Monday, 17 May 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 18/5/21; Australia International arms dealers; The Week on Wednesday Wrap;





By invoking self-defense, Israel changes the conversation from its colonial crimes against the Palestinians to the injuries it has itself incurred as a result.

Source: As an Occupier, Israel Has No Right to “Self-Defense”



The Associated Press is flatly denying the Israeli military’s cover story for why it bombarded the al-Jala tower in Gaza, which housed media offices of AP and al-Jazeera, and where dozens of journalists were based. Israel maintains that there was a Hamas intelligence unit in the building that was targeting Israel. This Israeli allegation is, of course, ridiculous. Hamas’s attacks on Israel are via little rockets with no guidance systems. A third of the Hamas rockets are so feeble that they actually land inside Gaza and have hurt Palestinians. The rockets fly blind and most land uselessly in the desert. So what would an “intelligence office” in an office building be doing that posed a danger to Israel? If they were on a computer on the internet, they could be anywhere– they didn’t have to be in the al-Jala.


Source: “Making the enemy blind”: Did Israeli AF destroy Highrise housing AP and Al-Jazeera to Hide War Crimes?

In its first official statement, Hamas denies Israel’s allegation that the building housing the AP and other news media was used for military intelligence.

Yemen, Defence Department, Saudi Arabia 

Documents released under Freedom of Information reveal Australia approved 103 military export permits to UAE and Saudi during the Yemen war – and denied just three permit applications. Michelle Fahy investigates Australia’s escalating export trade in weapons with the Saudi dictatorship, in defiance of its international commitments.

Source: Revealed: Australia defies UN pleas over atrocities in Yemen, escalates weapons exports to Saudis – Michael West

 “The Week on Wednesday” with Van Badham & Ben Davison 




 Federal budget has been 'overwhelmingly, positively received'

Federal budget has been ‘overwhelmingly, positively received’

 Former Victorian Liberal Party President Michael Kroger says he thinks the latest federal budget has been "overwhelmingly, positively received". 

Not when the spin is removed listen to Ben Davison critically acclaimed podcast above and judge for yourself.




The Australian Museum claims it’s putting on the most important show in its 194-year history. And it’s right: This proves that truth is now officially dead.

That is a huge deal for a museum.

On Saturday, the Australian Museum will open Unsettled, an exhibition about the “devastation” of colonisation that it says “illuminates the power of truth-telling”.

But truth-telling is the last thing to now expect in a museum we funded for generations to promote it.

 Our inglorious history of "settler colonialism" needs, according to Andrew Bolt, to be blown up, buried, and stopped. While the old myths of discovery and heroic settlement of this nation maintained. The fiction it was populated by little more than brutes, to be made to accept the new order for king and country be glorified. Just like the Israeli government's blowing up the tallest building in Gaza City that housed the world's International press AP, Al Jezeera, the BBC, and offices that housed other journalists from around the world the truths of history needs to be silenced. So the"defence of Israel" and the creation of Australia's heroic discovery can be reported. What Trump wished he could do to the media in the USA  the LNP is doing to our ABC here. Andrew Bolt represents the voice of a shrinking minority of thought trying to maintain a once dominant but fake narrative as the truth. One failing in our rapidly changing world where the myths of the privileged, powerful and elite are crumbling and can no longer be justified as education to be passed on.

The tragedy is that the Corporate amplification of fake news, misinformation, and  mythical  history is still  being done by a handful of right-wing media intent on maintaining narratives that no longer hold water in the eyes of most Australians crushed under it's weight.  50% are women, 90% who are trapped in debt slavery due to shrinking wages, and others know their social mobility is curtailed by their race, religion, and or sexuality which hangs like a burden around their necks in a cultural and social system that Bolt claims to be the best of all possible worlds. One that justifiably sorts people out and says to individuals you are simply not good enough. You haven't used the opportunities that are readily available to everyone at birth.  

