'Am I going to survive?' Recovering from COVID-19 is long and hard
They were the first words Viswanathan Nair had spoken in weeks. His voice was hoarse and he was gasping for air as a nurse checked his vitals at Footscray Hospital’s intensive care unit.
Mr Nair had been intubated and hooked up to a ventilator for almost a month after being hospitalised with coronavirus in July. As he lay under a ventilation hood made of thick transparent plastic, his body withered away.
Shortness of breath, whittled away muscles. Flashbacks and mental fogginess. These are just some of the lingering symptoms that can haunt the sickest of coronavirus patients in the months following infection. However, you won't find Bolt doing what he encourages others t

It won't stop': anti-lockdown protesters buoyed by Saturday turnout
Anti-lockdown protesters have vowed to continue taking to Melbourne's streets, as three people faced court on Saturday night over their involvement in the controversial rally earlier in the day
Incitement to divide us has been SkyNews's vocation, the reason for being, modus operandi creation of a product for sale all under the false banner of debate since the turn of this century. They turned Tabloid Journalism into news and Murdoch Media has been practising it since 1975 because those with money will sponsor it in the form of advertising
Islamophobia, Phobia of Africans Sinophobia anti-Climate Change COVID alarmism, anti-marriage equality incitement to violence division and chaos have all been sold under the protection and disguise of free speech and debate or otherwise called news. However, you will never see Andrew Bolt et al participating in any acts they encourage others to do but continue to be subsidised by successive LNP governments that have shredded our ABC where once news information and debate could be found. No you will never see Andrew Bolt at the demonstration or found doing what he incites others to do.
If he does sail close to the wind and is prosecuted he cries victim or simply shies away from a topic for a few days and when push comes to shove denies it. His worst moments being found guilty of racial vilification and accused of inciting the mindset of the Christchurch mass-shooter Brenton Tarrant. Bolt has become a millionaire working for billionaires doing what he does happily being loner an outsider in the country in which he was born. A well-rewarded tool for the interests of others with which he identifies but don't identify publicly with him a Quisling in the eyes of a nation.
Coronavirus pandemic
Stage four likely until October, as Andrews reveals modelling of virus surge if lockdown ends earlier
The Victorian government commissioned modelling showing that releasing restrictions too soon risks an explosion of coronavirus cases before Christmas.Melbourne University and the University of New England that modelled 1000 different scenarios and found Victoria was unlikely to have suppressed the virus by mid-September.
It found that if restrictions were eased when the average number of new daily cases was above 25 for a fortnight, there was a 60 per cent chance of returning to lockdown before Christmas.
The modelling predicted cases were now reducing by 50 per cent every 18 days and that rate, Victoria's daily caseload would not dip below 20 until late October.
Lets face it the world over is experiencing a second wave. In America, the Republican States encouraged by Trump to open up are now experiencing a 2nd wave Alabama University reopened and 1000 cases emerged. Texas, Arkansas Utah, Iowa are all seeing the same so much so predictions of 400,000 deaths will occur by Xmas if something isn't done

What Sky News pundits don't report the Workers Strike strike at Spotless (ODT)
At the Spotless Laundry in Melbourne’s southeast, employers demanded that work continue despite escalating numbers of COVID-19 cases. The workers refused to allow the company’s profit to be placed above their safety — and won.
Melbourne’s Spotless Laundry Workers Went on Strike to Stop COVID-19
Fake News
Avi Yemini does not work for the pro-bans ABC. He reports
instead for Rebel Media, so gets a bunch of police tackling him to the
ground at an anti-bans rally he's covering, and then menacing him at
home that night. Yes, that nighttime knock-on-the-door tactic. This is
incredible. Watch.
Five police arrest an old lady on a park bench - a woman
who is a danger to nobody - for allegedly breaking Victoria's draconian
laws. That's bad enough, albeit lawful under the terrible state of
emergency laws. But how can anyone excuse one policeman sneaking up and
snatching the phone of a companion who was filming this? Watch.
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