Sunday, 20 October 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 20/10/19 Charity and Statistics; Water Water Everywhere but not...; Political Prisoner; Spanish Riots; ABC Head and Shoulders above the rest;

Australia  has been ranked among the world's most generous nations

'Extraordinarily high': Two postcodes stand out for charitable giving

For every $100 Australia earns as a nation it gives just 21 cents in official foreign aid – the least generous share on record. On current trends that share will dwindle to 17 cents for every $100 of national income by the end of next decade.
Australia has tumbled down the league table of foreign aid donors as a result.
Back in 1995, Australia was ranked 9th for the share of national income we committed to overseas aid. But the latest comparison shows Australia had slumped to 19th out of 29 donor countries, and could soon drop even lower.
It’s hard to argue Australia is one of the world's most generous nations when it has such a stingy record on foreign aid.

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Chaos in Catalonia: Locking up independence leaders for 13 years – what could possibly go wrong? 

 Chaos in Catalonia: Locking up independence leaders for 13 years – what could possibly go wrong?

So how well did the decision to lock up nine senior figures from Catalonia’s independence movement go down? Well, the protest fires burning on the streets of Barcelona tell you everything you need to know. 
 Barcelona mayhem: Clashes with police as ‘half a million’ pro-independence supporters rally amid general strike (PHOTO, VIDEO)
Barcelona mayhem: Clashes with police as ‘half a million’ pro-independence supporters rally amid general strike (PHOTO, VIDEO)
A huge crowd with Catalan flags has paralysed central Barcelona as people from all across the region protested the harsh prison sentences for pro-independence leaders by the Spanish court and called for parting ways with Madrid.

Michael Rowland

Mad as hell: ABC host Michael Rowland steaming over News Corp latte insult

The Australian

 The “shitty rag” maybe a little disappointed after picking up just two Walkley nominations, an unfortunate tally for editor-in-chief Chris Dore. The Oz got one for cartoonist Jon Kudelka, who has resigned to join Schwartz Media’s Saturday Paper, and one for associate editor Cameron Stewart for a feature in the Weekend Australian Magazine, “Joe Hockey’s Game”. Senior reporter Ean Higgins was also nominated in the Walkley book award longlist for The Hunt for MH370; as was business writer Damon Kitney for his book The Price of Fortune: The untold story of being James Packer. The ABC was nominated for 16 Walkley awards, including 25 finalists and Nine Entertainment was nominated in 14 categories.

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