Saturday, 27 July 2019

Fighting Fake News with Real, 27/7/19; The truth isn't a personal complaint; The faux posturing of a racist who fails to remind us of his track record; Bevis Butthead and Pell;

 Young activists hold up their posters as they take part in a Fridays for Future demonstration for urgent climate action on June 14, 2019 in Hamburg, northern Germany.

'Bravo!' 'Great News!': Cheers as European Investment Bank Unveils Proposal to Stop Funding Fossil Fuel Projects

"With this move, the world's largest multilateral lender is now poised to leave oil, gas, and coal in the past," says Oil Change International, praising it as "a massive step forward on climate leadership."
Image result for Images Andrew Bolt's egg  
 The real Andrew Bolt without makeup

I doubt Andrew Bolt has had any legal advice on this matter and is simply made up his own mind on "Malicious Defamation" to posture loudly and impress his readers and listeners. Secondly, why doesn't he just shut up and test the matter in our courts? If Mr Bolt is so offended would be the most appropriate place to have a judgement made.
The reality of the matter Andrew Bolt and not Marcia Langton has been found guilty of racial vilification under the RDA which he never seems to remind us of in moments like this because it would somehow weaken his posturing presented as an argument.
As for the ABC, there is no evidence that they have called Andrew Bolt anything they merely fulfilled their charter and without prejudice allowed a respected Indigenous Australian on to express her opinions in the public space. In the same way, Andrew Bolt seeks guests out and allows them to express theirs. Fraser Anning, Blair Cotteral, Milo Yianniaopolous, Laura Southern are just a few among many bigots and racists Andrew Bolt has allowed to entertain us. The difference, however, is Andrew Bolt tends to be an active supporter of their opinions and ideas and the ABC is not.
Over the past 4 years, I've heard Andrew Bolt denigrate and mock the South Sudanese Community, not just as individuals but as a race. The fact that they had a Beauty Pageant entertained Andrew Bolt most disgustingly and racially on his son's IPA podcast. His personal belief that he's "more Indigenous " than Australia's first peoples is just signs of his racism. However, more so are the times when he has openly declared whites like himself are the victims of Black Racism rather than Indigenous Australians are to White Racism and all because of their own doing, adherence to the poverty of their own cultures.
Somehow Andrew Bolt likes to maintain he's not racist because he has Aboriginal friends Price, Mundine, and a schoolboy chum all evidence to prove he's not a racist. But more, a remark Marcia Langton once made that was to absolve him for life of anything else he's done or said in the past. Even when found to be lies and racist in tone and intent by a judge.
Just as one sandwich doesn't make a picnic, one statement by Marcia Langton doesn't absolve Andrew Bolt of the totality of his racist attitudes compared to those of the KKK. Over Bolt's history as a broadcaster, the similarities out weigh the differences and even his posturing and bluster in this moment is not uncommon.

I think it's only fair Andrew Bolt has his day in court don't you at his own expense as I doubt very much he'll gain any support from News Corp's legal team in his claim that he's the victim of "malicious defamation". I don't see any need for the ABC to apologise given the latitude Andrew Bolt is given and the public's opinion of him being a leading racist among our media personalities. Maybe he ought to submit to the court of public opinion and allow Australian's to judge.

There is a pattern of defamation here, and I want to know what it will take for the ABC to halt it.
Must I really sue? Bolt
Yes because we'd all like to see you actually stand up for beliefs rather than throw a lot of accusations and mud at the ABC and respected people as if you are the injured party.
I have long declared I don’t believe in suing for defamation, but I am my wits’ end with the national broadcaster vilifying me, and not just in these three examples.
Bolt's demand for a donation of $2000 reminds me of the auction of his "glittered " suit an irrelevant distraction yet again to present himself as the victim in this matter. Bolt never apologises, and if forced to do so it's behind the secrecy of a legal curtain, closed doors and NDAs because the News Corp needs its turd to stay polished.
Bolt-on the other hand is not shy of imploying threat to Langton disguised as advice is he?
"One last suggestion: that you take anger management classes because I believe your public outbursts are likely to bring into disrepute the University of which you are the Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor." Bolt
Your not George Pell Andrew Bolt and in the eyes of Public Opinion guilty as charged so prove your right in the eyes of the law.


What we need to stop the power of the Right-Wing Brainwash is a Boycott of News Corpse's Sky and Foxtel Advertisers.


Image result for foxtel logos

New Beavis and Butthead Movie


Tim Blair: "Long before [Cardinal] George Pell’s wrongful conviction, Britain’s Bishop George Bell was similarly stitched up by the Church of England. Their cases bear striking parallels. As the BBC reported..., one allegation against Bell “was unproven on the basis of it being an ‘unreliable’ account, while another was ‘inherently unconvincing’.” 

However, due process was allowed, and Tim Blair and Andrew Bolt weren't the appointed judges in that case either. Right or wrong, the flip of the coin of opinion won't determine Pell's guilt or innocence. It seems to me Bevis and Butthead are hedging their bets to declare they are better than our justice system should Pell be found innocent. You don't hear the same energy coming from the other side, declaring him guilty. The other side accepts his right of appeal. These two will crow no doubt either way that persons of Pell's stature should be held above our justice system.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marcia Langdon is indefensible pal, you look like an idiot for trying