Sunday 3 February 2019

Andrew Bolt's Blog,3/2/19; The world Bolt defends; The Nazi salute by kids and the behaviour Bolt supports; Fiscal Honesty; Union Members;

Image may contain: text that says 'Scott Morrison has been calling union members "thugs". The average union member is a 45 year old nurse. He should remember that next time he visits a hospital.'
Do you recognize Andrew Bolt does the same and the majority are WOMEN
Animation showing black silhouettes stand in front of a city skyline made of bank statements.

 Bank shareholders earning billions from our retirement savings - Analysis & Opinion - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Corporate Crime will be forgiven and Indigenous Australians jailed for not paying bills or a Mars bar. (ODT)
Because, as we saw at the commission in all its gory detail, Australians have been ripped off to the tune of billions of dollars and many lives have been ruined by a sector focussed on itself and not its customers.
The royal commission report will be unveiled just weeks after the Productivity Commission revealed how much money Australians are missing out on in their retirements.
Up to half a million dollars, according to the commission, which the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia says is about eight years of comfortable living for a couple.

Free Speech movement allows us to socialize our children in the public space any way we want, hate Jews, indigenous Australians, African Immigrants, and Muslims and not teach the tenets of safe schools. Who are our role models in the public space other than News Corp, Sky News, 2GB, and our LNP government? Andrew Bolt's campaign this week was saving KAK for her KKK attack on Indigenous Australians for protesting Australia Day to the chorus of Bolt yelling what she said was true and that she was the victim of false hate. Will he do the same and declare these anti-Semitic kids from Oakleigh the victims too? Bolt and his son on radio mocked the South Sudanese beauty contest in much the same way and it was sponsored by the IPA Dec 2017. They too must be "victims" and Bolt the exemplary role model for how he raised his son.

However when you read Andrew Bolt is concerned about the position of White Men, Christians, Heterosexuals and manners today you do  know and have the feeling something right is going on.

'Gas the Jews': Teens yell anti-Semitic abuse at boys on a bus


a woman smiling for the camera: Lidia Thorpe appearing on Studio 10.

Lidia Thorpe: 'Here’s what I wasn’t given the chance to say to KAK'


 Here's what Andrew Bolt declare's KAK bashing and reverse racists

  Good Guys, Bad Guys, Scott Morrison And Why Liberals Seem To Be Backing Failure! - » The Australian Independent Media Network

Have the LNP ever been really concerned about "Fiscal Honesty?  It's failure started with no cuts Abbott's failed or false promises back in 2013 (ODT)

Yep, it’s not just a difference in whether you’re a lawbreaker or not that makes you a bad guy in Coalition eyes. And it’s not just a difference in what sort of crime it is; stealing a loaf of bread is evil, but stealing water is understandable. It’s who you are that counts most and, if you wear a suit, why, you must be having a go and we need to be very, very careful about criticising you, because I may have been photographed shaking your hand too many times and trying to tell the public that I’ve washed my hands since, just won’t cut it!

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