Time to choose Fox has engaged in a deliberate strategy to make its brand inseparable from Carlson’s. The network should pay a price for that. Advertisers who support the network are now indirectly — and at times directly — supporting Carlson’s vile rhetoric. Media buyers should remember that when Fox tries to pitch them on ads at the upfronts later this month. If they continue to support Carlson, they own the results.
Source: Tucker Carlson is the face of Fox News | Media Matters for America

The secret prosecution and imprisonment of a former intelligence
officer was “unprecedented”, reminiscent of authoritarian regimes and
should never be repeated, Australia’s national security laws watchdog
has been told. This has been going far longer than the secret trials Andrew Bolt complains about currently happening in China. Bolt somehow sees the trials in China nedd to be public but the trials in Australia don't. Evidence, he's simply silent on the Aus trials a sign of his acceptance.

Michael Hussey tests positive for COVID-19 in India: reports
Former Australian cricketer and IPL batting coach Michael Hussey has tested positive to COVID-19, according to Indian media.
Morrison's gift . The Good Samaritan who just keeps on giving.
Government backs down from travel ban jail threat
house is located in an occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood where
Palestinian residents have been ordered to vacate by an Israeli court.
Warnings of Israeli fascism should be heeded, not condemned
IHRA definition would brand critical Jewish voices as anti-Semitic.
Ultimately, the IHRA definition fails to provide a framework to
combat anti-Semitism in much the same way that political Zionism
capitulates to anti-Semitism by maintaining that it is a permanent
feature that Jews will always encounter by living among gentiles.
Political Zionists have long maintained that anti-Semitism can only
be resolved by living in a Jewish state. Rather than recommending
resistance to an outburst of anti-Semitic attacks in France in 2015, for
example, Netanyahu called on Jewish citizens of that country to immigrate to Israel.
By virtue of the Israeli example, Zionist ideology holds up a mirror
that reflects a profound violation of human rights, human life and
This example denies that safety rests in an ethos of human solidarity
and diversity, misplacing it in the settler-colonial methods of
repressive and racist state power and conquest of the land.

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says Labor continues to have a “problem with
Israel” amid news former Labor foreign minister Bob Carr has written to
ALP members saying Israel runs an apartheid system.
“Bob Carr has written to Labor members claiming Israel runs an apartheid
system – Jews vs Muslims – and suggesting a boycott of goods made by
Israeli settlements in the occupied west bank,” Mr Bolt said.
“What is with the left and hating Israel?"
He spoke with former Labor MP Michael Danby about the issue.
“He (Carr) is diverting public attention from other foreign policy
issues which you never hear from him on – Xinjiang, the treatment of
Uighurs there, Hong Kong,” Mr Danby said.
“I think it’s a disgrace.”
Bolt's ignorance of history and context shows when he claims anti-Semitism is part and parcel of being left-wing. Historically Jews were and still are in the majority left-wing and have been throughout history. That's a fact in the UK, US,and Australia. In fact Australian Jews have had a strong presence in the CPA, but you won't hear that from Bolt. Is it any wonder when the extreme right-wing of Christianity the Inquisition deemed them unclean and drove them out of Spain and as did extremist Muslims? Bolt has fled to the Mornington peninsula an area of Melbourne Jews avoided due to it's anti- Semitic bigotry.
Bolt's origins are from a nation the Netherlands that not only lied about their level of antisemitism for almost 40 years claiming themselves heroes in the way they treated Jews in WW2. They taught the kids in schools of their fake history. In fact the Bolt family came from the most notorious anti-Semitic town in the Netherlands. A secret kept until Israeli's proved otherwise.
Today the World has a "problem with Israel" and not only the Left. Myanmar's support is significant but certainly isn't anything to be proud of. However,
humanists do have a problem with Israel and Israel has a problem with them and the majority of Jews outside the country.
