Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Monday, 22 June 2020
Fighting Fake News with REAL,22/6/20 ; The unrelenting attacks on the ABC ar intended to Blinker Australia; What you won't find ina Murdochian World; You don't grow an Economy without Spending $$ but on what is important;
Unrelenting attacks: News Corp alleges the ABC is 'too left-wing' 1)Death to critical thinking. 2) It's too progressive for the IPA 3) Providing all sides of an argument leads to people at the bottom have second thoughts about sharing fairness, justice and the common good 4) It questions merit property and inheritance. This article is too polite (ODT)
The first three come from Sky News commentary and the fourth result is an article by The Australian. The emotion-laden headlines read:
The ABC is a left-wing blob of boring, woke views;
ABC becoming too right-wing' following 'occasional conservative guest;
The ABC no longer even pretends to be balanced; and
Forces from within are destroying the ABC.
The notion that "the ABC is too left-wing" seems to be gaining momentum. It appears that News Corp has played a significant role in furthering this narrative.
So, if there is no evident reason to say the ABC is "too left-wing", why does News Corp persist with the label? Here are four possible answers:
A commercial ploy to draw viewers away from the ABC. Sky News’ target demographic is 'over 55s'. This group is also the ABC's traditional demographic. They are direct competitors;
Attacking the ABC shifts the credibility "goalposts". News Corp's journalism starts to appear more "enticing" when the ABC's character is dragged through the mud. The majority of Australians view the ABC as the most trusted news source. It's in News Corp's interest for this to change;
News Corp is a multibillion-dollar company looking out for its profit margin. It makes economic sense for them to be wary of any news outlet that provides a stage for any political party aiming to dent their bottom line. Affording the Labor party significant airtime (remember Shorten’s line "tax the top end of town") detracts from the positive light they shine on the Coalition, renowned for cutting corporate tax and diluting worker's rights; and
Deepening the political divide. In reality, the labelling of persons, politicians or media platforms as "left or right-wing" does nothing but entrench a sense of tribalism. This further polarises the voting public, creating an environment where emotions are manipulated for political and commercial gain.
In the end, Australian voters would be wise not to take the one-liner "the ABC is too left-wing" at face value, especially considering the potential motives behind such a statement.
You won't find this in The Australian or on Sky News you will find outright denial and the praising of the Hancock's today. When truth takes a back seat to profit and news (ODT)
Yes, I would argue that the total extermination of Australia’s Indigenous people was deliberately intended. If not by the bullet, then by the policies of those governments that saw them as a stain on white purity. God favoured the white man and they set out to do His work. For those who missed the link to Hancock’s vile proposal …
Before and after this crisis LNP debt was x5 that of the ALPs under Wayne Swan. Not discussed in a Murdochian world. Former treasurer Peter Costello says Australian government debt could hit a trillion dollars because of the COVID-19 crisis — and it's money that would unlikely be paid back.
At the start of the crisis, the Federal Government had more than $570 billion of debt, more than five times what it got to after the global financial crisis.
We hear a lot from our politicians about grandchildren and how grandchildren will be lumped with horrendous debts unless the Budget is balanced. Never mind that the politicians cited above have presided over an astronomical rise in Australia’s debt. Balancing the Budget sounds eminently sensible to the shopkeeper from the Liberal Party base. Yet the problem with the grandchildren assertion is that it is a half-sentence. If our grandchildren are to be paying off the debt, whom will they be paying? Will Josh Frydenberg’s grandchildren be paying Mathias Cormann’s grandchildren? It is a question of enormous importance now as Australia is in deep recession and, come September, two million people will be coming off JobKeeper perhaps straight onto JobSeeker, underemployment is through the roof; and the Morrison government’s plan to fix all this seems to be appears to be cutting corporate taxes, wages and red tape and pursuing austerity rather than expansion.
Don't shrink the economy grow it or you will be fucked!!
The Monthly and The Saturday Paper are owned by the publisher of Salt, by Bruce Pascoe. Last year the Saturday Paper made
20 errors in attacking my claims that Pascoe is not Aboriginal and his
history is false. But The Monthly has since admitted Pascoe "regularly exaggerates and embellishes" and makes claims "not supported by the source material".
19m ago
Andrew Bolt pointing fingers at someone who has allegedly been accused of what Andrew Bolt admits motivated the course of his career years ago. His dislike of work and verification of data stands out like Everest on the Nullarbor. Bolt left the effort and search for primary sources and their verification years ago to be an obituary writer. He is a self-claimed hater of the severe discipline and standards required of an investigative journalist.
However, how does Andrew Bolt present himself today? Book covers tell us he's an Australian expert on climate change false. An expert on Islam, terrorism, immigration and a wide number of topics when we know he abhors the work required to be a specialist of anything. Yet here we have Bolt accusing Bruce Pascoe of being another Andrew Bolt. Whatsmore Bolt's using an unnamed unverified secondary source.
