Monday, 17 May 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL;17/5/21; Wage Cuts; The Pollie Pension delivers corruption; 4% of the pop 1% recognized; COVID Lies; Bombing of REAL NEWS



  Treasurer says Coalition has ‘stayed true to our consistent position’ despite aged care royal commission call to increase wages in sector

Josh Frydenberg defends wages policy despite workers facing real pay cut

“The idea ex-politicians should be obliged to seek an independent income after parliament has created a political generation who go into the job aware that they’ll have to fend for themselves on the other side”


 Liz Cambage threatened to boycott the Games on Instagram over the alleged “whitewashing” of two promotional shoots involving the Australian Olympic team.

“I admire what Liz Cambage said,” this Indigenous athlete says, “but it is easier for her, from America, where she is surrounded by famous black athletes, and a strong movement for black people. Here, we are nearly invisible, have no mention in the Constitution, and are not recognised in a mostly white world. If I said what she said, from here, I would be torn apart by mainstream and social media , and it is not just worth it.”

This athlete also points out that while we have indeed had many wonderful Indigenous and POC Olympians – 52 to be precise – they are underrepresented in the Sporting Hall of Fame.

Embarrassing Facts

Cathy Freeman is there, but that’s it. Where is Nova Peris, who represented Australian in not one, but two Olympics sports – hockey and athletics – and was the first Aboriginal Australian to win a gold medal? And why is Patrick Johnson not there, the only Australia to have run a sub 10 second 100 metre sprint! Nor is Kyle Vander-Kuyp there, who made the Olympic hurdles final and is still the Australian record holder. Wider than the Olympics, there are some 570 inductees in the Hall of Fame, yet only six Indigenous athletes – which is 1.05 per cent, against the 4 per cent of the population who identify as Indigenous.

“It’s not that we’re not good enough to be in there,” my caller said, “we’re simply overlooked.”

Source: ‘We’re overlooked’: Why aren’t some of our best athletes in the Sporting Hall of Fame?

Indians hold masks of Donald Trump and Narendra Modi at the Sardar Patel Gujarat Stadium in Ahmedabad in February 2020.

India and Russia show what happens when authoritarians deny reality. The Trumpists would have the US follow suit

‘Warms your heart to see’: American conservatives celebrate Israeli bombing of AP & Al Jazeera offices

 It warms Trumpster hearts even more to call this a war. If only Trump could have done the same domestically in America. However, Biden certainly isn't pissed off either and supports Netanyahu's fake narrative of keeping Israel safe. It's a common theme among right-wing authoritarians. Even Scott Morrison does it. Meanwhile when it comes to Jews around the world they are ashamed.

Multiple US commentators have been celebrating the Israeli bombing of an international media tower that houses offices for AP, the BBC, and Al Jazeera.

May 15, 2021 15:58

Multiple US commentators have been celebrating the Israeli bombing of an international media tower that houses offices for AP, the BBC, and Al Jazeera.

After videos were published on social media showing the destruction of the building by Israeli missiles, people from around the world – including many journalists – condemned the bombing, calling it terrorism, a war crime, and an attack against the free press.

Several high-profile conservative commentators in the United States, however, mocked the bombing and expressed their support.

“Looks like the IDF took out Hamas’s PR team,” reacted television commentator John Cardillo, who was recently a host at Newsmax TV, while conservative journalist David Reaboi also celebrated the bombing.

‘Warms your heart to see’: American conservatives celebrate Israeli bombing of AP & Al Jazeera offices 





The Australian Museum claims it’s putting on the most important show in its 194-year history. And it’s right: This proves that truth is now officially dead.

That is a huge deal for a museum.

On Saturday, the Australian Museum will open Unsettled, an exhibition about the “devastation” of colonisation that it says “illuminates the power of truth-telling”.

But truth-telling is the last thing to now expect in a museum we funded for generations to promote it.

 The inglorious history of "settler colonialism" needs according to Andrew Bolt be blown up and buried and stopped. While the old myths of discovery and settlement of this nation, populated by little more than brutes, be glorified. Just like the Israeli government's blowing up the tallest building in Gaza City that housed the world's International media AP, Al Jezeera, the BBC along with offices that housed other journalists from around the world the truth needs to be silenced. So the"defence of Israel" can be reported. Trump wished he could do it to the media in the USA and the LNP is doing it in Australia to our ABC. Andrew Bolt represents the voice of a shrinking minority trying to maintain a once dominant fake narrative in a rapidly changing world where the myths of the privileged, powerful and elite are crumbling and can no longer be justified.

The tragedy is the Corporate amplification of fake news, misinformation, and a mythical  history is  being done by a handful of right-wing media intent on maintaining a fake cultural narrative that no longer holds water in the eyes of most Australians.  50% of who are women, 90% who are experiencing the weight of debt slavery due to shrinking wages. Their social mobility curtailed by race, religion, their sexuality which hangs like a burden around their necks in a cultural and social system that Bolt claims to be the best of all possible worlds that justifiably sorts people out and says that says they as individuals are simply not good enough. Or simply haven't used the opportunities that are readily available.  

Bolt could well be a star in the docoseries  EXTERMINATE ALL THE BRUTES by Raoul Peck because he does and does it from a distance.



In all wars, truth is the first casualty. And with missiles now falling on Jerusalem we’re reminded truth dies fastest when it’s Israel under attack. 

Again we get that media script. Palestinians must be the victim. Israel must be the aggressor, even when hundreds of rockets are again fired into it.

And the truth can’t get in the way of that narrative.

Let me demonstrate by going through the tweets of the ABC’s Middle East correspondent, Tom Joyner. Consider this a too-typical case.

Hundreds of hand made rockets many not even reaching Israel most landing in the south vs a 21rst century military force with the highest grade technical weaponry. It's a David and Goliath story that Andrew Bolt likes to believe but it's in reverse. Making out Israel is the victim defending itself is bullshit. There is no war when fire works and rocks are up against the IDF tanks and airforce. The numbers killed over 30% children alone and a considerable number of women in Gaza were the victims of precision bombing. Is it really precision when thousands wounded in the ghetto deprived of hospitals medical equipment medicines? In a prison camp riddled with Covid all it's people imprisoned by Israel's walls, barbwire and from which there is no escape out or aid let in. How Hitler of a State that experience should have taught them better but whose PM is saying "we are achieving what we have set out to do"

 Israel  knows it's losing the PR war so it blew up the offices of the International media to ensure their narrative is the only one to get out and of course with the help of Murdoch media. One only needs to follow the timeline on how this Israeli aggression escalated. Why civil war has taken place in Israel itself as a response to what occurred and began weeks ago at the hands of Israeli settlers and police preventing prayers to be held at the al-Asqa Mosque, and the forced colonization by right-wing settlers taking over Palestinian property in occupied East Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah district and Palestinian enclave. Facts Andrew Bolt conveniently ignores just as he does Australian history.

The fact is Jews and Palestinians around the world are demonstrating together against the Israeli State's harsh actions conducted for the purpose of Netanyahu staying out of jail and continuation of his leadership. That hasn't been certain because he hasn't been able form a majority government. So he's doing what Trump wished he could creating fear and chaos in a very fragile democracy.

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