Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 28/4/21; The Shovel; Deregulation & Wage Theft Laws; War with China; Rurdoch media demands Journalist to write Bullshit;



God Sues Scott Morrison For Defamation

“I created the universe in 6 days. Morrison spends that long constructing a photo shoot in a fighter jet"

 Treasurer Tim Pallas has lashed the federal government for attempting to ride his state’s wage theft laws.

Victorian Treasurer takes aim at ‘watered down’ federal wage theft laws

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas has revealed he feels a sense of “schadenfreude” about the federal government’s failure to legislate its national wage theft laws.

 The US switches its military resources to the Indo-Pacific to prepare for any potential conflict with China.

If Afghanistan was bad, let’s not countenance a war with China

Peter Hartcher

The actions of the US suggest a nation doing everything it can to make sure that it could win. As part of that, we all need to look searchingly at the failures of the US and its allies in Afghanistan. We cannot afford another hopeless war.


Rupert Murdoch reporter quits in disgust after being 'ordered to write' BS story on Kamala Harris: report 

An announcement: Today I handed in my resignation to my editors at the New York Post. The Kamala Harris story — an incorrect story I was ordered to write and which I failed to push back hard enough against — was my breaking point,” she explained.

Source: Rupert Murdoch reporter quits in disgust after being ‘ordered to write’ BS story on Kamala Harris: report – Raw Story – Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism


 There is something 'sinister in the air'

There is something ‘sinister in the air’

 Sky News host Andrew Bolt says there is "something sinister in the air" with China being now "so threatening". Mr Bolt's comments come after Australia’s home affairs secretary recently warned the “drums of war” are beating. In an Anzac Day message to staff Michael Pezzullo said the nation must strive to reduce the likelihood of war and warned Australia must prepare to send off troops to fight. His warning comes as Australian tensions with China continue to deepen. Mr Bolt spoke with former foreign minister Alexander Downer about the issue. 

 It's Called War, Dutton and Pezzullo

 Home affairs secretary Mike Pezzullo urged to ‘tone it down’ after ‘drums of war’ speech | Australian foreign policy | The Guardian

 Pezzullo, has been urged to “tone down” his language after a speech in which he warned of an increasing drumbeat to war and argued Australia should not avoid conflict at the price of liberty.

...days after the new defence minister, Peter Dutton, warned of possible war with China over Taiwan, part of an escalation of rhetoric that Australia could be drawn in to a war over China’s territorial disputes with regional allies. 

...we are faced with the only prudent, if sorrowful, course – to send off, yet again, our warriors to fight the nation’s wars.”

 Pezzullo is tipped to follow Dutton to become defence department secretary, a move that would cement the trend of China hawks being appointed to top defence jobs, despite the Morrison government’s claims it is attempting to reset the relationship.

 It prompted backlash from Labor frontbencher Bill Shorten and Western Australian premier, Mark McGowan, who both warned his tone was inflammatory.

Australia might be forced to send troops where to China? How would that be achieved air drop?  How many troops will have to face off against China? Ho fucking ho! Sending troops to war has always been a boon for the LNP's domestic politics in the past and the fear war a boon for our corporate media as well. But we now have a new defence minister rumored to be the next Murdoch appointed PM Peter Dutton.  The threat of war certainly takes the attention away from Morrison's problems or does it give those rumours that Murdoch prefers Dutton to be in control heft?  He's now the Defence Minister, after all, and Pezzullo his sidekick is rumored to be joining him. They have been out of the limelight in recent times and need to make a mark so Dutton has handed him his baton. This puts them up front and center where they like to be. A call to arms is no coincidence it's all Dutton knows.

 Religion should be confined to the 'privacy of mind' when it comes to politics

Religion should be confined to the ‘privacy of mind’ when it comes to politics

 Rationalist Society President Meredith Doig says everybody is free to believe in whatever religion they like in the "privacy of their own minds" but people who subscribe to a "particular style" of Christianity make Australians feel "uncomfortable". "We at the Rationalist Society we're not anti-religious but we are pro-secular," she told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. "I think the main thing is that there's a lot of Australians who are really deeply uncomfortable with the degree of intertwining between religion and politics. "Everybody is absolutely free to believe whatever they like in the privacy of their own minds - but it's where people who have a very strong belief in a particular style of Christianity - where that belief spills over into the public domain I think that's where people are starting to feel very uncomfortable." 

Bolt loved to prod that belief as he certainly doesn't believe in it.  He deemed Christians gutless and wished they had the conviction of young Muslim extremists like those who died in Barcelona. They died for their beliefs. Bolt liked and admired that. Mind you he's an agnostic so doesn't need to fight. However as far as he's concerned we are a Christian Nation and not a secular one and need to be male Western and white about it.

