Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Fighting Fake News with REAL 19/5/21 Cartoon, Israel death delivered at a distance, Health and aid stopped, Freedom of Information killed
In the deadliest single day of the Israeli air campaign on
Palestinian Gaza, 42 were killed on Sunday, according to the BBC,
including 16 women and 10 children. The BBC reports from the Gaza
ministry of health that “The overall death toll in Gaza now stands at
197 people, including 58 children and 34 women, with 1,235 injured.”
Spiked Online Editor Brendan O’Neill says the woke leftists across the
west have “projected their bile” onto Israel as anti-Israel protests
gain traction across Europe.
Mr O’Neill pointed to numerous instances in Germany, Britain, Belgium
and France where Jewish peoples and synagogues have been targeted by
anti-Israel protests.
“This is becoming quite common in Europe – when there is an outburst of
anti-Israel sentiment, it is accompanied by anti-Jewish racism,” he told
Sky News.
“The line between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism is becoming thinner all
the time, and activists really need to ask themselves why that is
“What’s happened now is that Israel has become the whipping boy of the
woke elites; they project all their fury and hatred and their prejudices
onto this one country.
“Across the west all these woke leftists have projected all their bile
onto Israel and that is why it often does cross the line into being
something a bit more hateful.”
This is a clear reminder of the days when the Nazi opposition around the world were called or would have been called "woke" by those supporting Hitler's Germany. 200 Israeli jets have been and are non stop intense bombing, carrying out a blitzkrieg on a 200km open air prison containing 2 million of the world's most densely populated peoples. 1 million of who are women and children. What we have here is a Goebellian media agency, a PR corporation cheering on one of the planet's most highly trained and technically equipped army of 6000,000 vs a dedicated yet committed group of untrained 20-30,000 rag tag Palestinians they have chosen to call terrorists.
After the Barcelona bombings Andrew Bolt wrote that he admired those young Islamists for their conviction to commit their lives to their cause and he declared Christian youth were gutless for the lack of theirs. Here he is today Melbourne's head cheerleader for an army that not only kills randomly at a distance using the world's most advanced technologies against women an children.Their claim to precision targeting resulting in the the deaths of 50% women and children shows the very opposite is the truth.
When the world cries" foul" they employ Andrew Bolt and his neo-Nazi friends to cry "woke" while they destroy over 20 media outlets reporting the carnage from their terror zone. Freedom of speech a threat to their actions and their purpose. There is no anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic racism. Jewish media like our Monthly are not only owned by Jews like Morrie and Anna Swartz but unlike Andrew Bolt are dedicated to reporting the truth. They are neither "woke", anti- Jewsish, nor anti-semitic. Israel isn't the victim here but it certainly is the target of most of the world's Jewery who now stand shoulder to shoulder with the Palestinians demonstrating against Netanyahu and his Israel committing their lives to their freedom.
Goebbels couldn't have written a greater speech than Bolt in his effort to claim that the Germans were the victims of the Jews and the world's communist left. We certainly do entertain neo-Nazis in Australia these days and in the mainstream media. Their clubhouse is hidden in plain sight and to be found at Sky News
Sky News host Andrew Bolt has spoken about how many journalists are
“dangerously ignorant” about what really is "driving this war against
“These are journalists who think Israel is to blame for having Islamist
terrorists in Gaza firing more than 3,000 rockets at it,” Mr Bolt said.
“They think it all started because some Jewish landlords in East
Jerusalem are trying to evict six Palestinian families who, by the way,
were refusing to pay their rent.
“How stupid though, do you have to be, to think that that court case is
why Israel is being hit with 3,000 rockets.
"Any journalist should get a hint of the truth just from the anti-Israel
protests we are seeing around the world.
“For the casual leftist protester, I do get their ignorance, but
journalists I think, have no excuse.
“It is their responsibility to work out what is really going on.
"They should know this isn't really about a few houses in East
"This is an uprising that Iran, the fascist, Islamist regime, has been
planning for months, if not longer."
