Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 8/12/20; Thruth in Humour, Scotty blames Kevin 007; Obrien does a Sgt Schultz and simply doesn't know;






Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews (Image: AAP/David Crosling) 
While it went down a treat with the press gallery and right-wing media at the time, Scott Morrison’s hasty and furious response to the trolling of a junior Chinese official last week now seems increasingly ill-judged. Even extreme reactionaries in News Corp have begun questioning whether Morrison has any plan for the escalating dispute with China.




Scotty from Marketing's excuse


Kevin Rudd. 
In Parliament Scott Morrison claimed Rudd gained exemptions to travel overseas. Meanwhile, in far-away Queensland, an incensed Rudd fired up.
Unfortunately Morrison did a TRUMP and didn't know what he was talking about but it sounded good.

 Victorian Opposition Leader Michael O'Brien. 

His chief of fundraising offered a corrupt developer a secret quid pro quo meet and greet for a return to the favored donors list. Michael Obrien denies he knews what was going on as he's just the leader. So that's all OK. Mathew Guy had a Lobster Lunch and that was all ok too. The party sure knows where the money is.

A key Liberal Party fundraising official offered to arrange a meeting between Victorian party leaders Michael O’Brien and Robert Clark and allegedly corrupt developer John Woodman as she sought donations from him and pointed to a "loophole" to avoid public disclosure.

Liberal fundraising chief offered meetings with party leaders in return for Woodman donations

 JobSeeker recipients sacrificed in $507 billion stimulus spend 

Despite support from across the political and ideological spectrum, the Morrison Government continues to resist calls to permanently raise JobSeeker.



Here’s what I’d like for Christmas. A big, fat sorry. A sorry that proves our institutions regret spreading one of the most vicious falsehoods of our time - the false claim that Cardinal George Pell was a pedophile. 

Is this the demand of a self-proclaimed Agnostic or is he making demands of Australian Catholics? The atoning for "sins" by them for their accusations against George?. Individuals, not Bolt of course, are "sinners" well we know Bolt's track record and who the fuck is he casting stones?.

Muslims, Africans, Athiests, Women, or Children have all been accused of  being "sinners" by this fascist on the corporate pedastal gifted him . However what is not insisted is that no White, right-wing, racists, or bigoted Christians like himself, who like NZ has realized, are far more dangerous to the nation as a whole yet have never been registered as a terrorist organization. Organizations that Bolt has been boosting for years.So  if anyone is to be regarded as a 'sinner" it's Andrew Bolt. He has been the foremost and single minded senior recruiter of violence and terror by our private and corporate media. Bolt has full knowledge of his price but has never had an appreciation for his lack of value to this country.

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