Monday 17 December 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 17/12/18; Informed Comment -John Lord-25 Reasons for Coalition Failure; Abuse Swann or Abbott? Licenced bullying? Revolt,

  25 reasons why the Coalition has failed the nation

There are many reasons why the Coalition has been politically inept. John Lord examines 25 of the key areas in which they failed.

"Jeering abuse " "No respect"  Remember "Ditch the Bitch" the "Broken Promises" in place of any policies. reaction to everything "Nope, Nope, Nope" Remember the News Corp PR threat promoted the very way Julia Gillard looked. that was a cabal of very few people united the IPA, News Corp, and the Tony Abbott lead extreme Right of the Liberal Party that lasted less tthan2 years in power. We never saw a government that wanted to pass bills just one in opposition that ensured it was the highest paid in the world. "The poor don't drive cars" How much abuse is that to a nation?
Bolt is troubled blowing a smokescreen as big as this.

What bullying is, is hiding the fact that Craig Kelly's threat to go to the crossbench unless the promises of greater Democracy in preselections is dropped for his sake is treated and covered up as normal behaviour particularly after the Warringah motion was passed. That motion declared that all members of the Liberal Party would have a greater say in who would represent them in elections. Bullying is declaring Julia Banks a traitor while declaring Craig Kelly a winner despite him doing the same as Julia Banks who merely along with other Liberal Party women protested against bullying within the Party.
When Party members declare the existence of bullying and are shouted down an example raises its head before your eyes what do you call Bolt's position? DEFLECTION attention by bullies to pathetically attempt to declare legitimate protest as bullying of the kind seen in the Liberal Party's internal battles. Peter Slipper was massacred. Joe Hockey was thrown under a bus, Julia Banks drove out of the Party who was allowed to protest for them?
Free Willy isn't bullying its legitimate disagreement and accepted it's why Bolt "I'm Indigenous" calls it "licensed bullying" what seems to be an oxymoron. Furthermore, notice how Bolt slides from the fact that protest is legitimate to whether dolphins should be held captive or not. His whole post is also little more than a DISTRACTION to Bill Shorten's and Labor's success when compared with the Liberal's self-inflicted collapse.

PAYWALL to the Herald Sun
Bolt conflates political chaos across the world as having similarities rather than differences.
" Different countries, different causes. But there are also similarities: communities have fragmented, authority is collapsing and tribalism growing. More startling, the political class has got drunk on its internationalism, making more citizens feel that their homes are under threat"Bolt
Macron's problem raising the cost of living and not as Bolt tried to convince us was Climate Change. Theresa May is facing the Conservative tail trying to wag the dog just as Australia is with Boris Johnson her Tony Abbott. Germany's  Angela Merkel not having to "step down" but handing over the reigns to her appointed successor. Yes, Bolt's finally admitted the USA is a circus why? The Trump organization like Tony Abbott did in 2013 made promises to the working class of the rust belt of America that they haven't kept. The economic success Trump is feeling today he inherited from Obama the failures he's experiencing are of his own making.
Bolt's tribalism is reality different people globally are pushing back for different reasons however their unity can be seen in in the likes of Bernie Sanders, Ocasio-Ortez, Jeremy Corbin, and the Australian ALP and in France where Labor is uniting against. Internationalism has never been dead it's been simply monopolised by Multinational Corporations whose influence over governments simply has grown to mega levels and moving closer and closer to Mussolini's fascist ideal of corporate government. Bolt's claim of growing tribalism and fragmentation is simply a smokescreen for the fact that unionism, that was once on a decline, is growing again. If the Unions in France took control of the yellow vest protest the Macron government would have no hope as would Trump, Morrison, May.
What we are seeing is promoting the excuse to militarise police forces, become arms manufacturers and dealers and the lessening of privacy across the board with increased surveillance. Before this next election, there will be a concerted effort to create pushback and violence by the supporters of this government that needs violence of some sort to occur and feature on the front pages of News Corp.
36m1Try and search for the great rating Bolt referred to in the first week of these podcasts. The curiosity week and see where they rate today you can't even find them listed.  Apart from Bolt promoting them and his own celebrity. They don't appear on any rating list today.


World economic growth rate rankings

Of the G20 nations, Australia is only 15th. NZ is  x3 times greater and in the world, We rank 65th. In Asia 16th. So what's to crow about our politicians and PM is the highest paid in the world to manage only 24 mill people.

Another Liberal promise you know what they amount to. Does anybody find it strange that the LNP intends to reduce immigration that delivered the increased revenues they are experiencing today? You can't have both. They could release the $3bill they have withheld from the Labor gov in Victoria for the past 4 years and create even more taxable infrastructure jobs. 
What we are talking about however is the cost of government, not the Australian economy. What isn't being added to this mix of back patting and look at us in Australia. We, in fact, are lagging behind at 39th among OECD's 41 Nations as far as its Economy is concerned. We are lagging behind when 5 years ago we were 2nd in growth, At every comparable level, we are going backwards education, health, housing, and more importantly savings the only thing going up is personal debt the highest in the world. We never seem to be reminded of that fact that our nett debt is doubled since LNP got into power.
 Because household wages have flattened it's only now that electricity has gone from 1.5% to 2.5% of average household spending not because the cost of energy has blown out. Yet the Energy profits the retailers are making are at record levels suggesting the cost of production hasn't gone up it's even dropped and the retailers are in fact gouging and making an opportunity of that. Isn't that great? While highest paid government on the planet is doing nothing but fighting among themselves. Well, Frydenberg it seems has had to do nothing but fiddle with the books. He didn't make iron ore prices go up. He didn't stop bracket creep. It seems a drovers dog can improve government budgets by doing nothing.
So lock yourself in a Casino shutter the windows and tell everybody to keep playing because we are all winners while a gold rush is being conducted outside.
" Deloitte noted the substantial role bracket creep was playing in budget repair, a point also made recently by the Parliamentary Budget Office. 25% of $20 is $5 but 30% of $21 is $7 you don't have to be Liberal to manage that.
Increased income tax from wages rising with inflation is estimated to amount to $4.6bn in 2019-20, $7.8bn in 2020-21 and $11.2bn in 2021-22."
 “So even though weak wage growth means bracket creep is only creeping along, it is still enough to mean the taxman will grab a bigger slice of pay packets,” Deloitte said."
"But Deloitte predicts the revenue surge will slow in 2019-20, with revenues only $2.1bn ahead of Treasury predictions."
Now the Lie
“What we have seen overall with the economy – and this will obviously be reflected in the next round of national accounts and in budget numbers – is the Australian economy is growing strongly,” he said. Frydenberg

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