Thursday, 15 April 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL,15/4/21; Morrison, Laming,Holgate an wrath; Vaccines, Fauci, Denmark,

 The PM won't sack Laming who not only awarded the LNP branch president two financial grants and broke his promise to Morrison about not running in the next election. Nevertheless, Morrison certainly did call for Christine Holgate's sacking but not Lamings. He talks about "responsibility" in tax payer organizations. Well what is Laming's but more to the point what is Morrison's responsibility as head of the top "taxpayer org?

How does a semi-public organization compete in the private market system? Morrison knows he headed two one here and one in NZ. He never accounted for what he spent when running NZ and AUS tourism his was an unaccounted for $1.6 bill not an accounted for and legitimate $25k  so he's fully aware Christine Holgate did not commit a sacking offense. If Holgate was Bob Holgate he wouldn't have suffered the PM's wrath. Laming certainly didn't and Morrison paid him $105,000 to go far more than a watch.

Australia Post is a large organization run by a lot of private franchisees who weren't consulted as to what they thought Christine Holgate. They in fact thought she was fantastic. Morrison however, thought it politically advantageous to see her go and said so loudly ignoring the productive members of Australia post. Morrison and ex-Liberal MPs and apparatchiks sitting on the board made a typical top down decision unrelated to the successful functioning of Australia Post. It's what we have seen Morrison do time and again simply fail in just about everything he's done. 

Morrison really does look a Trump a failure as a CEO, and a failure as a leader.  He can't make decisions positive outcomes so he throws his problems to others to solve. In the case of Covid-19 it's now the State's problems but he still needs to deliver them his promised vaccines and tell them his "plan". He has none. So instead of answering critical need to know questions he's done a Trump and turned to social media to make his vacuous planless announcements leaving the States to take the blame for his incompetence.

Liberal MP Andrew Laming awarded grants to two organisations run by LNP branch president

Christine Holgate Starting To Wish She’d Just Taken A Photo Up A Man’s Trousers

"If I had my time again I would’ve paid $26.7 million too much for land next to an airport, rather than $20,000 on four watches. I'd still have a job right now" 



Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Fauci offers words of warning for Australia


Appeal to states as federal government’s vaccine rollout goes to plan C

He blamed the states then denied it and now he's asking them for help. They were always there doing the work he failed to do but they had no vaccines only Morrisons promises of them. Promises that were never forthcoming and like Trump Morrison just hoped the virus would go away.
The federal government is looking to states to set up mass vaccination centres as it goes back to the drawing board to work out how to complete its faltering vaccination program.
“Scott Morrison is responsible for aged care workers. These workers are caring for our most vulnerable Australians and were supposed to be vaccinated by Easter,” he said.
The Department of Health did not say how many aged or disability care workers had been vaccinated so far. Instead, a spokeswoman said more than 153,000 vaccines had been delivered to 1272 aged care facilities and residential disability homes.
The department also could not say what percentage of the 318,000 aged and disability care workers were under the age of 50, but said those over 50 could access an AstraZeneca vaccine through GPs or Commonwealth-run respiratory clinics.


 Denmark has become the first country to stop using AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine altogether over a potential link to a rare but serious form of blood clot. This is the vaccine Australia is rolling out now and making in Melbourne.

Source: Denmark dumps AstraZeneca while Johnson & Johnson divisions emerge

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'SCOMO "I'm like King Midas in reverse. Everything touch turns to Shit imgtkp tum' 

Do we ask who or what OPEC is? No, it's a cartel whose specific aim is to stop renewable energy taking hold nothing else. Since Abbott do we really need ask who or what the LNP is? No, it's also a cartel in step with the IPA and News Corp whose sole purpose is to prevent the ALP a political Party gaining control. The LNP since Abbott has lied,promised,and has had no observable policies. It has had no plans apart from being a bulwark and reacting to a Party that does. Note, Morrison has spent the last month blundering like a drunken sailor unable to say "these are on the water matters, I can't talk about it" and since the media and not just the ABC have not let up asking "what are your plans for the future" Morrison has fled. He's fled to the safe zone of FaceBook that corporate giant who a month ago he was threatening because it's a platform threatening Murdoch's interests.

The LNP is a cartel and one in retreat looking to be in step with America yes but now that Biden is in not in the same degree as when Trump was President. The GOP is also a cartel on which Morrison has modeled himself on. However, at the same time he wants to be a part of the British Empire rather than an independent Republic. Effectively turning his back on the future and rushing backwards to our colonial past. This government is now declaring itself White, Christian, Western and only Asian if the temporary labor is cheap and our exports wanted. He's not in anyway interested in providing a service to a multicultural Asian democracy in the Pacific region but is a cartel operating in the economic interests of the major corporations who together want to prevent a party that is getting into government. It is a Cartel with a single focus and it's in plain sight. Economically GNP is per head  9% behind other performing nations but worse because the distribution is extremely uneven. 

The LNP take credit for what could be regarded as the bungy spring back which was always somewhat predicted. However remain silent on the ever increasing wealth and income gaps. No mention of the shops for lease in every high street in the country or the under employment we see.

Not yet mission accomplished but jobs figures point to better days


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