Jews inside and out of the country have a problem with their own nation. The Jewish Diaspora, the majority of Jews, has a problem
with Israel and even the ex-head of Israel's Shin Bet or secret service has a
"problem with Israel". So how is it Andrew Bolt never talks to any of those
Jews that have serious problems with Israel?
Then of course the Human
Rights Commission and the ICC also do. So who doesn't have a "problem
with Israel" Andrew Bolt?
‘What is it with the left and hating Israel’: Bolt
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says all the world's democracies "have got to
stand together, or they will fall separately" stating "China is already
at war with us" in the grey zone where it conducts strategic operations
short of an all-out war.
Mr Bolt said China's Foreign Affairs Spokesman Wang Wenbin looks like an
"overdressed shoe salesman" but is talking like "some B-Grade movie
gangster" as he threatens "countries all over the world".
"You can see for yourself just how many threats to how many countries
this puffed up mouthpiece for China's dictator makes in just one hour of
a media briefing," he said.
"Spokesman Wang warned Taiwan's democratic government to shut up about
being independent, or else, saying Taiwan's separatist forces were
making provocations by seeking independence.
"Wang also accused the US of trying to hurt China with Europe's support.
Wang also warned the German Greens, who may win government, against
criticising China.
"Something very serious is happening, and this threat is not coming from
people we can reason with. China won't even talk to our ministers." Bolt claims the Chinese talk like gangsters in a B-grade movies and that he doesn't. Read the above and listen to his tone he's right just cheap and nasty. He does it with such undiplomatic inartistic lack of style doesn't he? For someone who falsely claims to be highly educated, exceptionally well read and good mannered Andrew Bolt shows us he is trailer trash in a suit probably paid for by somebody else.. If history is any proof China isn't the warmonger. Western white colonizers on the other hand have been for over 500 years. They called themselves settlers of nations that first set about exterminating the people whose lands they stole. Their intent was genocide in order to steal communal land commodify and then sell it as real estate. Land that was once communal and shared. Eden was once shared not private property.
Bolt insists democracies need to unite however what he calls a democracy and what others do are significantly different. What Bolt really means is that like minded fascist groups in states need to gain power and unite. The problem is they are falling apart and hardly show grounds for being united. Trump saw to that in only 4 years. So what they hope have in common now isn't a leader to look up to but a manufactured mythical enemy of color China. Bolt hopes he can help generate China as the common enemy here. He's been working on it for over a decade like he did Aborigines, Muslims and Africans domestically
He has Murdoch's resources at hand to be an enabler and recruiter of hate here. However, his domestic success is more Murdoch's and Trump's who as the great Right hope, lead the way in defriending China. However, at the same time Trump was successfully doing the opposite. He was weakening ties and relationships between most other democracies and traditional allies until three months ago when Biden was elected. So yes, there is more unity now that Biden is President. It's less of the the failed dream that Trump had and the GOP still does. It's a dream in need of deconstruction in order to reveal the truth that there never were any alternative facts. China isn't the enemy the enemy is form whithin just as it once was in Germany. Unfortunately the horror created in only four years will take longer than four to deconstruct and rebuild. As those heavily invested in division and hate will continue both domestically and globally for sometime yet.
‘All democracies have to stand together, or they will fall separately’
It is "absolutely credible" to say that President Xi Jinping's primary
purpose for his military is to have the capability to take Taiwan by
force and will likely occur during his leadership, according to the
ASPI's Michael Shoebridge.
"If you wanted to know what the first priority that Xi Jinping has for
his military - it's to have a military capability to take Taiwan by
force. That's the first thing to bear in mind," he told Sky News host
Andrew Bolt.
"Second thing is that he's said publicly, that solving Taiwan and
unifying it with the mainland is not a problem that can be passed onto
the next generation - it's a problem that the current generation, i.e.
during his term of leadership, must solve.
"So it's absolutely credible that China could do this, but there are
things we can do to deter them."
