 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,20/10/18; Noah apologised Bolt never did for laughing at Sudanese women on his son's IPA podcast; Chasing Triggs to her greave;


Andrew Bolt tries to climb the moral high ground only to find, he slides to the lowest of low points. Bolt on an IPA podcast with his son mocked and laughed a the very idea of a South Sudanese beauty contest. The worst of it he dragged his son into his joke. He spent months defending a racist cartoon of Leaks and he of all people takes it upon himself to accuse Trevor Noah of Racism. Noah apologized for his remarks Andrew Bolt would never apologize for his. As for Trump, he does wear his moral bankruptcy on his sleeve and America will punish him for it. 

 Bolt balls out mockers ho, ho. Just take a look at his comments on Trevor Noah above and he's staring at himself in the mirror. The greatest joke of all Bolt claims that he refuses to enter the Wakely Award as if for a second he's be voted a nominee.
I've always said when Bolt has no point to make he tends to elongate his commentaries as if believing his words will actually be read if not his conclusion at least will sink home and people will be conned into believing the rest is evidence of a sort for those that do continue to read they are most likely to be trapped into a hidden PAYWALL or a get out clause at the end of his pretend treatise. 
Bolt somehow tries to convince us that the role of the AHRC is conciliatory to pacify the uproar that occurred between parties when it's not.  It's that of mediation and in the case Bill Leak and the complainant it was a success. The parties could have taken their issues to court. Melissa Dinnison wasn't the only person to bring a complaint against Leak to the AHRC. Further, there is no evidence that it was Triggs who acted as mediator. 
 Bolt has tried to build a mountain out of a molehill that Triggs is compelled in retirement not to socialize with people she'd met previously note how carefully he presumes an association existed while on the job because of a meeting some years after Trigg's retirement. Note how Bolt takes the position of judge and jury when he announces it's "Irrespective of the fact" that evidence is not required to conclude guilt.
 Irrespective of the fact Triggs had left the AHRC by the time she socialised with Dinnison, this buddy-buddy relationship with a complainant and her gratuitous condemnation of Leak’s cartoon simply confirm the longstanding perception of AHRC partisanship.Bolt
We know Bolt prefers the respect put out by Neo-nazi groups and ultra-right-wing groups who support the policies of Zionists wanting to cement the Jewish State of Israel calling for the end of the global diaspora of Jews. Bolt prefers we define ourselves as a White Christian Nation surrounded by coloured by threatening Islamist Nations in the Pacific region. The fact that Israel's strict definition of who it regards as its citizens ought to be applied here in terms of Religion and Color and should be written into our Constitution. The very thought that Bolt regards 'respect' as the opposite of 'surrender' speaks for itself.     

When Bolt can't find the data he's looking for in Australia to prove his Islamophobic hatred he will search the globe. When he can't say Muslim he will say 'mainly' Muslim instead. and like he does with Muslims and Africans here he will fail to show that the majority of crimes committed are by the White  Christians. Bolt's "plague" actually amounted to 120 offences over 7 years and committed by 20 men on 15 girls. One person committed almost 50% of all the offences over that period. 
Bolt claims thousands of victims
"action was not taken due to a range of factors including difficulties in getting the girls to cooperate, a warped belief that they were consenting to what happened to them and misplaced fears over being branded, racist."
Bolt lumps his story in such a way as to suggest that thousands of girls in hundreds of towns were exploited by hundreds of Muslim gangs which is not the case. Some towns like Telford guessed 1000 cases could have occurred over a 40 year period. 
Bolt loves to sensationalize all matters as if they sexual predators were exclusively Muslim as if all Muslims, are recently arrived immigrants and as if the native population were somehow under attack. What happens in the UK as far as Bolt is concerned doesn't just stay in the UK which has a population of X3 times Australia but nevertheless Bolt turns this into a migrant Muslim story for our benefit and the benefit of anti-immigration politics. 


Nikki Haley is the real deal - and the real Indian: "When Haley took the microphone, she joked that the 2017 dinner was hosted by 'boy scout' Rep. Paul Ryan...  'You wanted to spice things up again - you wanted an Indian woman, but Elizabeth Warren failed her DNA test.'" Haley's parents came from India.  


Tongue in cheek Bolt certainly doesn't believe Republicans would choose an Indian as their Presidential nominee. He simply mimics the opportunity to laugh at Elizabeth Warren for the fact that she just might become the Democratic Nominee. America would support Michelle Obama running against Nikki Hailey that would be a one-woman race.


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