Yesterday Bolt accused the ABC of interviewing Pascoe, whose openly declared his bloodlines are uncertain as if Pascoe was the only interview conducted by them which is absolute crap an exaggeration and not the case. Bolt needs to first have the credibility that he's done the work Pascoe has before believable mudslinging. Pascoe, on the other hand, is comfortable leaving Bolt slinging and dancing like Rumpelstiltskin and ignoring him. One fact Pascoe's work will be around a lot longer than Andrew Bolt's.
The Mocker singles out the claims of some race hypocrites. There's the ABC's Julia Baird, demanding we “accept the truth of history” and saying statue destroyers have "thrilled this historian’s heart." There's Professor Larissa Behrendt, demanding more "respect" for Aborigines. But do they mean this? Do their deeds match their words?
22m ago
A hell of a lot more than Lang Hancock's did in resolving the issues of modern-day indigenous Australia and Hancock's suggestions were and still are representative of Australia's shameful racist thinking today, Thinking for which Andrew Bolt claims he isn't to blame. Bolt keeps his heritage locked away tightly and never speaks of it. The attempted genocide of the Dutch Jews during WW2. It was the most successful program of any nation during WW2. That's two histories Bolt loves to deny or not speak about. He's after all just a cabbage patch doll who popped up out of nowhere plucked to be a millionaire working for a billionaire to spin his stories which are largely the same as Hancock's.
There is an attitude that ignores and allows them to blow up heritage sites like the pyramids to simply get at the treasure below and then PR their way out of those crimes because we know nobody really cares about that minority or will be jailed for what can be deemed a simple mistake and erased wit a sorry as nobody was in the past in this country.
What was that truth Julia can't handle and the truth Bolt hides?
Victoria's new Local Government Minister, Danny Pearson, has suggested memorialising Stalin's generals to honour "the great contribution the Red Army made in supporting Western liberal democracy by … destroying fascism”. That is before they went on to crush democracy and freedom across nearly half of Europe.
1h ago
To date history, as taught has been how America and the West saved us from Fascism don't mention too loudly that Hitler lost the war as did Napoleon on the Russian front in the middle of winter. Don't mention the Dutch collaboration in Jew hunting was so eagre that they killed directly or indirectly 80% of their Jewish citizens far more percentage-wise than even the Germans did. Bolt doesn't want it known that Anne Frank was an exception and not the norm in Dutch Jewish history. Bolt's family origins are still today found in Aalsmeer the most notorious Jew-hating town in WW2. Bolt is like the Dutch who hid that history for 40 years and want it to be kept silent while the world's Jews want their story told. He doesn't, let alone that it be taught as modern European history in Dutch schools. The Germans teach their dark past as early as primary school. Why doe's Bolt insist only myth be taught like Hitler did?
COLUMN Our race hustlers have caught another racist! It’s their biggest catch since footballer Adam Goodes called a 13-year-old girl the “face” of “Australian racism”. And the best bit about catching actor Eliza Scanlen is that it will scare the rest of us into bending the knee.
1h ago
Andrew Bolt would have you jailed before he got on bended knee. He prefers to lie before ever saying sorry and he's been caught out and found guilty doing it time and time again in our courts. He's folded like a cheap suit simply by the threat of being taken to court.
Bolt has made a public fool of himself with his personal attacks on Adam Goodes. Cherry-picking Goodes's words to throw back as racist barbs. Bolt never puts the story in context or applies any critical thought to what actually occurred and why a 12-year-old girl was aping and representative of white Australia on the day. Even after the girl apologised Bolt has been bellowing victim in her defence using her as his tool. Bolt continues to force on her what he wants not what she does today.
I may not know why Bolt is abusing and accusing Scanlen but given his history, it will, we know, be based a single event where any wild generalisation will provide Bolt with a fool's picnic.
COLUMN On Saturday, the ABC twice interviewed a white man to explain his pain as an Aborigine. Yes, the ABC marked the Black Lives Matter protests by getting a white — “historian” Bruce Pascoe — to play a black. And not once did an ABC journalist ask the obvious question of Pascoe, author of the best-selling Dark Emu.
2h ago
The only reason Bolt feels he has the balls to say what he does here is because Bruce Pascoe has actually given him permission to by admitting his indigenous history is uncertain however his identity isn't. Had Bolt been repeating this to those others he was found guilty of vilifying Bolt would be entertaining himself at the governments' pleasure. However, he's not Derryn Hinch
BLM, by the way, isn't an exclusively a black racial movement and the ABC didn't "only" interview Bruce Pascoe as Bolt suggests here. Bolt would like us to believe he's fighting a just and righteous white cause like Hinch did child molesters but he's certainly no Derryn Hinch.
He's more Pascoe's PR representative who has people rushing out to buy Bruce's books and listen to his interviews. He, on the other hand, Bruce does little to increase the psychologically disturbed Bolt's ratings.
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