Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Thursday, 20 May 2021
Fighting Fake News with REAL 20/5/21; Tudge, Wages, Unbalanced media presenting fiction as News
Murdochtopus has many arms that work in unison with News Corp, one of
those arms is a think tank called the Institute of Public Affairs
(IPA). When Tony Abbott became Prime Minister the IPA wrote a list of 75
ideas for Abbott to think about which included: 50. Break up the ABC
and put out to tender each individual function. 51. Privatise SBS. The
Abbott government and coalition government’s since, have cut funding to
the tune of $783 million. By 2023 the cuts to the ABC will amount to $1
billion. Surveys continually show that the ABC and SBS are the most
trusted news brands in Australia. Australia’s concentrated media
ownership is one of the highest of the world News Corp owns nearly 60%
of the metropolitan and national print media markets by readership. The
Nine Entertainment Co. and Fairfax merger in 2018, means that Nine is
now the second largest media owner with a combined readership share of
23%. 80% of Australian free-to-air and subscription TV revenues are
collected by three corporations: News Corp, Nine, and Seven Media
Holdings. Nearly 90% of the nation’s radio licences are controlled by
News Corp, Nine, and Southern Cross Media (including their associated
Education Minister Alan Tudge declared the school funding wars over and said it was time to talk about teaching and standards.
“We won’t get anywhere unless we get the pedagogy [teaching methods]
right,” said Mr Pearson, who alongside Mr Tudge is a strong advocate for
direct - or teacher-led - instruction, rather than the teacher acting
as the ‘guide on the side’.
Firstly why is Tudge making out the opposite is true Western Culture isn't being erased or undermined. So if that's the case one wonders why he's suggesting it is. Indigenous Culture has been undermined and he's definitely not saying that.
However, direct teacher-led instruction suggests something else entirely and that does suggest some cultures need to be cancelled. It declares there is a right history and any Critical Thinking is dangerous to Autocracy. It's certainly not a danger to Democracy. The danger was witnessed in the past 4 years in the USA and the 6th of Jan storming of the Congress by those that think like Tudge.
In the year since George Floyd’s murder,
conservative news outlets have endlessly hyped distorted stories about
violence at Black Lives Matter protests. Key videos they used come from a
tight-knit group of eight young journalists.
Israel is currently engaged in a brutal crackdown on Palestinian
protesters — and it’s using surveillance measures refined during the
COVID-19 pandemic to monitor, track, and harass those protesters.
At the same time, the state of emergency the embattled prime minister
Benjamin Netanyahu set in place throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has
dragged on. The systems leveraged to track Palestinians and Jewish
Israeli citizens alike under the auspices of public health became, once
again, tools of military surveillance and policing.
In the past week, Israel’s police have carried out targeted
arrests against scores of Palestinians in East Jerusalem, across the
remainder of the West Bank, and throughout Israeli cities. Police have
detained Jewish Israeli activists leading protests in West Jerusalem as
well. In activist spaces, it seems widely understood that the state is
surveilling everyone all the time.
Australia needs help. It is being played by the U.S. It is suffering a
dearth of leadership that is unable to handle climate change, a
coherent COVID vaccination rollout, quarantine and a balanced
relationship with China, our biggest and most important neighbour.
Hamas has fired rockets at the crossing where its own humanitarian aid
convoy was travelling after Israel approved the aid convoy to cross into
Gaza, according to Jerusalem Post columnist Emily Schrader.
“Yesterday Israel did approve humanitarian aid crossing into Gaza…
however, after the first eight convoys went through the crossing, Hamas
actually fired rockets at that crossing, even though it was their
humanitarian aid for their people going through,” she told Sky News host
Andrew Bolt.
Ms Schrader also said this was a deliberate tactic by Hamas to “portray
Israel in a negative light".
“This is a tactic; this is definitely a tactic that we’ve seen from
Hamas – we know that they want the people to suffer… when the people
suffer, they are able to portray Israel in a negative light.”
200 deaths , 50% of which are women and children, thousands wounded,
unable to access hospitals, doctors, or medicines, and Bolt blames it
all on Hamas. Who does he turn to for proof but Israel's right wing
media in this case the Jerusalem Post supposedly tells us what's "really" happening in Gaza.
No such largese is given to the International media foreign and independant journalists
witnessing the action on the ground. Bolt promotes a narrative that Israel wants out and out now. Everything we have heard from Bolt in recent days is that Israel the Goliath in this story is defending itself. The 600,000 IDF high tech gargantuan
monster is defending itself against the 20-30k mouse that roars fire.
is the victim fighting a mentally deranged organization of terrorists trapped in Gaze
who are really killing their own people. Israel hasn't allowed aid into
Gaza for years before this conflict started. It was happy to see Covid
run it's course through the strip. It starved hospitals of equipment while snipers shot Palestinians maiming them for life. Israel hasn't stopped the current 24/7
bombing of Gaza for a week and Andrew Bolt has a picture of a truck trying to tell us would try to have us they
are the acting humanitarians in this battle.
rockets are gerry-built, hand made and have no directional
capacity whatsoever accept hopefully up, with some, and only some of the
3000 even making it to Israel most falling in the deserted space just on the
other side of the border,or never even making it out of Gaza. Nevertheless Andrew Bolt
turns the Jerusalem Post to spread the news of
Israel's innocence. Yesterday it was the Australian Council of Jewry whose existence is based on a quid pro quo relationship with the
Netanyahu government
How Bolt uses images to push fake news and information
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says Scott Morrison is treating China "like
the threat it is – a dictatorship openly threatening war".
