Young Fogies: Generational change in the LNP - » The Australian Independent Media Network

Thousands of public servants want to quit Peter Dutton's home affairs department | Australia news | The Guardian
Thousands of public servants want to quit Peter Dutton’s home affairs department, with a new report finding staff are suffering low morale, poor engagement and high levels of bullying and harassment.
Is it any wonder morale is so low?

We spin like Trump, but can't talk our way out of recession
Our growth has collapsed over the past three quarters. Wages are flat, job insecurity is mounting, house prices are falling, mortgage stress is significant. We have one of the highest levels of household debt in the world and a majority of households are living payday to payday.
'She was screaming': Family's deportation stopped by last-minute injunction
Dutton shows the way Aussies do it. Let the illegal Operes stay rip the refugee family away and out from their community they are too dangerous. Screw the 200,000 signed petitions. Dutton shows China how to do it the civil way.
The family's lawyer lodged a bid for an emergency injunction late on Thursday night, which was granted by a judge over the phone because of the matter's urgency.
"The officers came down and didn't care, they just dragged her. She was screaming, both girls were screaming. It was very, very traumatic," Ms Cameron said through tears.
Journalist Rebekah Holt, who has become close to the family, last spoke to a distressed Priya about 10pm. Ms Holt said Priya told her that she had been separated from her husband and children.
A Change.org petition has garnered almost 200,000 signatures and the family's plight has received national media attention and prompted protests outside Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton's office in Brisbane.
"They have lived here for over three years and are a caring, hardworking family," petition creator Angela Fredericks wrote.The LNP is like the joke about the Italian tank in WW2. Designed to go with one gear forward 5 gears backward,
This is not a religious freedom bill, it's a licence to hate
But I believe most Australians value the fairness and inclusion that discrimination laws have brought us, and reject the American culture war that some Australian religious leaders want to bring to our shores.
I believe this not least because polls show about 65 per cent of Australians do not believe discrimination should be allowed in the name of religion.
It is now the job of anti-discrimination advocates to mobilise this majority in defence of the fundamental Australian value of a fair go for all.
They have levelled the playing field and provided a fair go for people traditionally disadvantaged by prejudice and stigma. Our system of anti-discrimination protections is one of this nation’s greatest modern achievements.
Now, at the behest of religious leaders who feel their power and privilege slipping away, the federal government wants to punch holes in all these laws.
The bill released on Thursday by Attorney-General Christian Porter will roll back existing protections in a number of ways.The Porter bill reaches its tentacles into areas beyond hate speech. For example, in the area of health care the bill allows some doctors, nurses and other health practitioners to refuse to provide their services on the basis of their religious belief.
Most people will assume this applies to abortion or euthanasia, but it could also see paediatricians refusing to vaccinate the baby of a single mother or gynaecologists refusing to see married lesbian couples.
Each of these retrograde provisions is irksome, but what makes them particularly objectionable is that the Porter bill has such a wide definition of religious belief that it allows the voicing of any old prejudice and resentment.
Worse still, this new license to hate will be weaponised by the appointment of a Religious Freedom Commissioner.
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