Friday, 21 May 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 21/5/21; Biden the World and War Crimes; Mental Health;




Joe Biden’s first big foreign policy challenge in Israel and PM Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Crisis in Israel ends Biden’s White House 

 The Biden White House is being forced to confront its first major foreign policy crisis with the week-long violence in Israel and Palestine. The conflict has cost over 230 lives, the vast majority in Palestine   

                                                                                                                                                    The distorted neutral language of "objective" reporting is why Biden seems helpless to stop Netanyahu from what he is really doing. That's simply to remain in power. To remain in control of a rather weakened democratic state and not to be thrown into jail for corruption. He's doing a Trump but unlike Trump he's winning. Yes, this conflict cost over 230 lives. 218 Palestinians 50% of which are innocent women, children and thousands injured all in a week unable to access medical help in an area riddled with Covid and no oxygen. A Week of never ending violence by Netanyahu who has given Biden "the fuck you" finger for trying to stop it. He's not just another puffed up Trump in reality he has more power and he is using it. However, Netanyahu no longer has an American puppet like Trump in Biden. Biden's message is unlike Trump he won't be bought by America's minority of right-wing Jews with money or simply by naming developments in "illegally occupied" territories like he did Trump with "Trump Heights".

But unfortunately crisis isn't in the White House at all. It's global and in the UN, ICC and Netanyahu's  criminal but purposeful politicization of fear in Israel's citizens to reek unnecessary carnage on Gaza just to maintain power. The global crisis is that we haven't a united front able to stop him. Under the guise of Covid/GSP/Tracking the Israeli state has police and secret surveillance teams rounding up leading protesters and activists and having them detained. The 'war' isn't against Hamas it's against anyone anti-Bibi it's against thought and the freedom of the press. This war isn't just opposite religious and moral cultural beliefs it's a short term, pragmatically calculated precision action by the worst kind of right-wing Israeli authoritarian thugs used as a means to get power., a Kristalnacht. It has nothing to do with policy but everything to do about control and Palestinians, regarded as disposable garbage, are simply the tool. Israel will remain for sale and the highest bidder will still be America.

Biden isn't ineffective because despite the fact that American Jews in the majority were against Trump, against Adeleson money and against Netanyahu it's still "business is business" money and politics go together after all don't they? Biden might have a greater degree of humanism and look good in the eyes of Americans but it's still not anything like the influence money has on America and the need to maintain control of that oil rich region. This isn't a war of defense there is no crisis in the White House it's a show of power and the world UN and ICC are just watching.

 A Palestinian family sits outside their home in Gaza after it was hit by an Israeli air strike.

I don’t think Gaza can rise from the ashes this time

Asmaa Abu Mezied

Women's economic empowerment co-ordinator in Gaza


Cease-Fire Announced Between Israel And Hamas

Cease-Fire Announced Between Israel And Hamas

Egypt brokered the agreement on behalf of Hamas, and PM Netanyahu announced his security cabinet agreed unanimously to all of the terms.

Israel has decided it's no longer in their interests with the world watching on to continue their war of attrition on the families in Gaza. Netanyahu believes he attained his domestic goals despite the foreign ones weakened. The ever increased surveillance of the Apartheid State will continue and will allow the Right-Wing Settlers to criminally act as a colonizing front guard committing murder, mayhem and theft of property under the protection and sponsorship of the Netanyahu government. As for the any aid to rebuild, medical assistance vaccines mad available to the Gazan families well that remains yet to be decided. For now 3-4 hours of electricity a day will remain the rationed allowance in the Stalag

Toronto, ON- May 15  -  Thousands fill Nathan Phillips Squareas  the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) hold a demonstration against the Israel/Gaza Strip clashes.  Ontario tightens restrictions to slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Toronto. May 15, 2021.        (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)

While Israel launched strikes against Gaza last week after Palestinians protested planned evictions in Jerusalem, a group chat of journalists in Canada was lighting up with notifications. They were frustrated with Canadian media coverage that painted the strikes without context and with a glaring absence of Palestinian voices. Some in the group, which included several Muslim journalists, shared frustrating experiences of advocating for nuanced coverage of international issues in their newsrooms. Some asked for advice on how to approach their editors about concerns with coverage, or lack thereof, of what was really going on in the region. So they drafted an open letter. “‘The Middle East is complicated. We need to hear both sides. Everyone has a lot of emotions about this.’ [sic] These are just some of the excuses news editors have provided to Canadian journalists trying to cover the escalating violence against Palestinians,” the letter read. “The lack of nuanced Canadian media coverage of forced expulsions and indiscriminate airstrikes over the last three days, which have so far killed at least 137 Palestinians, including 36 children, has been disappointing.” At the time of publication

Source: Canadian Journalists Fear Retaliation After Israel Open Letter

  Merlino vows to ‘completely rebuild mental health system’ 

Merlino vows to ‘completely rebuild mental health system’

Acting Victorian Premier James Merlino says the state government will “completely rebuild our mental health system,” and that young people’s needs are a priority.

A promise no prior governments were prepared to ever tackle but now can it be executed without simply building more prisons and park benches?  This is an investment in our future and far from a burden.


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