 Andrew Bolt could well be the star in the docoseries  EXTERMINATE ALL OF THE BRUTES by Raoul Peck because he does it with News Corp's blessing and like a sniper from a distance. He really believes he's a big fish but really exists and belongs to a small pond, fast shrinking. Irrelevant as knowledge in nearly all the subjects he takes to heart. He's a Trumpster who thrives on calling others brutes, frightbats, dangerous, unwanted,unworthy and only himself  and his ilk civilized. We have seen his likes before and none should really be forgotten but all were and still are little more than one trick ponies brought out over over the course of time. Generally LNP time.



In all wars, truth is the first casualty. And with missiles now falling on Jerusalem we’re reminded truth dies fastest when it’s Israel under attack. 

Again we get that media script. Palestinians must be the victim. Israel must be the aggressor, even when hundreds of rockets are again fired into it.

And the truth can’t get in the way of that narrative.

Let me demonstrate by going through the tweets of the ABC’s Middle East correspondent, Tom Joyner. Consider this a too-typical case.

Thousands of hand made sky rockets many not even able to reach Israel most landing in the empty  south are symbols versus a 21rst century military force with the highest grade technical weaponry. It's a David and Goliath story that Andrew Bolt likes to believe however it's in reverse and David has an iceblocks chance in hell of winning. Making out Israel is the victim defending itself is total PR bullshit. There is no war when fire works and rocks thrown by children are up against the IDF tanks a well trained army and air-force. The numbers killed prove it over 30% ao 200 are Palestinian children alone and another 15% women mothers in Gaza, the victims of  not precision but random bombing. Is it really precision when thousands are wounded in an enclosed ghetto deprived of hospitals, medical equipment,and medicines? Left to die in a prison camp riddled with Covid all it's people enclosed by Israeli walls, barbwire, from which there is no escape out or aid let in. How Hitlerish is the State of Israel? One experience should have taught better but whose PM today is saying "we are achieving what we have set out to do"

 Israel  knows it's losing the PR war so it blew up the offices of the International press to ensure their narrative is the only one to get out and of course it's predictably out with the help of Murdoch media. One only needs to follow the timeline and context on how this current Israeli aggression escalated. Why civil war is now taking place in Israel as a consequent response to what is occurring and what began weeks ago at the hands of right-wing Israeli settlers under police protection. They prevented Muslim prayers to be held at the al-Asqa Mosque in fear that the forced colonization and invasion by right-wing thug settlers taking over Palestinian property in occupied East Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah district and Palestinian enclave would spark a push back. Facts Andrew Bolt conveniently ignores just as he ignores real Australian history.

The fact is Jews and Palestinians around the world are now demonstrating shoulder to shoulder against the Israeli State's harsh actions all conducted for the purpose of Netanyahu staying out of jail and the continuation of his failed authoritarian leadership. A leadership no longer certain as he hasn't been able form a majority government. So he's now doing what Trump wished he could creating fear and mass chaos in a very fragile democracy in order to call it a state of emergency and transpose his propaganda over it..

'You can't trust' mainstream media to report fairly on this 'war against Israel': Bolt

‘You can’t trust’ mainstream media to report fairly on this ‘war against Israel’: Bolt

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says "you cannot trust" the mainstream media to report fairly on "this war against Israel". "Not when you have the ABC, the national broadcaster, claiming that the Islamic terrorists who have fired more than 3000 missiles now at Israel from Gaza, were just retaliating against Israel's bombing of Gaza, when the truth is exactly the other way around," Mr Bolt said. "Israel starting bombing Gaza to stop the rocket attacks which had already started," he said. "It was retaliating". Mr Bolt spoke to the Co-CEO of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry Alex Ryvchin about various aspects of the conflict and its reporting in the media.

