A Reply to Josh Frydenberg Tony Abbott & Andrew Bolt's Bullshit:
Your's and the LNP's political stance against Dan Andrews fails on basic economic grounds and material facts. What evidence do Bolt, Abbott and Frydenberg base their argument that Australia's economy has been dragged down by Dan Andrews? His strict China-style COVID lock-up policy. A policy that proved to work in China. It can't be because of the more liberal approach in Sweden simply because it didn't. See the facts below.
Sweden: Deaths 5,821 or 571 per million. Australia. Deaths. 657 or 26 per million.
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Chris Edmond
Can we now put the whole Sweden thing to bed? Swedish GDP in the quarter to June 2020 fell by 8.3%. According to the national accounts just released, Australian GDP over the same period fell by 7.0%. Better (less bad) economic outcomes and far far better health outcomes.
1:38 PM · Sep 2, 2020Twitter for iPad
So the fact is the LNP was bordering on recession pre-COVID-19. (see the chart below) -0.3% growth in the first quarter of this year and not "strong" as Frydenberg claims.
Neither Morrison nor Frydenberg's management has helped in fact the opposite has occurred and the economy should have been much better. Whatever saving has occurred to our GDP not going over a cliff has largely been due to China and their successful model of strict lock-up that has resulted in their defeat of Covid-19 and a return to economic progress. Dan Andrews is following in their footsteps and not the speculative ideas demanded by the two morons Bolt and Abbott
Whatever case there is for our economy being better than it is but is not is due to the LNP's negative foreign policy and attitude toward China and pro-Trump. We could have been exporting far more than we are. So yes our current state could have been better if it wasn't for the LNP's anti-China stand on behalf of America.
Victoria is the state that has, in fact, prevented it from being even worse because we have a far better relationship with China and they appreciate that. Post-COVID -19 that relationship will have a greater impact than anything Morrison and Frydenberg have achieved and it will show. In the meantime, however, Andrews will be their scapegoat target but he knows time is on his side.

Renewables pour into grid at record rates despite COVID-19
sources of renewable energy projects are forcecast to match last year's
record levels despite a pandemic-induced economic downturn.

Fears changes to news-sharing policy may turn Facebook into some sort of awful hellhole of fake news and conspiracy theories
With Facebook threatening to ban users from posting news on its site, there are concerns the social media platform may quickly descend into a ghastly hub of fake news, conspiracy theories, bullying and extremist rhetoric.Experts cautioned against the change, saying Facebook could morph into a bin fire of unverified content before our eyes.
“The last thing we want is for Facebook to become a platform for extremist theories or crazy ideas,” media expert Johnathan Reece said.
“If we’re not careful, this could become a place where people go to organise Nazi rallies, discourage parents from vaccinating their children, or to spread ridiculous theories about mobile phone towers. Is that what we want?
“Today Facebook is a space where people share wholesome stories about their lives and factually accurate articles about what’s going on in the world. But if we’re not careful, it could quickly become a place where people spread insane ideas like how Hillary Clinton is secretly operating a paedophile ring in the basement of a Washington DC pizza shop”.
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70% of Americans yelling "WRONG WAY"
The argue Facebook is filled with Fake News. lets see what Ch9 the new owners of the Age have to offer and sell to Facebook
Stage four lockdown to be extended by two weeks under draft plan
stage four lockdown would be extended by a fortnight before
restrictions are eased more significantly on September 28, according to
a draft blueprint that the government stresses is out of date.
The Headline isn't what the Government has actually said and Dan Andrews has been the opposite of "devious" these past weeks in handling a situation we all support. Why would The Age suggest otherwise? This is the "news"so hard researched that they deem of value to Facebook's maintenance of integrity. Have Ch9 and News Corp merged?
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