Monday, 11 November 2019

Fighting Fake News wit REAL,11/11/19; The WOKE Bushfires McCormack claims are normal; Victoria leads Australia but Australia doesn't lead the world; Police equipped with TOYS;

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, fire and text

Burning properties in Rainbow Flat after fire from the Hillville Fire broke containment lines and crossed the Pacific Highway.

Deputy PM says linking bushfires to climate change is 'woke capital-city greenies ravings' – politics live

The fact that weather extremes have been a record-breaking global phenomenon, particularly in their intensity suggests there is an element of Global warming involved and a shift in weather patterns and extreme events accompanying them. The actuaries in Insurance Companies sure think, so premiums aren't getting cheaper. Conservatives aren't arguing against these premium rises or the actuarial results but are insisting that weather extremes are fewer. (ODT)

I’m confident that our national government, when the smoke and dust settles, will finally see the obvious and understand the word “unprecedented”. I’m sure it will then start to take decisive action to tackle the base cause – greenhouse emissions - then use the high moral ground to lean on other countries to also do the right thing.

 NSW bushfires: What's different about the NSW mega fires and why this is not normal


 The Veja Mate offshore wind farm in Germany.

Testing begins for first offshore wind farm in Australia

 Inventing the wheel; offshore wind farms are a given throughout the world and have been for decades. This headline makes it sound as if we are head of the global scientific pack rather than the Australian when in fact we have been global laggards when it comes to renewables. Not so the States it seems (ODT)

Australia's the first offshore wind farm is being proposed for the south coast of Gippsland − with enough power for more than 1.2 million homes

 A police officer wears a body-worn camera.

Victoria Police

Call for overhaul: Police can deactivate body cameras, edit footage

 All show when body Cameras' only real applications are as toys for police, family pics, and somewhere to put taunting EAD stickers (ODT)

Victoria Police guidelines say that officers have the discretion to decide if or when they choose to switch the device on or off, and what to provide to courts and lawyers.

Fake and Twisted News

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ABC host Fran Kelly admits she should have confronted one of the four panellists on Q&A who defended or even called for violence: "I needed to challenge the assertion that killing men is the answer to violence against women." But what about the activist who called on Aborigines to "burn stuff"? Kelly is still silent.
22m ago

 Image result for Images of "i'm the victim here"


COLUMN The ABC has declared war on our culture: broadcasting calls for political violence, broadcasting cheers and applause for an attack on a conservative columnist, and now programming new shows to hype the climate scare, savage the Catholic church, promote Aboriginal grievance and bizarrely reinvent Aboriginal history

It's quite clear why News Corp posted a huge financial loss. When their best and brightest spend a week reporting and repeating the same message on the same topic for a whole week and does it so often it stretches into the whole year you don't have a News Paper let alone a TV show capable of competing on any level. All you get is a lazy arsehole who hopes he can stay relevant but isn't.

Simply look back through the week and see if even find any different banners. Fran Kelly and Q&A have been the subject od Bolt's complaint the whole week. Is he pretending he's a whistleblower? The same can be said of the 11,000 scientists an argument that makes Bolt look like a statistical moron. Some could say "Mickey Mouse" was put into the survey simply to gauge its reaction and Bolt is the sucker that chewed on the gratuitous morsel. After all 6 errors in 11,000 isn't proof of anything other than Bolt's plagiarised somebody else's argument or he's as dumb as we think.

As for the ABC declaring war on Culture is really saying The ABC reminds us that Multiculturalism exists and is a way of life in Australia ridiculing those that believe they are the actual owners of Australian Culture. "Hyping the Climate Scare": given the majority of Australians actually believe in Climate Change and the frantic frenzy is heard 50% of the time in the media and is really only the voice of 3% the "Hyping" isn't the sound of informed comment reported on the matter. Simply look at Bolt's banner, and you will see the BS in his assertion. The ABC didn't "invent" the criticism of the Catholic Church, Aboriginal grievance or reinvent Aboriginal History. It reports that these grievances exist and there are Australians who believe they have some validity.

Bolt, on the other hand, spent the week yelling liar, liar pants of fire and News Corp wonder why they are making a loss? 



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