Saturday, 23 November 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL,23/11/19; Dr Pitman was right there is an Indirect connection between Climate Change and bushfires; However there's human divide; Cyclones and Climate Change;

Bushfire disaster blame falls on coal companies

Bushfire disaster blame falls on coal companies

Our government's insistence on using coal as an energy source can be directly linked to the catastrophic bushfire situation.

Worker takes a few days off to help dad save home from bushfires, then gets the sack

  • With catastrophic conditions looming and a friend already having lost his house, Beau Carroll sent work a text saying he needed to defend the family home. After three days battling blazes, he found out he was fired.
      Newcastle Council said it "rejects Mr Carroll's suggestion that his short-term contract ended due to him fighting fires."
    Newcastle Council is run by idiots it appears who have little or no consideration or care for what was occurring at the time were they on fire? They were certainly in a rush it would appear. (ODT)

Sydney and Melbourne will most likely be exposed to more intense hail storms, tropical cyclones will track further south and bushfire risks will increase in most of Australia as the climate warms, new research shows.

Storm brewing over cyclone insurance proposal

Insurance companies are pressing for stronger action on climate change to deal with soaring premiums for Australians exposed to natural disasters.

 In the meantime deniers and media spruikers from the Murdoch stable are telling Australia there are "fewer cyclones" doing less damage and harm than ever before. While the government denying emissions are part of the problem wants the whole country to pay for the resultant damage as if it were normal rather than exceptional and subsidize these weather extremes.  Rather than do anything about climate change. (ODT)



Another day of warnings of "catastrophic" fire conditions, this time in South Australia. No one dead, thank God, and property losses limited. The damage is bad, but this language of catastrophe seems deliberately alarmist and can't be healthy. But it lets Leftist media overseas use these fires to keep up the warming scare. From The Bolt Report.
Andrew Bolt's arguments about NO connection between warming, Drought, Bushfires, and Cyclones are based on attacking Scientists for the slightest slip of the tongue followed up by the admission of no direct causal connections admitted. This denier's approach isn't based on the slightest interest in truth or science, but it's denial for the interests of the IPA, LNP, and it's donors, all of which News Corp depends for its bottom line. It's the same arguments the Tobacco industry has been running since science dared suggest there was a connection but not direct between smoking and cancer. That's how original Andrew Bolt is. A salesman who claims he invites debate but simply runs a parallel argument to others before but never really engages on his shows columns or blogs his excuse "He's Shy." 

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