Saturday 16 January 2021

Fighting Fake Facts with REAL 16/1/2021; Fruitcake MPs we are Blessed;




Beware of the EPOCH TIMES the effort to bring Right-wing Alternative Facts to the boil via printed press in Australia.

Australia is good at lying to itself. It’s done it for years over racism and misogyny. Are we going to kid ourselves that we are a fair, progressive, intelligent nation while allowing the manipulation of truth, as identified by George Orwell, to run rampant? How far are we willing to go? Perhaps fostering hate to the point that people feel that it is OK to kill? Allowing the entitled to destroy our democracy, as nearly happened in America over recent weeks? How far Australia, how far?

How many lies are too many lies? – » The Australian Independent Media Netwo


Craig Kelly

The Liberal backbencher may seem insignificant, but the US disaster shows where the unchecked flow of ‘alternative facts can lead 

   Indulging Craig Kelly's misinformation is a threat to Australia's health, politically as well as literally

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