Workers’ wage rises lowest on record.
THE WAGES SLUMP the Abbott Government plunged Australia into back in 2014 is now firmly entrenched. More than five years after the first failed budget by disgraced former Coalition Treasurer, Joe Hockey, workers’ wages are increasing at the lowest rates since records have been kept. It is unlikely there has been a worse period in Australia’s history for workers receiving a fair share of the nation’s vast wealth.
This dismal news emerged from the quarterly wages figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) last Wednesday.
Global comparisons
Tradingeconomics.com has data on wage growth for 30 developed countries, current to March or June this year for most. The average rise after allowing for inflation is 2.27%.Australia’s puny 0.82% ranks a dismal 21st out of those 30 countries. Down in the bottom one third.
This is the time when workers should be earning a fair share of the nation’s vast wealth and investing in homes for now and superannuation for the future. The nation should be investing in the quality of life for all citizens now – especially those doing it tough – and in infrastructure for the future.
It seems the rich foreign controllers of the Coalition parties have decided to grasp as much as they can while they can and to hell with the Australian people. Because eventually, surely, one day, citizens must wake up to what is going on and call a halt.

Australia is the world's third-largest exporter of CO2 in fossil fuels ...
Australia is the world's third-largest exporter of CO2 in fossil fuels ...

We represent 0.3% of the world's population however and are listed as 14th on the world's largest emitters of Greenhouse gasses list and are ahead of 40 other listed nations. If global warming is seen as a worldwide problem. Australia has a significant obligation to do something in and attempted resolution of this problem. Because it's the biggest exporter of Coal in the world and the 3rd biggest exporters of fossil fuels. Scott Morrison wants to hide the image but not the action or responsibility.
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