Biden administration facing a ‘serious challenge’

Biden administration facing a ‘serious challenge’

 The reopening of schools amid the coronavirus pandemic is one of the “serious challenges” which the Biden administration will face, according to Sky News Washington Correspondent Annelise Nielsen. While the vaccine rollout across the nation has been “extremely successful”, schools are an area where the government is “not really hitting their target”. “So many schools across the country are still closed,” Ms Nielsen told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “Some students haven’t been in a classroom for over a year.” 

Not all learning is done in a class room however the closing of schools does set the poor back far more than the wealthy. Biden administration isn't facing the "serious challenge" the US is. But it's now more united than it was under Trump so far better prepared and has done a major turn around in 100 days. Biden has America backing him and after his first days the polls have shown just how much the nation appreciates his service.

 'Politics is broken': Mainstream media's tentacles 'wrapped around the system'

‘Politics is broken’: Mainstream media’s tentacles ‘wrapped around the system

’Retiring Nationals MP George Christensen says "politics is broken" because the mainstream media had its tentacles "wrapped around the system". "Politics is broken because we've got the mainstream media and a range of other institutions... that have got their tentacles wrapped around the system and it's very hard to get the conservative agenda moving forward," he said. "We're talking about the activist media... that pretend they're not biased but the reality is they are completely and utterly left-wing. The political agenda is set by them on a daily basis. "They draw a circle and if you stray as a politician outside of that system, then they attempt to cancel you."

Note there is no mention of which "media" Christensen is talking about. The most powerful media presence in Qld is Murdoch's News Corp. If Christensen believes they are his left-wing aggrivators then he's definitely right to retire. Andrew Bolt, Alan Jones , and all those talking heads on Sky News after Dark are after all Marx's true Marxists and ANTIFA goons all left of Christensen.

 Australia has ‘failed a moral test’: Andrew Bolt

Australia has ‘failed a moral test’: Andrew Bolt

 Sky News host Andrew Bolt says Australia has “failed a moral test” by letting exaggerated coronavirus fears stop us from helping Australians in India who are trying to get home. Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Tuesday announced all flights from India will be suspended until at least May 15. “What a sad call, almost shameful really,” Mr Bolt said. “I get the fear, and I get the argument; these people took the risk to go to India, why should the rest of us take the risk of taking them back? “But, I wonder if we’d be that hardcore if we were talking about Australians stuck not in India but in England, and I would add this: don’t we owe Australian citizens something more?” According to Mr Bolt, there are “sensible steps we can take” to protect ourselves and still help people who are stuck in India. “Surely we do not leave Australians behind, not leave them in what this premier (Mark McGowan) calls the epicentre of death,” he said. “Is that really the country we’ve become.” 

Remember when Ebola cast a shadow over the world. Bolt our brave black knight was the loudest voice in  media telling us not to help and yelling shut the gates. Stop the idiot medical volunteers from going anf if they do go don't let them back in. Lock them out was his mantra begging we keep the disease out. Now he's almost a Cuban demanding that we need to go and get our people out of India.

 What a fucking a yo-yo he is when it comes to trying to get attention to himself he stoops at what ever is handy no values required. Consistency has never been a part of Bolt's character and it comes at a cost when somebody only values themselves. It's easy too because like Morrison Bolt has never held a hose when there's been a fire.

 LeBron James should 'stick to shooting hoops' and not 'shooting his mouth off'

LeBron James should ‘stick to shooting hoops’ and not ‘shooting his mouth off’

 Sky News senior journalist Caroline Marcus says American basketball player LeBron James should just stick to "shooting hoops" instead of "shooting his mouth off". "LeBron James is just your typical sporting/Hollywood celebrity who thinks everyone cares about his opinion that's outside his very narrow speciality," Ms Marcus told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. LeBron James recently made headlines after he tweeted an image of a police officer who fatally shot 16 year old, African-American girl Ma'Khia Bryant. The sportsman's tweet was accompanied with the caption: "YOU'RE NEXT #ACCOUNTABILITY." It comes in the wake of the conviction of former police officer Derek Chauvin, who faced charges for the death of George Floyd. 

Free speech advocate Andrew Bolt doesn't appear to believe in the concept free speech if it's critical and tests reality. The real problem is that finding Chauvin guilty, Noor, and other individual rogue cops guilty doesn't really change the racial system of policing in America. 5000 people shot by police and only 22 charged and less than a handful found guilty says it all. "Your next" is the voice of frustration not revolution. The very nature of policing, guns, and training needs to be changed and that's a much bigger task than just stricter accountability alone. Chuvin wouldn't have even been if it wasn't for a 17 year old girl videoing what happened.

As for 'free speech' advocate Bolt why would he have Caroline Marcus on to telling LeBron James to shut up when he claims he's a free speech warrior? Except of course  when it comes to Muslims, frightbat woman, the left-wing, university lecturers, you, me young people people on the dole, climate scientists etc etc etc.  Is it a coincidence that a right-wing racist like Andrew Bolt has as guest another racist telling a black man to shut up because what would he know anyway? That's Bolt tag teaming so when push comes to shove he can say "I didn't say that".


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