Saturday, 17 April 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 17/4/21 Morrison's hall of messes; The Murdoch's are killing their audience; Sky Zero is Calorie free News





The conflicting, contradictory pressures on Scott Morrison’s government and his grasp on the prime ministership were graphically displayed these past seven days.

This week was indeed a long time in politics.

Morrison started his latest horror stretch by losing control completely of his signature, self-styled “one job” for 2021 – the seamless, successful and rain-making rollout of the coronavirus vaccine.

After deploying the usual suite of absurdist over-promising, self-congratulatory, look-at-me promises and targets, Morrison was left without a feather to hide his immodesty, let alone fly with, as everything that could go wrong did go wrong.

Source: Dennis Atkins: Scott Morrison’s myriad messes put re-election in jeopardy


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…dress-ups, pretending solidarity with the workers and the people who lost property destroyed by the Cyclone. Scotty was able to get a few snaps of himself doing a bit of cleaning up. The rusted on Liberal voters will love it. It was the sort of Blokey Blokey stuff Scotty from Liberal Party Marketing loves. For the rest of us it was another cynical Scott Morrison PR Stunt and Photo Op. Then of course it was off to the footy for some more Blokey Blokey stuff with a couple of beers and maybe a BBQ with a few Rib Fillet steaks . The Smirk was well and truly fixed on Scott Morrisons face, a perfect weekend away from Jen and the Girls(TM) and even better at the Taxpayers expense. Then something went wrong. The crowd started booing Scott Morrison as he sat in his reserved seat with a stunned mullet look on his face. Scotty from marketing always thought he was a popular man with the Australian people, a man who was loved by the masses. But at Optus Stadium last night, the Father of the Nation was loudly booed by the big pro-West Coast crowd. Scotty was seated at the Eagles-Collingwood clash alongside former WA federal minister Mathias Cormann when he was shown on the big screen late in the second term. He had all the right gear including the baseball cap, the blue shirt, the suit coat without a tie - what could go wrong . The crowd quickly expressed their anger as Loud and sustained boos quickly filled the stadium when Morrison’s face appeared on the big screen. Suddenly, the trade mark SMIRK was no more and Scotty had to endure the wrath of the people. Morrison’s approval rating has tanked in recent months following a string of scandals and incompetence from the Liberal government. Being heartily booed at the "footy" has personally hurt Scotty from Marketing. Australians are waking up to this fake man who masquerades as the Australian Prime Minister.

May be a cartoon






Friday News Dump: Fox Is Still Trying To Kill Their Viewers, And Other News | Crooks and Liars


Microphones on a red baackground 

“Critical race theory?” “Gender ideology?” “Woke progressive agenda?” “Identity politics?” Add in “cancel culture” and “political correctness,” and Campos-Duffy would have a full right-wing bingo card. 

These terms, which I’ve referred to in the past as “rhetorical empty calories,” have long served as verbal crutches in conservative media




How often did the media spread lies about Donald Trump? The latest is exposed: "The Washington Post is standing by a "Four Pinocchios" fact-check rating it gave then-President Donald Trump last year, even after U.S. intelligence backed away from reports that Russia placed bounties on the heads of American soldiers in Afghanistan."

Due to an obligatory work order to phish for subscriptions Bolt has seen fit to raise Lazarus from the dead while on his gardening holiday. Meanwhile Trump is sinking from sight in America according to Pew Polls and Biden is bathing in the support of 75% of the country. Andrew Bolt is in some retarded way trying to attract attention to himself by yelling "Trump" and not to any truth. 

We all know Trump and Manaforte were Russian assets who would have had insider's information from the Kremlin, the FSB and once a member always a member Colonel Putin. All Putin wanted them to do was foment chaos and he'd look good. However, what isn't clear is the information U.S. Intelligence had or how they used it given America's best were still in Afghanistan. What the Secret Service says publicly, what they know and what they do with it is certainly not relayed to either Murdoch or his hacks like Bolt with any guaranteed integrity. The Washington Post however stood by the invetigative integrity of a  reputed fact checker and not America's spies who have always had a history of manipulating news for other than truth. A bit like Bolt really.

 So if Bolt is the last person to know what and why America's secret service does as we all are. What is he and news Corp up to? We know Trump paid no attention to the daily security briefings as he was too busy watching Fox and Morning Joe. Consequently the only thing exposed is Bolt flashing to draw attention to himself and the subs he's pressured and duty bound to collect, That's the only media hoax here. 

 White House press secretary refused to say if announced withdrawal of US troops include special forces — because they’re staying — along with CIA operatives, other US dark forces and PMCs — not leaving.

Pentagon special forces operate covertly and overtly in around two-thirds of world community countries.

According to analyst Nick Turse, preemptive US wars on invented enemies increasingly rely on  “special operations forces, private contractors, local proxies working with and for the military and CIA, and air power.”

Comprising most of the US presence in Afghanistan, they’ll remain if and when Pentagon foot soldiers are withdrawn.

Much of what they’re involved in is covert. All of it is up to no good — exploiting the country and its people, including by crimes of war and against humanity.

The real war in Afghanistan has been conducted from the air and that will continue

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