Building fear has been a strategy applied by conservatives since the dawn of time. In particular the West and white men have employed it since the Inquisition when Christians and European blood was declared purer than the Africans and Jews who were driven out of Spain. Cold wars became hot Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan Cuba and others have all suffered under the impact of the West's fake narrative and Australia dutifully followed the US into wars lost each time. Tigers don't change their spots and neither does the extreme right-wing mindset. The ASPI is designed to imagine the worst and to stratigize defence. Not to reach out for peace so provide the worst scenarios for Australia's defence capabilities. So who is the most logical for warmongers like Andrew Bolt to use to support the cry that the sky is falling in?
‘Absolutely credible’ Xi Jinping will take Taiwan by force during his leadership

Queensland LNP Senator Matt Canavan has asked where the Australian
business are "who are willing to buy back Australia" from foreign
investors, calling for corporate leaders to start flying Australian
flags and not just "rainbow flags".
"I believe the security situation has changed in the last five to six
years," he said.
"Five or six years ago the defence department said they did not have a
concern with the lease of the Darwin Port to this company but it's
worthy to review that - given the actions we've seen from China in
recent years.
"If it were to come to the fact we should reacquire this asset for
Australia, I'd like to see Australian companies support and buy out the
"It would be great to see Australian corporate leaders, not just fly
rainbow flags in their offices, but also to fly Australian flags,
defending and supporting our nation and helping us buy back Australia."
Matt Canavan speaks and sounds like just what he's claims the Russians, the CCP and how any other dictators act, undiplomatically and heavy underhandedly. Simply Rip off foreign investors when it's convenient. In this case the it only took 5 years from when LNP leased Darwin to a Chinese company to talk of breaking the contract and of course blaming it all on the Chinese. When you shake hands with conservatives these days be sure to count your fingers after.
Australian businesses need to ‘buy back Australia’
The Democrats' push for President Biden to loosen vaccine patents so
every country can produce their own vaccine has created an
"international fight" for "vaccine diplomacy", according to Sky News
Washington Correspondent Annelise Nielsen.
"They want to see all this technology all around the world so countries
can start their own local production to try and counter this COVID-19
pandemic from the developing countries - which as we've seen in India
has become the real battleground in this pandemic," she told Sky News
host Andrew Bolt.
"In a broader picture this has become an international fight for vaccine
diplomacy - Australia is engaging in this as well through the quad
"And it's because China has become the really big player in this -
they're producing billions of vaccinations.
"But the advantage that China has here is that they have a hand in every
single pharmaceutical company which are geared up to do this.
"The argument coming from pretty powerful players in the US, including
Bill Gates, has been that there shouldn't be a compromise in the
intellectual property of pharmaceutical giants - that this could set a
very dangerous precedent - especially to force their hand."
Why one might ask is it better to see people around the world die in their millions than to give countries the right to manufacture vaccines. Is it better to give starving people say fish or a fishing rod so they can fish for themselves? Particularly the poor and the coloured nations of the world. India not China has the world's largest serum laboratory but PM Modi ordered them to manufacture vaccines for export not for India's domestic use because he claimed he and his government had beaten the pandemic. How Trump of him was that? What we have here from Bolt is absolutely no explanation as to why the world shouldn't be saved and in doing so we all would. Why it's wiser to restrict the manufacture of vaccine patents to have nations wait instead of being given their own fishing rods..
Joe Biden caught in middle of ‘international fight’ over vaccine patents

Sky News Digital Editor Jack Houghton says "a rabble of thugs were
written up as nice blokes" by the ABC after it characterised a slur
against the Prime Minister by Queensland Deputy Premier Steven Miles as a
"The article was very strange. They said the crowd erupted... they
almost seemed to write a colour piece around it and took [Miles']
explanation as fact," he said.
"Can you imagine if Scott Morrison had committed such a gaffe? Do we
really think anybody would see the ABC going, well he says it was a slip
of the tongue and then write a tongue-in-cheek article?
"They're doing his PR. That's not the function of the national
broadcaster, to do Labor's PR and to write about their crowd in a
celebratory manner."
