What’s more chilling: watching Chernobyl or cogitating the cost of going nuclear?
The sudden push by Murdoch media and Coalition right-wingers to overturn the nuclear power ban ignores the chilling economic cost. According to Noel Wauchope, it’s enough to give we taxpayers an attack of the collywobbles.
The sudden push by the Murdoch media and Coalition right-wingers to overturn Australia’s nuclear power ban ignores the chilling economic cost — huge public subsidies, storing radioactive waste for thousands of years, the heavy costs of decommissioning and, potentially, radiation-related health costs. Veteran nuclear writer Noel Wauchope reports on the popular TV series, Chernobyl, and the economics of nuclear power.
For an elated Herald Sun commentator, Andrew Bolt, it ticked the most important box of all, irritating “the greenies”. “I love the challenge to the welfare culture people and the green lobby”, said Andrew, gleefully glossing over the fact that a new coal-fired power station would entail gargantuan taxpayer subsidies.
“It would bring in low emissions power. This would be a game changer, wouldn’t it Minister,” Sky News host Peta Credlin said to Resources Minister Matt Canavan before her trip to India to conduct public relations for Adani.
“Well look this makes a lotta sense … a broader service for the people of Australia,” Matt told Peta.
It doesn’t stack up
“As for nuclear the 2,200 MW Plant Vogtle [in the US] is costing US$25 billion plus financing costs, insurance and long term waste storage. … For the full cost of US$30 billion, we could build 7,000 MW of wind, 7,000 MW of tracking solar, 10,000 MW of rooftop solar, 5,000MW of pumped hydro and 5,000 MW of batteries. … That is why nuclear is irrelevant in Australia. It has nothing to do with greenies, it’s just about cost and reliability.”
Yes, Andrew Bolt is back along with promoting fake news and stupidity.
Shine Energy: behind the push for a new coal-fired power station
“This ticks so many boxes,” an adamant George Christensen told Seven News. “Local jobs, indigenous self-empowerment, indigenous training, local jobs”.
“It would bring in low emissions power. This would be a game changer, wouldn’t it Minister,” Sky News host Peta Credlin said to Resources Minister Matt Canavan before her trip to India to conduct public relations for Adani.
“Well look this makes a lotta sense … a broader service for the people of Australia,” Matt told Peta.
It doesn’t stack up

United States: The false flag empire
Based on past American behaviour, everybody should be very sceptical of the American claim of Iranian involvement in the recent attack on the oil tankers.
Difficult to pin down when this narrative actually began, but for argument’s sake I’ll posit its start with the recent Australian Federal Election and the plethora of fake news trumpeting a Labor victory.
A successive run of negative polls published over at least two years, pointed to this mythical Labor win.
Indeed, dire poll numbers prompted Malcolm Turnbull’s putsch, which lead to the demise of Tony Abbott and ultimately the triumph of Scott Morrison.
The script suggested a brave new Shorten Labor Government replete with the sparkling post-modern trappings of a new Whitlam/Hawke/Keating imperium.
But the thumping hangover of this self-inflicted delusion is made worse by recent raids on the ABC and a News Corp journalist, both aided and abetted by the home-grown master of the dark art of fake news, the Minister for Home Affairs, Peter Dutton.
The falsity of fake news - » The Australian Independent Media Network
Change for Dutton is simply changing the narrative Asylum Seekers become "illegals" Children held become "guests" those that fly in "OK"(ODT)
“This raid demonstrates a dangerous act of intimidation towards those committed to telling uncomfortable truths.”
Let News Corp bullies fulminate about intimidation, it’s all good publicity to Peter Dutton. Or the cat’s well and truly out of the bag. The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) a military intelligence arm, will be empowered to spy on civilians, as Ms Smethurst said, a move which Dutton says on ABC Insiders Sunday, warrants “a sensible discussion”.
Dutton is of course not bound by fact and embellishes his interview with Annabel Crabb by claiming that “he’d got all children out of detention here in Australia”, whereas, at that very moment, two-year-old Tharunicaa is waiting to celebrate her birthday at the Melbourne Immigration Detention Centre. Her strawberry cheesecake birthday cake is refused entry in yet another reminder of the tenderness and mercy extended to those youngsters yet in Dutton’s care.
On the theme of sensible discussion, Rebekah Holt reports in Crikey that Border Force has previously disputed the definition of detention regarding baby Isabella and her mother Huyen, who are held in the same unit with Tharunicaa and her family. Lawyers and the UN agree, semantics aside, that Isabella is a detained child. Yet the Morrison government insists that the child and some others, be classified as guests to get around the law on detaining children.
Dutton's naked power grab - » The Australian Independent Media Network
The tens of thousands of people arriving by plane to Australia before claiming asylum is a sign the people smuggler trade is evolving, says senator.
Dutton's secret Homeland Ministry is in a state of collapse with an uncontrolled surge of arrivals seeking "Asylum" will start calling them "illegals"? Australia you have been conned. The Fake News has been totally generated by the LNP (ODT)
A significant increase in the number of "plane people" seeking asylum in Australia has resulted in the country's longest refugee wait list in history, according to new figures from the United Nations' peak refugee agency.Over 60,000 people had refugee applications before Australian government officials by the end of 2018 in what is a dramatic uptick from the nearly 30,000-long 2016 waitlist.
Roughly 90 per cent of these applications are denied. But in the several years, it takes to process the claims, "plane people" are granted bridging visas that allow them to work in Australia.
The number of people in Australia on bridging visas increased from 107,000 in 2014 to 230,000 in 2019.
"The UNHCR report confirms a massive increase in the number of people who are in Australia seeking asylum has occurred under Peter Dutton's watch," she said. "In the face of this surge, Mr Dutton has presided over $300 million in budget cuts to weaken our border security."
Australia's refugee wait list doubles with surge of 'plane people'
COLUMN Six years ago I saw powerful men publicly shame a scared 13-year-old girl at the football and protested against this meanness. Result: I now feature in two new films as some kind of racist. Yes, this is the mad race politics of the Adam Goodes conspiracy theory.
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