Racist hate crimes targeting Sydney's Indigenous homeless
According to Andrew Bolt any complaint is left and woke. Fueled by the wish of White Replacement in Multicultural Asian Australia. These indigenous homeless actually threaten white patriots creating the need to push back because our current administration isn't strong enough and has been kidnapped by the woke left. Isn't strong enough to stamp down on the dysfunctional behavior of an evolutionary inferior culture.
Neo-Nazis are stalking Sydney’s Central Station at night and violently attacking Black Australians sleeping rough.
On Wednesday 24 March, Michael*, an Indigenous man, was asleep on Eddy Avenue outside of Central Station when he was shaken awake. A friend urgently warned him that known intruders – “Black haters” wearing jackets adorned with swastikas – were on the way. Michael was not fast enough and, less than a kilometre from Surry Hills Police Station, was violently beaten.
Michael was not the only casualty that night. And that night was not the first that Sydney’s homeless were awoken to the reality of White supremacy while the rest of Australia’s eyes remained firmly shut
“I know a lot of you will be disappointed. I know a lot of you were looking forward to getting immunised against a deadly virus. But the truth is that’s a totally different queue. On the plus side, they’re doing a two-for-one on the doughnuts right now so it’s not all bad.
How good are vaccines? Not as good as press conferences but even so
This is coming from the once Liberal National Political Party regarded as a "Broad Church" representing various electorates. Now a Cartel in partnership with the IPA and News Corp. The Cartel's single focus is to be an opposition government to keep the Democratic influences and Parties at bay. Remember Abbott's "nope nope nope" No policies no plans required. Add however Trump promises to the mix and sell the IOU's as policies and she'll be right because you can always say you had a plan B,C, or D and News Corp will help sell it. Murdoch took Abbott on a photo shoot to Atlanta but got busted. Morrison created his own photo shoot publicity dept his most active and important PMO section. However under the surface his model of a Democracy is the same as Trump's and that's try to be more like Putin. Peter Dutton certainly is not allowing Senator K Kennerly the use of a government plane to go to Christmas Island. Now that's "pushing for freedom". Seeming is what is important to Scotty forget the doing.
Minister has warned the world is at risk of splintering between
authoritarian regimes and liberal democracies, saying the latter need to
join together to push for freedom.
Australia teams up with US, India and Japan to counter Chinese dominance
No, Biden ending the Afghanistan War isn’t a Disaster: The disaster was Dropping 7,400 Bombs on the Country Annually
President Biden announced Tuesday that he will completely withdraw US troops from Afghanistan around September 1. This move will bring to an end America’s longest […]

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