Bolt is truly insane he calls "many" journalists ignorant. Israel called them "dangerous" and blew their offices and resources apart to prevent them freely reporting the facts on the ground. Not one office tower but two were targeted and taken out. You know the saying "the devil's in the detail", Andrew Bolt certainly avoids any detail and Israel doesn't want it known either. Because their guilt is in the detail and they are the devil incarnate and what the world witnessed was them desperately trying to hide it. The AP, BBC and Al Jezeera jounalists wouldn't know shit according to Andrew Bolt. But he does and it's a factless one.
Sheik Jarrah, wasn't the start no it wasn't not Bolt's fact that "land lords were merely evicting 6 non rent paying families. No mention by Bolt of the extremist SS right-wing settler goon squad violently coming to colonize an area while the Israeli police simply stood and watched. Moving families out who'd been there for over 50 years. When Palestinians protested some were killed, 500 were wounded and the al-Asqa Mosque blocked off to allow even more provocation to go ahead in illegally occupied territory. That of Jerusalem Day by Israeli frummers during Ramadam's holiest week. Bolt would have us believe that the world's journalists were ignorant. They were being targeted for photographing the events and they knew it wasn't triggered by 6 families not paying rent.
Mordecai Bromberg a respected Jewish Judge here in Melbourne called Andrew Bolt a reckless and lazy factless opinionator. An idiot who had no respect for facts and he was right when he found Andrew Bolt guilty of vilification. News Corp and it's lawyers backed Mordy Bromberg up by not appealing that decision. They too knew any appeal in front of any other judge was a waste of time and money. That Bolt was "their paid idiot".
The Australian's Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan says US President Joe Biden has been “weak and disastrous” on the Middle East.
“He’s tried to undo everything that Donald Trump did,” Mr Sheridan told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.
“Donald Trump was very successful in the Middle East."
Bolt doesn't have a broad range of individual people to support his propagandizing. However, he does have a Murdochian in-house tag- team at his disposal and The Australian's Greg Sheridan is one. Bolt doesn't have the credibility to claim "Biden is weak" and has weakened the US in Middle East while Trump strengthened it. However, Sheridan avoiding and facts saying Trump was strong makes him look just another News Corp tool.
Trump was Russia's greatest asset.Under Trump the Saudi's looked like a two faced brutal goon squad. Putin's foothold in the region couldn't been handed to him on a bigger platter. Relations with Turkey and Iraq were on the brink and Trump to the shame of the American military double crossed the Kurds leaving them to fight the terrorists he said he was there to get rid of.Those same terrorists Israel was secretly helping and acting as a defacto air force for. The war against Yemen was out of control and Trump by stirring up Iran by criminally assassinating Iran's Solemeni was creating not only chaos but weakening all ties he had with his Western allies
Assassination and carpet bombing of civilians in the by drones became the norm. Trump with the Saudis helped create the world greatest refugee an famine on the planet and Sheridan calls that a model of strength. Trum aligned himself with the Saudis and his and America's reputation sank in the eyes of the world. Iraq demanded they get out and the Syrian leadership were laughing.
What we are witness to is Murdoch media's united PR front now claiming America's relationship in the Middle East is collapsing because Biden has been President for 4 months. Fortunately Bolt and Sheridan aren't magicians and can't pull that illusion off they simply two clowns and not even funny.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott's lifting of the mask mandate in the state
had "popular support" from the people, according to Sky News Washington
correspondent Anneliese Nielsen.
"It seems like a big risk in a national context but when you look at the
culture around Texas it wasn't a risk at all," she told Sky News host
Andrew Bolt.
"For the governor there it was very much popular support that he had to
not be enforcing any of these mask mandates too strictly.
"What this has shown is that this is a really interesting case point in a
national trend downwards of coronavirus cases because the vaccine
rollout is happening."
Herd immunity won't be achieved because while the Dems and Independants are getting vaccinated and wearing masks a minority of idiot Republicans aren't. Over 70% of Dems are getting the jab while only some 47% of a shrinking GOP are holding out for the Trump Party. While their leader was the first to get vaccinated and symbolically declared he didn't need a mask. They are ensuring the failure of heard immunity and when the next wave comes Texas and the unjabbed will be fucked. So, one hopes, Abbott will be too. Bet he's taken the needle.