Bolt really does repeat himself, so much so, one gets the sense he's little more than a sock puppet,  a one trick pony in a privately operated circus. Here he is an apologist for Israel voicing Trumpisms. By the same corporation once pulling Fox News strings. He's certainly not the man of original opinion he makes out he is. Andrew Bolt is Murdoch's and News Corp who are the biggest "mainstream media" corporation in the country. So Bolt is right "you cannot trust the mainstream"

No, the truth is generally found in the opposite of what he's saying, his history, timeline and context. It's often left untold the past few weeks prove it. No, now you can't get any direct news from Gaza because Israel destroyed the International press's freedom to operate there by targeting and obliterating their offices. AP, Al Jezeera, BBC and others are all gone for the time being allowing Israel and Murdoch to control the narrative in the West. Murdoch is heavily invested in Israel's occupied Syrian territories illegally exploring for oil under the Jewish States protection

 As for the 3000 "rocket attacks" they are little more than handmade Palestinian fire works with no directional capacity other than up. Hamas were retaliating for the deaths by Israeli police and settlers of Muslims in Jerusalem. Having forcefully colonized the Sheikh Jarrah district they turned on those who who had gone to pray at Ramadan. Thousands were violently prevented from entering al-Asqa Mosque on one of the holiest periods in the Muslim calendar. Imagine if the Israeli's Police and goons had prevented Christians entering the Vatican at Easter and before hand they allowed and protected Jewish thugs to violently colonize and evict the Christians from their surrounding neighborhoods?

Bolt doesn't turn to the International media no he hand picks the council of Australian Jewery funded by Israel to do the talking. This then is a paid advertorial and propaganda piece of the worst kind attracting and paid for by advertisers like Gazman Retailers. It's a case of flag waving. My mother is on the wall of the righteous my father a Jew she saved during the war both would be rolling in their graves today.

 Prime Minister Morrison wants Australia 'to stay under the doona'

Prime Minister Morrison wants Australia ‘to stay under the doona’

  News host Andrew Bolt says to get to the point of opening the borders, slowly, carefully and after the venerable have been vaccinated in Australia, our leaders must start planning now. Mr Bolt said our leaders must now start "preparing the public" for this change. "Convince them that yes, there is a risk, but it is a small one, a worthwhile one, one that we can manage, and we should manage," Mr Bolt said. "The prime minister today missed that chance to start talking of what he's going to be doing to be able to open our borders". "But here's my worry. The next federal election is likely this year or early next. "Does anyone really think this very poll-focused prime minister will dare to open the borders before then." "Now the prime minister does want Australia to stay under the doona". 

Bolt was saying this when the rest of the world was witnessing the worst surge in a virus that was totally out of control. He was against lockdownds from the getgo and against all medical expert advice. Back then he like Trump insisted Covid was little more than the common flu. The fact that he hasn't changed his position doesn't for a moment prove he was right. Time has passed and those strong actions taken, while he was screaming "overkill", only show how wrong he was then. So by no means can he pretend to take the credit now. It makes him look the buffoon he really is.  Maybe if he lead by example back then and started working or volunteering to prove his point  he'd have some credibility but he hasn't any. Even a fucked clock is right twice a day. Where he says "others ought to" we can't for a moment  begin to believe he's genuinely concerned about all Australians. 

The truth is he's a camp follower now following the bandwagon that experts came and successfully recognized and that Morrison is now politicizing as his success for the benefits of an early election. 

 Prince Harry has done 'yet more complaining'

Prince Harry has done ‘yet more complaining’

 Sky News host Andrew Bolt says trending on the weekend was yet more complaining, as if he hadn't done enough, by Prince Harry. "Yet more blaming of his poor father, this time on a podcast," Mr Bolt said.

This is the Andrew Bolt we know  the one dragging down of one of the world's most popular Royals the son of Diana who remembers what his mother went through as a member of Royal inc. Bolt like Woman's Day is grabbing on to Harry for attention, The gold diggers of  media made a mega bucks out of Diana and now Bolt is trying to do the same to Harry to raise his failing stocks at News Corp. 

The problem is Harry has taken control of his own destiny unlike Bolt who sold his soul for a pittance 25 years ago and has never had the balls to leave News Corp. Harry simply got sick of being a company stooge something Bolt has been fearful of not being.  He dreams and boasts of writing a book on a barge in socialist Amsterdam but instead you will find him hiding among the WASPS on the Mornington Peninsula. No I'm wrong! He's not hiding among the WASPS there he's hiding from them too because unlike Harry he can't get on a plane. He's trapped in the Gaza of his own mind.


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