List of exposure sites nears 300 as authorities await aged care test results
Display homes, Chadstone stores and bus lines are among roughly 100 new locations added yesterday. It comes after an aged care worker was confirmed to have COVID - a mystery case that’s caused ‘extreme concern’.

Arrogance of the elected official "that's not my job"
Victoria funds lockdown support for business, blasts federal government
But the Federal government has hit back, with Scott Morrison saying Victoria has had generous funding from Canberra, and it wanted to “ensure Victoria doesn’t close itself again”.
Federal minister tells out-of-work Victorians to head to Centrelink — but they're unlikely to qualify for a payment
Religious fundamentalists railroad democracy
For years the Wasps kept the Catholics a nd Jews at bay. They believed them to be dangerous. Howard cosied up to the brethren.
We need to stress again that authoritarianism is underpinned by religion. Australians need to decide whether they prefer a progressive secular future or a continuation of our trend to elect fundamentalist MPs and further Christianise our three tiers of government.
Both the Liberal National Party (LNP) and Australian Labor Party (ALP) leadership
remain obsessed with pandering to the illusory “Christian vote”. This
alone perpetuates our status as a "soft theocracy".
But taking political candidates
from Pentecostal and evangelical churches and packing more Christians
into parliament puts a distinct strain on a viable democracy.
Religious freedom is indeed a civil right for all — including the true public majority who do not practice a particular religion and
who do not want any form of religion forced upon them. The problem with
overzealous people of faith is they claim spiritual superiority to “know God’s plan.” Really? How?
We need to avoid religion becoming weaponised to assert Christian dominionism — with its ultimate aim to kill democracy and enthrone Jesus.
Electing candidates from churches like Scott Morrison's Pentecostal Church and packing them into parliament is damaging to a viable democracy.
Greg Hunt Reassures Nursing Home Residents That He Received Jab In March
"You can rest easy knowing that 100% of federal health ministers are now fully vaccinated"
"You can rest easy knowing that 100% of federal health ministers are now fully vaccinated"
I was vaccinated on Friday. Now a voice in my ear keeps whispering: “This is Bill Gates. Buy Microsoft.” No, wait. The thought in my head is actually: Enough! There’s no excuse left for another lockdown. Let conspiracy theorists die from the virus, if that's their choice. We've almost finished protecting the vulnerable, and that's enough.
It goes to show what Andrew Bolt imagines equality is. He's opinion is total unsubstantiated gaslighting of those who simply don't have the same freedom of choice, the privilege he has. His level of risk is apparently the same as that of front line workers, essential workers the homeless or those who survive on a weekly pay packet and support a family. The very idea that we all have an "equal choice", face equal risk and have an equal chance of contracting Covid can only come from an ignorant selfish asshole in a position of privilege. Currently the evidence is that the vaccination rollout will continue until June 2022 and Bolt has had his jab in May 2021.
That's a level of privilege that the majority of Australians don't have. Bolt was vaccinated on Friday did he have to stand in line and wait for 4 hours like some Victorians did? What about those that can't or their doctors simply can't accommodate them because they still haven't sufficient vaccine? Yep Andrew Bolt is simply a selfish asshole who inconvenienced saying out loud "I'm alright Jack get out of my way" Currently it's predicted that herd immunity or full vaccination won't be reached until June 2022. Bolt makes no mention that on global comparison Australia ranks over 100th among nations being competently vaccinated.
Three things are immanently necessary all In Morrison's juridiction 1) effective quarantine 2) effective vaccine and rapid rollout and 3) JobKeeper when and if lock downs are necessary. 4) Andrew Bolt as the coal mine canary to test and prove Covid-19 is non existent in critical exposure sites he claims are "safe". Currently Morrison's LNP has failed on all counts. Bolt claims he knows the way but it's execution remains a tight held secret.
Call it "virus theatre" - theatrically wiping down even street signs to stop the virus. Or wearing face masks out in the open air. New research confirms that won't do much at all. The main way this virus is transmitted means a lot of our protections make little sense or difference.
another virus myth is exposed: That this coronavirus is often spread by
droplets that stay on things such as lift buttons and tables.
This belief fed pandemic paranoia, pushing us to take ineffective precautions and stage crazy “virus theatre”.
That included council workers washing down roadside posts and street-crossing signs, and companies “deep cleaning” offices.
also encouraged governments to play down a great danger in many
quarantine hotels, while meanwhile forcing Australians to wear face
masks outdoors, where the risk of infection is about zero.
Here we have an Aussie "whinger" not really an informative critic but a "whinger". Someone who doesn't believe in taking the best of care and precaution but just the minimal is sufficient why? Because he doesn't suffer from the level of risk. However, coming from the voice of the most unsocial, the least welcoming, prick in Australia we are meant to stand to attention. Bol is someone who doesn't really give a shit about his neighbors or others. He criticizes without offering how any of his alternatives might even be executed. For him all solutions are simple never complex because others don't matter. He's the living breathing caricature of the worst Australian, the last person you'll ever see with his shoulder to the wheel helping out. He's security bound and if out in the world wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
His claim that "we've almost completed protecting the vulnerable" defies logic not just of the Australian experience but from that experienced by other nations far better vaccinated than we are. Does Bolt listen to any news other than Murdoch's? It appears not.
Yet another virus myth is exposed: That this coronavirus is often spread by droplets that stay on things such as lift buttons and tables.
This belief fed pandemic paranoia, pushing us to take ineffective precautions and stage crazy “virus theatre”.
That included council workers washing down roadside posts and street-crossing signs, and companies “deep cleaning” offices.
It also encouraged governments to play down a great danger in many quarantine hotels, while meanwhile forcing Australians to wear face masks outdoors, where the risk of infection is about zero.
Here we have an Aussie "whinger" not really an informative critic but a "whinger". Someone who doesn't believe in taking the best of care and precaution but just the minimal is sufficient why? Because he doesn't suffer from the level of risk. However, coming from the voice of the most unsocial, the least welcoming, prick in Australia we are meant to stand to attention. Bol is someone who doesn't really give a shit about his neighbors or others. He criticizes without offering how any of his alternatives might even be executed. For him all solutions are simple never complex because others don't matter. He's the living breathing caricature of the worst Australian, the last person you'll ever see with his shoulder to the wheel helping out. He's security bound and if out in the world wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
His claim that "we've almost completed protecting the vulnerable" defies logic not just of the Australian experience but from that experienced by other nations far better vaccinated than we are. Does Bolt listen to any news other than Murdoch's? It appears not.
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