It's amazing how the whole Bolt Report is a closed circle of Murdoch employees just talking to themselves.
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says despite claims global warming "is about
the science," it is actually "a religion" after US Climate Envoy John
Kerry went to Rome to "beg Pope Francis to go give world leaders a
"Pope Francis said 'yes'. I mean, what he would know about climate
science you could fit on a wafer, but who cares about his ignorance,
he's got the faith," Mr Bolt said.
"Global warming is just a religion after all, right up his alley."
Andrew Bolt's not embarrassed making a fool of himself. Remember when the IPA promoted him as Australia's expert on Climate Science in their book about the " facts" by Alan Moron. They eventually sacked Alan Moran the compiler but Bolt still has him on the show. One wonders whether it's out of greatfullness. Bolt has access to invites a number of retired scientists on his show and stands next to them and rail against the science he calls a religion. None however are experts in the field of Global Climate Science. They seem to be engineers, physicists men in their 80's who are neither global scientists or Theologians who know what they are talking about. Bolt's an agnostic so he doesn't quite believe in god but he seems to be an expert in bot fields Science and religion backed by a rag-tag collection of once experts in neither field who support him in whatever he wants as long as they get paid.
The Pope on the other hand has heft where Bolt has none. So he has little left in his armory and resorts insults that are little more than projections of himself and without the manners he says he holds so high. Unfortunately for or fortunately for him nobody is listening from science, politics,investment, or business except of course possibly Morrison's LNP who continues to subsidize the fossil fuel and mining industries but not the renewables. However their resistance is not because of Andrew Bolt.
Australia is the only country in the world with the resources to completely produce and manufacture the batteries needed and demanded by the world. but the Morrison government insists in going in the wrong direction. No other country has everything all the resources needed for this startup boom industry. But Morrison is intent on delaying it for as long as possible and Bolt's all for that. Well that is definitely not science or a religion but it is pure dumbstruck ignorance blinded by political donations.
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says politicians "have got in the habit of not
telling you hard truths" or pandering to the most-timid, stating
governments are far too risk-averse when it comes to COVID-19
"We accept some risk of death all the time. Drive your car, you risk
death. Not just your own. Go swimming, risk death. Climb a ladder, risk
death. Sunbathe, risk death. We do it all the time," he said.
"What would our lives be like if we didn't? If we huddled at home,
risking nothing, going nowhere? Living is never without risk.
"So what's Morrison saying? We will never ever be free to travel again
if even one single person anywhere might die? That is bull.
"It's not just judging what is an acceptable risk – but who is most
responsible for their health. If we get the vulnerable vaccinated, the
elderly, then that risk of opening the borders is acceptable. It has
been for the flu, which kills a thousand or even 4,000 of us each year
without borders closing.
"Let's make people responsible again for their own health. And that is
the incentive."
We need to put into perspective what it is Andrew Bolt has been saying from the getgo and that is risk of Covid is only for the vulnerable. That's not the case risk isn't spread equally throughout Australia and all we need to do is protect the vulnerable which is the only simplistic yardstick he provides. Bolt of course falls among the least risky and moreso because he personally isolates more than most. He says he's "shy" which is a load bullshit. It's because his reputation among the public is so low. Bolt's demand for "opening the borders" and ignoring medical, political and other advice is because his need is very personal. When he's not working he escaped the country for the Netherlands where he's not known and there is no risk of public pushback or humiliation.
Bolt's moved out of Melbourne "to escape" the risk of recognition, pushback. He's not shy he's blowhard whose simply unliked. Politicians are politicians and Bolt has spent his energy supporting the worst of them. Tony Abbott being the worst of the worst. One might argue Abbott fled to the UK because his future looked far from rosy here. Bolt's nightmare isn't Covid it's not being able to leave Australia and that's purely personal he couldn't give a rats arse about anyone other than himself. Loss of privilege reduced by "public health" concerns that have regard for a wider group of people and not just Bolt's private wants and wishes.
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