The remarks come after Labor Senator Penny Wong criticised the Morrison
government’s rhetoric on China saying Mr Morrison was only seeking
“political value”.
“Attacking Morrison for treating China like the threat it is. A
dictatorship openly threatening war,” Mr Bolt said.
“Is Labor really suggesting that we shouldn't now be making common cause
with other democracies also alarmed by China to protect ourselves?
“Or should we just kowtow instead – button our lips for fear of the
great dictatorship.
“Whatever the government is doing, do not rule out Labor being worse.”
Israel is bombing the crap out of 2 million desperate people trapped, trapped in the world's largest open air closet, and Andrew Goebbellian Bolt says Israel is on a mission of peace defending itself from these aggressive warmongering terrorists in the Gazan ghetto.
Meanwhile China is investing money globally and partnering underdeveloped nations in building up their infrastructure. It is also currently the worlds largest exporter of Covid-19 vaccines to the world's poorest nations that big Westren companies won't sell to. Some 59, many more than the West is supplying. Yet, Andrew Bolt cub reporter claims they are aggressors preparing themselves for a war against us. He's said this over and over again without any evidence to indicate he's right.
Which nations does he suggest, Australia, we should draw in, to lead, the sortie against China? He fails to mention any that would agree with him? Abbott certainly didn't he was all about shirt-fronting Putin. Is Israel one? It's certainly a front runner in the aggression stakes. Should Dutton convince Japan or Taiwan to go to war? Bolt's sabre rattling matches his cheering on of Israel's blitzkrieg of Gaza. Maybe he is promoting us as world arm dealers, the manufacturers of submarines. China works on 5 year plans to boost their economy not spur of the moment plans of lets attack someone like Bolt proposes.
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says Australia losing its big coal-fired power
stations is a consequence of the Liberals "not having the courage to
fight the global warming panic”.
“Well, one price we must pay for the Liberals not having the courage to
fight the global warming panic – and Labor going much crazier with it -
is that Australia is losing its big coal-fired power stations,” Mr Bolt
“And that means an end to cheap, reliable electricity, steady 24/7.”
Mr Bolt spoke with Energy Economist Alan Moran who said the government’s
subsidising of alternative energy sources to fossil fuels deters
private sector firms from investing in their own coal or gas-fired power
“The government has created the situation whereby no private sector firm
can possibly justify spending – the risks are too great,” he told Sky
News host Andrew Bolt.
“How can you spend money on a power station gas-fired or coal when the
alternative competitive power is subsidised to buggery.”
Bolt's claim, Morrison's government hasn't the courage like he has to fight the rest of the world on climate. The world, the planet in a narrative in which he's right and everyone else is wrong. The end of coal according to Bolt means the end of the cheap electricity which we don't have now. That sounds more like the unreasoned babble and threat by Chicken Little. The world is well past the tipping point and is already united on the idea of clean and renewable energy.
As I said yesterday Bolt keeps dragging the same old people out of the News Corp closet giving them a run, titles they don't warrant, to bolster his pro coal message, and Alan Moran is the one this time round. Moran was a past director of the Heartland Institute that great climate change dening funder. He is a contributor to The Spectator, News Corp and most notably was "dumped" by the IPA because even they felt he was doing more harm to them than good. Moron is part of the shrinking circle paid to promote the fossil fuel industry. A circle that simply talks to itself.
The government just recently subsidized both fossil fuels and gas to the tune of $3B and gave the nod for our renewable investment fund to provide money for carbon capture and other techologies like cleaning coal which has proved not to work. But here are Moran and Bolt telling us the government is subsidizing "alternate renewable energy sources" and not coal, gas and fossil fuels. Didn't Morrison just turn down a major and I mean major wind farm in the NT? It will go ahead despite the governments rejection.
So Moran is on the Bolt Report to preach his normal bullshit being the scaremonger because the very reverse is actually happening worldwide. Australia, however is the only country in the world that has the resources to fully build batteries that store energy. Batteries for which there is already a global demand. We are currently only nation on the planet able to be the center of this new sunrise industry and without competition but the government refuses to invest in it why? Because they are pouring money into and propping up dirty industries that have no future and Alan Moran is claiming they should be doing more.The world is moving away from fossil fuels, while in Australia, it’s all systems go for coal and gas
Sky News host Rowan Dean says proponents of the global warming movement
say to listen to the scientists on the matter - yet they haven’t
provided any “credible” scientists in the last decade.
“Well they keep telling us to listen to the science… listen to science,
listen to the scientists but for the last decade they’ve never presented
us with any scientists – not any credible ones,” he told Sky News host
Andrew Bolt.
Here is the proof that the in- house circle that talks to itself really exists exists. First Bolt has News Corp contributor Alan Moran on to promote fossil fuel and then follows it up with Rowan Dean falsely called an "Outsider" on to talk about not the provenance of the 97% of the global scientists who have researched and proved Global Warming exists but the fact that there isn't a genuine scientist among them. Dean believes the non peer-reviewed 3% are somehow superior. Does anyone get the feeling that ex-ad man Dean is running a he said she said argument to fill the vacuous space between he, Bolt's brain and a show with nowhere to go?
The last decade the scientific data collected reviewed and published has shown records in warming have been broken year in and year out. That the planet has experienced more intense weather extremes than ever before and they have all been published. So yes, that vacuous space between Bolt and Dean is also very real and man made.
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