'Look At Trump's Twitter': Right-Wing Extremists Declare Victory After Trump Sides With Them Once Again | Crooks and Liars

Murdoch media fuels far-right advertising and recruitment but then blames the Left. Andrew Bolt is the Classic exponent of providing publicity for and enabling Right-Wing provocation and Left-Wing pushback. The above then become The Murdochracy "victims". However 251 mass shootings in the USA in 2019 prove otherwise. Bolt incites violence as has always been the bully's habit. Antifa would have no reason to exist if it weren't for the exceptionalist minority facism of the right-wing. Proud Boys. Lads, 1%ers, UPF, Reclaim Australia Identarians etc etc all give air by Andrew Bolt Rowan Dean and CPAC Australia.(ODT)
Portland rally: Proud Boys vow to march each month after biggest ...
Bolt's Riot in Portland Oregon https://youtu.be/gLHeJwRAur8 could not be more boring and over produced but got the publicity it certainly didn't deserve from none other than Andrew Bolt's PAYWALL selling subs.
Two weeks in the US has shown me how consistently the media Left lies or reports just half the truth. But just two hours at home, looking at the coverage of the Portland riots as Antifa ran amok, gives me all the evidence I need. Contrast the lying CBS headline with the footage below of where almost all the real violence came from.
#VictoriaUniversity https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/news/politics/2019/08/10/murdoch-media-fuels-far-right-recruitment/15653592008581?utm_source=tsp_website&utm_campaign=social_mobile_twitter&utm_medium=social_share …
Empire strikes back: News Corp turns the blowtorch on former Australian reporter
Former social affairs reporter Rick Morton attacked in print and online. Plus: Rowan Dean ignores police over Sydney stabbing attacks
Rick Morton has joined a conga-line of ex-journalists and editors critical of the way Murdoch Media's flagship masthead The Australian operates.
A feature Morton wrote for the Saturday Paper, headlined “Murdoch media fuels far-right recruitment”, was subjected to the blowtorch approach favoured by the Oz when attacking perceived enemies of Rupert Murdoch.
A feature Morton wrote for the Saturday Paper, headlined “Murdoch media fuels far-right recruitment”, was subjected to the blowtorch approach favoured by the Oz when attacking perceived enemies of Rupert Murdoch.
Morton’s sin was to report on an unpublished academic paper from Victoria University, which, among other things, identified the sources of articles that were being shared most by far-right Facebook groups. “The soon-to-be-published research shows violent extremists latch on to and are ‘emboldened’ by news coverage and columns, which they see as adding credibility to their cause,” Morton wrote.
In a later chapter of The Far-Right in Contemporary Australia, University of Newcastle professor of sociology Pamela Nilan notes the particular influence that sympathetic coverage in The Australian had on the self-proclaimed “patriot” group Soldiers of Odin Australia.
“Between The Australian and far-right websites, an identity politics of white victimhood is worked into a saga of grievance against the threatening and undeserving Muslim other, even though there is little evidence linking immigration and criminality in Australian cities,” she writes.
“The link is semiotic, with one element in the narrative tied to another by inference, not evidence.
“The twinned account of a conspiracy to enforce Sharia and a Muslim crime wave that threatens society, taken together, build an ‘apocalyptic narrative’, one that supporters can collectively accredit as representing reality.”
The fear and loathing that follow the “respectable” debates in the media are a lot harder to control and far more dangerous.
When all News outlets are added up, they make up the largest source of content shared by the far-right groups on Facebook. News Corp, including Sky News and all the mastheads, make up 7.2% of shared content, ahead of the Daily Mail on 7.1%, Nine digital on 6.6% and YouTube on 2.2%.
As for The Australian's front page denial and the Universities support
As for the university rejecting the Saturday Paper’s report, that is not clear-cut either. In a carefully worded statement in response to questions from the Oz, the uni confirmed that its research found that “mainstream media content was used extensively by far-right groups”. The lead researcher, Debra Smith, recommended Morton’s “powerful” article in a tweet on Saturday.
As for the university rejecting the Saturday Paper’s report, that is not clear-cut either. In a carefully worded statement in response to questions from the Oz, the uni confirmed that its research found that “mainstream media content was used extensively by far-right groups”. The lead researcher, Debra Smith, recommended Morton’s “powerful” article in a tweet on Saturday.
Preferred facts from a Murdochian
Rowan Dean has no trouble connecting Islam to crime and terror, but he has all the trouble in the world doing the same for White Nationalist violence with Terrorism. If events do occur, it then lapses into the Trumpist excuse blaming Video games and Mental Illness the stereotypical avoidance of the facts. Dean has no issue providing Blair Cotteral and other Right-wing crusaders a platform on his show The Outsiders and his magazine The Spectator allowing them to become Australia's inspiration for The likes of Christchurch shooter. As Trump says these are good people Patriots fighting the forces of evil like Antifa
Sky News Australia host Rowan Dean did not want to listen to the authorities when they said mental illness was behind Tuesday’s stabbing in Sydney, which left one woman dead and one injured.Police commissioner Mick Fuller said the attacks were not being treated as a terrorist attack but the 20-year-old did have “some ideologies in relation to terrorism” and the joint counter-terrorism team would examine if the terrorism threat needed to be reassessed.
The Spectator Australia editor said the “hairsplitting” between mental illness and terrorism was “laughable and an insult” to our intelligence. Dean far preferred the conclusions reached by far-right commentator Katie Hopkins in the UK that it was an act of Islamic terrorism.
Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins)
6 people thought stabbed. One poor woman dead - throat slit. Another stabbed in the backAugust 13, 2019
And naturally police say it’s ‘nothing to do with Islam’ or ‘terror’ despite witnesses reporting the attacker was muttering religious slogans including 'Allahu Akbar#Sydneystabbing
“He’s yelling around ‘Allahu Akbar’ and waving around a knife, that’s enough evidence you need that he was inspired by the ideology of radical Islam, which sets out to inspire mentally ill individuals and non-mentally ill individuals to go and murder people.”
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