Thursday, 18 June 2020

Who's Really Looting America? with Robert Reich; Branch Stacking Morrison wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Branch stacking; Trump's diplomacy has had a single minded focus since 2017 himself;

The hypocrisy and lies coming from our Federal LNP and Conservative voters is getting out of control.
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  While the uneducated scream for Daniel Andrews to resign, one can only laugh at the audacity of these people screaming over something that their Prime Minister was involved in his electorate in 2007.
If the branch stacking in the electorate of Cook and the Daily Telegraph lies about Michael Towke hadn’t happened we wouldn’t be stuck with the worst Prime Minister in Australian history. 
 The LNP Dirt Brigade had no real bombs to attack Dan with. The Royal Commission had found the Unions to be fundamentally "clean" and great Superannuation managers. So what dirt could they turn to but the very old ground of "branch stacking" which all Parties do does and isn't illegal? However, how to make an explosion of it? Of course, don't use News Corp it would be too obvious use the new kid on the block the over-eager to please Ch9 who Sponsored the $10k per head LNP fundraiser. They were falling over backwards to compete with and mimic the  Murdoch business model of doing LNP PR for their IPA policy list. What better than 60 minutes Sunday night and the front pages of The Age and SMH the next morning. The thunder is more important than the fact we have heard it all before. Get Dan and let it reverberate. Who the fuck is Somyurek Oh that's right he was called out for this years ago and it went away.
Murdoch and Ch9 aren't going to bite the hand that feeds them and remind us of the fact that Morrison wouldn't be PM if it weren't for some fancy "branch stacking" in 2007, would he?

President Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan, in June 2019.The

episode described by Bolton in his book, The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir, bears striking similarities to the actions that resulted in Trump's impeachment after he sought to pressure the Ukrainian president to help dig up dirt on Democratic rival Joe Biden in exchange for military assistance.




Actor Michelle Law: "I guess what I'm saying is Burn It All Down." Can we start with your house, Michelle, and the SBS which has funded you? Law also proves the revolution eats its own, turning on Coon cheese persecutor Josh Thomas: "

Misogynist, racist Hansonite China baiter Andrew Bolt should be nervous given that the White LNP Party seem to have turned their backs on the Murdochs, consequently him and is now up close and personal doing the Quid pro Quo rumba with Peter Costello's Ch9. Is there going to be a major PR shift coming? A new challenger and accelerant to Murdoch's money bleed?

 It seems Bolt is left fighting over what is better regarded as the Dorothy Dixer scraps and the Kardashian sideshow events to try to garner attention. Unfortunately, Josh Thomas isn't Milo enough to get the attention Bolt demands Josh even apologised for his misdoings before Andrew Bolt could draw breath and try to be his Gallahad. Now Josh and Michelle seem ready to stand shoulder to shoulder facing Klanner Bolt with matches in hand ready to burn his robes along with Ernie Dingo I'm certain whose with them in spirit while stuck in walled-off WA. Ernie would love to join them in the righteous match-striking event. 



Oh no! What will the statue-destroyers on The Guardian do now? Their own newspaper was created by a man-made rich by slaves! The funniest thing is to see the race warriors on the Guardian Australia suddenly lost for words.
1h ago 
So Andrew Bolt admits "slavery" was a major preoccupation of the British East India Company's for profit along with drug running, piracy and central to his mythical notion of "free trade".  By extrapolation, all of the British elite were "slave traders" given the importance of the company to their economy. Trade to them was anything but "free" nor was it to the Dutch British Spanish Portuguese or the Belgians and Lebanese Africa was a source of free labour and it was exploited. Britain might be regarded as running a slave and drug economy.
 Bolt has a very selective approach to history hiding the bad and glorifying only those myths that which propagandise and justify the inglorious colonial past. The present tends to be stringently guarded by a historical prism of myths and an increasingly array of militarized forces of varied police both public and privately funded along with an increasingly expanding and costly Defence Force whose job it seems is to jump to the demands of America more than any real need here in Australia. The claim, however, is that the ADF is there to protect us from any Asian invasion.
When will multicultural Australia wake from the private opioid spin and PR put out by privatised media and realise diversity is something to celebrate and not be fearful of and Democracy is the only system that guarantees individual freedoms? While SBS and the ABC are non-government agencies established to check, balance and audit any institutional abuse.


COLUMN Has this country gone out of its mind? Everywhere we look, hysterics, offence-takers, scolds, liars and race-hustlers run riot. Yesterday I drank a beer — a very good one — made by the family-owned Colonial Brewing Company. But that company is now in trouble because some fool insists its beer is racist.
1h ago 
"some fool" shows just demonstrates Bolt's method of logic. He generally selects individual samples and universalises them as representative of some vague majority of new radical thought that's surrounding us. The opposite is the case and they remain a thought and currently being debated. His drinking of a "very good beer" is his action to demonstrate that he's a stalwart protector at the battleground front a culture war. When the Colonial Brewing Company made a sale that probably wouldn't have happened to a dickhead. The consequence having Andrew Bolt trying to defend them, in fact, might just lose them sales and further encourage them to the idea of a name change.
 Tony Abbott's "Captains Choice" was "some fool" wanting to restore "knighthoods"in the belief there was general support Bolt was there backing him suggesting it was the nations want too. It was quite the opposite nobody wanted to remain on the motherlands tit.
If the Colonial Brewing Company wants or feels it should change its name and brand for marketing reasons shouldn't they be allowed to? Or should they be beholding to the selective thoughts of Andrew Bolt the lonely individual social distancer whose best friends seem these days to be a couple of trained magpies?


COLUMN Truth is dead at the taxpayer-funded national broadcaster. The ABC is now shameless in spreading falsehoods, not least against critics like me. Take Paul Barry, host of the ABC’s Media Watch, supposedly dedicated to exposing falsehoods in the media. He's suggested I'm racist for - supposedly - calling black protesters "savages".  Now for the facts.
1h ago 

The current media furore of the past few days has been notably missing in Bolt's commentaries and ads for subs. It's massive editorial change noted in Peter Costello's Ch9's takeover of Fairfax and the resignation of their editor along with the petition signed by 70 journalists against the obvious right-wing jump to go head to head with News Corp for the filthy lucre favour of the LNP  and it's IPA donors.
Semantics doesn't improve Bolt's position here either. They just make him look the waste of time he in fact is. He called BLM protesters "barbarians and has done that more than once. This posturing denial is simply Bolt trying to get an anti-ABC rise from his clutch of brooding conservatives. The fact is the ABC rates daily higher than Andrew Bolt and now he's being threatened by Peter Costello's Ch9 move. Will we see Bolt run, retire and become a podcaster like his son James for the IPA? I don't think so. When he lost his guest spot on 2GB Bolt fancied people wanted to listen to him only to shut down his independent podcast effort after 5 weeks. He did successfully embarrass his son Dom who had just started Uni. Bolt didn't even bother to say goodbye to all those he claimed were listening.

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