Source: Six graphs that explain Australia's recession - ABC News
Australia's recession is the deepest since the Great Depression of the early 1930s. Nothing else comes close.
The economy shrank an extraordinary 7 per cent in the three months to June — by far the biggest collapse since the Bureau of Statistics began compiling records in 1959.
The previous worst quarterly outcome was minus 2 per cent, in June 1974.
Did Josh Frydenberg and the LNP save us?
1) GDP growth in the first quarter was -0.3%pre Covid poor. On the way down to a second-quarter and recession. Frydenberg says it was Strong . We only have his word for it.
2) Government support saved the day. The Government has "promised a $40 bill package to help industries that missed out but has only delivered $2bill of that bucket of promises. Meanwhile they are about to reduce Job Seeker at the end of the month by $300 and Job Keeper in the New Year
3) Spending has collapsed but savings escalated which shows they have done sweet FA for the economy
4) China remains unmentioned
4) China remains unmentioned
What Frydenberg doesn't mention is China because it wasn't the LNP that saved us from sinking further into the quicksand of recession. Frydenbergs been giving the Government credit while scapegoating Dan Andrews and Victoria for Morrison's and his do-nothing actions and Gunna promises. Without Victoria's better relationship with China the nation would be worse off. Couple that with the Commonwealth's failure to regulate the privatised aged-care system Dan Andrews the only thing saving Frydenberg's arse.
The Belt and Road Agreement is the equivalent of CHAFTA which they cheered and hollered about and stole from the ALP in 2015 declaring themselves heroes if you remember. Andrews has done more to prevent China from sinking the LNP ship whenever they want. The warnings have been fired across Morrison's bow with the reduction of Barley Beef and Wine sales. Only Dan Andrews diplomacy and good relations saved us from greater impact. Yes, we will see recovery but not because anything Morrison and Frydenberg have done. In Kowtowing to the wannabe Dictator now President of the USA whose using China for his own political effort to stay in power they have fucked our relationship with the CPA. However, what can you expect with always the ever obedient follower and never the leader Morrison at the helm?
One needn't look far back when the LNP were fully behind China's Belt Road Project and not telling the USA what it was about Liberal Andrew Robb took $880k China job as soon as he left ...
The Belt and Road Agreement is the equivalent of CHAFTA which they cheered and hollered about and stole from the ALP in 2015 declaring themselves heroes if you remember. Andrews has done more to prevent China from sinking the LNP ship whenever they want. The warnings have been fired across Morrison's bow with the reduction of Barley Beef and Wine sales. Only Dan Andrews diplomacy and good relations saved us from greater impact. Yes, we will see recovery but not because anything Morrison and Frydenberg have done. In Kowtowing to the wannabe Dictator now President of the USA whose using China for his own political effort to stay in power they have fucked our relationship with the CPA. However, what can you expect with always the ever obedient follower and never the leader Morrison at the helm?
One needn't look far back when the LNP were fully behind China's Belt Road Project and not telling the USA what it was about Liberal Andrew Robb took $880k China job as soon as he left ...

Trade deals
UK government criticised for 'misogynist' and 'homophobe' Abbott's British role
Trouble follows the wanna be a knight everywhere damaging Australia's reputation (ODT)
Abbott's reported appointment to the UK Trade Board has caused a political storm in Westminster. The proposal has set off a huge political row in Westminster, with cabinet ministers forced to defend claims that Abbott was a "homophobe and misogynist".
His career highlights include:
- announcing that the cost of an emissions trading scheme would hit "housewives" who used electricity to iron;
- reintroducing knighthoods and then bestowing the first such honour to Prince Phillip;
- declaring his daughters’ virginity as “the ultimate gift of giving”;
- suggesting that global warming was “probably doing good” while comparing environmental policies to “primitive people once killing goats to appease the volcano gods”; and
- warning President Putin he would shirtfront him and then offering him a furry marsupial to cuddle instead.
Former PM Tony Abbott believes it’s okay to just let people die from the pandemic because, wait for it, the economy comes first.
Poltical Discrimination and Racism
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