Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 12/11/19; Rhetorical questions banned from the ABC; LNP Bushfires & McCormack; Australia's Dry Day; No Direct Proof that Climate Change causes lung cancer either; Greens are nuts McCormack is worse; Toxic eqivalence;

Buttrose pulls 'offensive' Q&A episode in Aunt Lydia-style censorship

Buttrose pulls 'offensive' Q&A episode in Aunt Lydia-style censorship

If you were labouring under the belief that women are free to express ourselves in 2019, last week’s episode of Q&A should put paid to that.
 The panel consisted of five women and one non-binary person and was chaired by veteran broadcaster and presenter, Fran Kelly. The ABC apparently received over 200 complaints about bad language and what was interpreted by some viewers to be an incitement to violence.
This “incitement” was, in fact, Egyptian-born feminist, journalist and writer Mona Eltahawy asking a rhetorical question about how many rapists we have to kill before men stop raping us. Hardly an incitement to violence, more a profound expression of intolerable frustration at the unwillingness of governments and institutions to adequately protect women and children from sexual assault.
 ABC Managing Director David Anderson declared there would be an investigation into whether the program had breached editorial standards. Chair Ita Buttrose has confirmed that the episode will be pulled from all platforms and will not be repeated. Quite why Ms Buttrose would make this arbitrary decision prior to the commencement of an investigation is something of a mystery.

'Inner-city raving lunatics': Deputy PM's bushfire comments prompt rebuke from mayors 

Michael McCormack says those trying to link climate change and bushfires are "woke greenies" — but mayors from fire-ravaged areas of NSW say there is no doubt in their minds that the devastating blazes tearing through their communities are a result of climate change.

'Fairly unusual': The day it forgot to rain on Australia

The aftermath of fire in Rainbow Flat near the Pacific Highway on November 9.

Old hat': Is there a link between climate change and bushfires?

As Sydney braces for its first-ever day of catastrophic fire danger, it's worth recapping what scientists think about the links between bushfire risks and a warming world. Is there a link with climate change?
Header media
Australian news
Barnaby Joyce says people who died in NSW fires most likely 'voted for the Green Party'
The former deputy PM was addressing his comments relating to the Greens and their position on backburning when he told Sky News: “The two people who died were most likely people who voted for the Green party.” He was referring to people who died in the bushfires in New South Wales.




 The Greens claim global warming is causing the NSW fires, and blame Prime Minister Scott Morrison personally. Here's the science that shows their claim is sick and so wrong that it's deranged. The Greens are just exploiting a tragedy to peddle a fake scare and a fake cure. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
5m ago

 How massive is Bolt's ego? Declaring "What Pitman said when he thought I was, wasn't listening"" Bolt doesn't mention California why? He does, however, the cold snap on the East coast Coldest weather on record in America"  With a collection of media grabs rattled off at speed Bolt attacks Warmists for their "cut and paste" efforts to support Global Warming. Andrew Bolt is the "fool" when he makes out that Global Warming is a single factor that can be denied when it comes to bushfires. However, as far as science is concerned, Warming isn't a "single cause". It's always been far more complicated than that and trends have indicated "warming" is an indirect addition not to just any single event but a "Trend" that's been occurring globally.
It's ever so easy to ignore California's unprecedented bushfires the worst on record. Or the continued burning of the Amazon. The unique dryness of the Qld rain forest. However, it's not as easy to ignore the TREND to EXTREME weather which is increasing along with warming and emission levels in the atmosphere. Comparing individual events on particular dates just doesn't cut it. PITMAN was right when he corrected himself and omitted the word DIRECT. That there is no "direct" connection between Global Warming and extreme weather just as there is no direct connection between smoking and lung cancer. Bolt has grabbed on Pitman's admitted error like a drowning man onto a straw and has hung onto it like a PITBULL. The same as deniers did working for big Tobacco.
As for the politics, Bant and warming activists are on opposite sides of the fence to Bolt's whose yelling back-patting and cheering on his team of idiots like McCormick ignoring the real Science that takes into account Trends and not just single events.
On Trend, the planet is warming. Bolt was the idiot that spent years telling us it wasn't that planet was cooling. Now even he is admitting at is "slightly" but denies any significant or direct effect on the earth. Science isn't the only discipline that takes into account TRENDS actuaries do to, and Insurance Companies and Business react on those studies and premiums are going up not down which Bolt logic that everything is better should reflect but doesn't. Premiums have gone up not just due to inflation like your medical insurance if you're a smoker. However, because of the indirect effect of Climate Change and the trend in the intensity of extreme weather. Business, finance and global politics are paying attention to these Trends which  Bolt claims should be ignored because "weather is weather" just as they once did "cancer is cancer" denying any connection between smoking and lung cancer. Bolt's preaching isn't stemming the tide of change which like the oceans, is rising. (ODT)

Dare I say Adam Bant agrees what is being said here that our politicians have ignored the effects of the build-up of fuel and other conditions over recent years. States that have also been indirectly affected by Climate Change. Bolt seems to be supporting Bant who said it's time governments stopped ignoring these real issues a stopped saying what we keep hearing so often from politicians and Andrew Bolt " the weather is the weather" and that it's only the "belief" in climate change that makes things SEEM worse rather than are WORSE.
If as Bolt and Abbott claim global warming is good, it accelerates green growth then here is Bolt saying the increased fuel-ready to burn is the result of Climate Change coupled with politicians ignoring the fact. The wind patterns in our weather don't operate in isolation either. Greens don't "benefit" from bushfires, but it certainly fuels their arguments more than they do Andrew Bolt's just calling them scaremongers to be ignored.

 Reverse Genderism and Systemic Feminism don't exist but an understandable reaction to Systemic and "toxic masculinity" does. It's reflected in all our institutions whereas Bolt's "toxic femininity" the reaction anger and the demand for change isn't the same. There isn't even an equivalence. One wonders why Bolt even tries to stir the pot other than to maintain the status quo. We have heard him complaining that he's the only breadwinner in his family. Yes whinging that he had to take his family on holiday. That's what Bolt deems female domestic violence is and it's equivalent to male.
Bolt's been on a crusade for over a week now on a daily campaign to denigrate 5 women who appeared on Q&A and the ABC a moronic campaign of abuse of Fran Kelly largely claiming her incompetence her fear when radical women get together they spew "toxic feminity". The "toxic feminity" if it at all exists is the Victorian attitudes and mindset Daisy Cousen's parodies. That no longer really exist in modern-day Australia It's unusual to see a union of 5 women on the show that certainly is a threat to the dominance of men running Bolt's little overproduced obsolete production that supported News Corp's $306 mill quarterly loss. Bolt's in the business of promoting himself as sooo much better than Fran Kelly.
Let's rmind ourselves he tried to do that to Miranda Divine and was sent packing so much so he's no longer got a radio gig.

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