Sunday 16 December 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 16/12/18; Journalism and Commentary MIA; Milo, Magda,and Lauren, Shorten hardly looked hijacked; Bolt's hiding the Conservative stench;

 Media ethics and journalistic integrity

Good journalism is asking hard questions and not taking evasion for an answer. Good commentary is deliberating not just on the politics of an issue but to focus on the ideas, policies and possible solutions.
Good journalism (and commentary) is doing the research, asking questions, declaring bias if one exists, not to pretend it doesn't — lo-and-behold, even admitting when one is wrong!
Something Andrew Bolt fails to offer
" Lazy journalism is to report on personalities and street-fights. Good journalism is to contribute to the understanding of issues and why the fighting started."

Bolt's cyclops hunt for Muslims Sudanese and others  behaving badly

" Lazy journalism and commentary solely focused on the messengers instead of the message enables our politicians to behave the way they do.

Without the ABC and Fairfax Bolt wouldn't have a job

How to make a complaint

If you believe a journalist has breached MEAA’s Journalist Code of Ethics, you should lodge a written complaint using these downloadable forms:
  1. Ethics complaint covering letter

  2. Ethics complaint form

Your complaint must state:
  • The name of the journalist;
  • The action that you believe is unethical;
  • A copy of the relevant article or the URL address of the item; and
  • The clause(s) of the code that you believe have been breached.

 What would Andrew Bolt do without the Fairfax and the ABC?
What an example of hypocrisy and it's not Magda's but Andrew Bolt's. He promotes Milo.Y and Lauren Southern to come and entertain the right wing of Australia for cash he's even a participant and we can assume paid. Both have left a trail, of unpaid debt's, behind. Debts far far larger than Magda's paltry $16,500. Yes, Bolt encourages, participates and promotes ticket sales to their events where taxes and government departments are left unpaid by these supposed "true believers of their moral issues". Who in reality are little more than believers in their own political celebrity and self-interested cash grab. How much money they can make.  Bolt actually claims it's our taxes that bureaucrats have a duty to pay out on their behalf. But not so our Magda who isn't as famous for promoting pedophilia as did Milo was. Apparently, the not so frugal Milo is on the verge of bankruptcy to the tune of $2 mill.
When Milo comes Bolt is seemingly anti- Homophobia, when paying attention to Magda it seems he's all for it why? Well, he's for the protection of Morrison's new freedom of religion Laws despite the fact that religions are already protected under our constitution and don't really need strengthening. We know Bolt doesn't believe in Safe Schools so if a child enters the gates of these Institutions no scrutiny of what they are taught or how it seems is required. Scientology is laughing all the way to the bank if they create local schools.
Religious schools legally aren't bound to specify what they teach or how they teach it but students will. The same duty of care as government schools won't be required and children confused by their sexuality will be taught about Sodam and Gomorrah and those born out of wedlock will have a far more difficult time passing through the pearly gates than others. and we will still be obliged as taxpayers to pay for it while they are guaranteed further protection for psychologically screwing up and trying to convert and recruit kids. Isn't it time we became a civilized society and started taxing Religion?
Bolt cares for a freaked dog in his household but not a freaked kid in a religious school pounded by the illusions of fire and brimstone. That's just the man he is.
 "One dog freaks at thunder and lightning, the other is chill. How does that work, I ask after a night of trying to calm a panting hound."


It must be so exciting to be so morally superior that you can trample over the rights of others - including the right of Bill Shorten to address the members at the Labor conference who paid to hear him. Check the anti-Adani extremist and the anti-borders activists who interupted the start of Shorten's speech, to the boos of the members.


What a joke there are no extremists in the Liberal Party no bullies it's been a totally united Party for the past 5 years, not. Bolt link, News Corp's digital Churnalist site, as if they are a primary source? We will never know because doesn't really employ journalists or standby MEAA ethics do they because they appropriate and churn news from other sources. However, Bolt's not past being a churnalist's churnalist himself is he?
 Bolt's pathetic effort here is an attempt to spin a story that the ALP is as internally disunited as the Liberals are if not more. The problem he has is the Parliamentary members of the Liberal Party are in chaos and not so those of the ALP. There aren't the lockouts of the ABC and selective entry of News Corp that we saw in Warringah. Shorten wasn't hijacked he's been to these conferences before which allow for the broad church that the Liberal Party no longer does and he handled it with aplomb.
How polite was the interaction between Shorten and Astill? Something you don't see among the Liberals.
“Really appreciate it, Mr Shorten. It’s going to be so important you do that. Thank you, catch you later. I really hope you come out with a commitment to stop the mine.” Astill
“No, it’s all good. Thank you very much, I appreciate you making your point.” Shorten

"Mr Astill was complimentary of the way Mr Shorten handled the encounter" News Corp

These protesters aren't anti- the ALP they are anti- the gap between the two major parties and the electorate Bolt claims he's for populist policies well that's bullshit because well  over  50% of the electorate believes in Climate change and some 80% of Labour is anti-coal yet Shorten playing politics wants those Liberal voters to swing his way rather than Abbott's and he's winning.

The point here is that Bolt never really addresses the issue does he but the only focuses on the opposition media's analysis. he adds nothing and saves himself any effort to research data that provides any additional information to any argument. He survives by simply attacking his opposition media.

Firstly he takes Daniel Andrews comment as support that the Victorian Liberal loss had nothing to do with the Federal Conservatives as if Guy and Kroger weren't tarred with their image. Strange Andrews is right when before the election everything he said was wrong as far as Bolt was concerned. Now he's flipped and cherry picking Andrews for support.
 "Let's see if the Sydney Morning Herald remembers this analysis after the NSW election when the temptation will again be to say the NSW result shows the Liberals there are also too "Left-wing": Bolt
Does Bolt even make any sense doing this when he never believed anything Dan Andrews ever said until now why? Because Andrews statement has been decontextualised and in fact is wrong as it doesn't mention the contribution Federal Conservatives made to ruining the Liberal brand. Bolt is simply applying Victoria Labour's victory statement ahead of time to what he really can't deny that all Liberals are coated with the stench of the Federal Conservatives who have tarred the Party with their one brush. The % of that tarring is yet to be seen.

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