The term "rabble of thugs" is appropriate but not for the ABC. It's best applied to Sky News, News Corp and it's guests. A caged circus of animals brought out each night to perform tricks for the aged user pays neanderthals known as their "ratings". They don't tend to be a diverse or varied lot neither do the performers or the advertisers. Their common goal is to profit from the now aged once profit takers. It's rather a closed shop. The system has been around for years and time hasn't really it or them very much at all. They call themselves god's own people wiser than most who promise to turn water to wine, feed you and I a feast of the best news but who have been sued more times than one can recall for not being able to come up with the goods so promised. So much so they have recently been told to fuck off and are being run out of town by their last contractor. WINN who saw them as a loss no doubt because of the advertising revenue lost.
‘Not the function of the national broadcaster’ to do Labor’s PR
Michael Hussey tests positive for COVID-19 in India: reports
Former Australian cricketer and IPL batting coach Michael Hussey has tested positive to COVID-19, according to Indian media.
Morrison's gift . The Good Samaritan who just keeps on giving.
Government backs down from travel ban jail threat
Warnings of Israeli fascism should be heeded, not condemned
IHRA definition would brand critical Jewish voices as anti-Semitic.
Ultimately, the IHRA definition fails to provide a framework to combat anti-Semitism in much the same way that political Zionism capitulates to anti-Semitism by maintaining that it is a permanent feature that Jews will always encounter by living among gentiles.
Political Zionists have long maintained that anti-Semitism can only be resolved by living in a Jewish state. Rather than recommending resistance to an outburst of anti-Semitic attacks in France in 2015, for example, Netanyahu called on Jewish citizens of that country to immigrate to Israel.
By virtue of the Israeli example, Zionist ideology holds up a mirror that reflects a profound violation of human rights, human life and liberty.
This example denies that safety rests in an ethos of human solidarity and diversity, misplacing it in the settler-colonial methods of repressive and racist state power and conquest of the land.
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says Labor continues to have a “problem with Israel” amid news former Labor foreign minister Bob Carr has written to ALP members saying Israel runs an apartheid system. “Bob Carr has written to Labor members claiming Israel runs an apartheid system – Jews vs Muslims – and suggesting a boycott of goods made by Israeli settlements in the occupied west bank,” Mr Bolt said. “What is with the left and hating Israel?" He spoke with former Labor MP Michael Danby about the issue. “He (Carr) is diverting public attention from other foreign policy issues which you never hear from him on – Xinjiang, the treatment of Uighurs there, Hong Kong,” Mr Danby said. “I think it’s a disgrace.”
Bolt's ignorance of history and context shows when he claims anti-Semitism is part and parcel of being left-wing. Historically Jews were and still are in the majority left-wing and have been throughout history. That's a fact in the UK, US,and Australia. In fact Australian Jews have had a strong presence in the CPA, but you won't hear that from Bolt. Is it any wonder when the extreme right-wing of Christianity the Inquisition deemed them unclean and drove them out of Spain and as did extremist Muslims? Bolt has fled to the Mornington peninsula an area of Melbourne Jews avoided due to it's anti- Semitic bigotry.
Bolt's origins are from a nation the Netherlands that not only lied about their level of antisemitism for almost 40 years claiming themselves heroes in the way they treated Jews in WW2. They taught the kids in schools of their fake history. In fact the Bolt family came from the most notorious anti-Semitic town in the Netherlands. A secret kept until Israeli's proved otherwise.
Today the World has a "problem with Israel" and not only the Left. Myanmar's support is significant but certainly isn't anything to be proud of. However, humanists do have a problem with Israel and Israel has a problem with them and the majority of Jews outside the country. Jews inside and out of the country have a problem with their own nation. The Jewish Diaspora, the majority of Jews, has a problem with Israel and even the ex-head of Israel's Shin Bet or secret service has a "problem with Israel". So how is it Andrew Bolt never talks to any of those Jews that have serious problems with Israel?
Then of course the Human Rights Commission and the ICC also do. So who doesn't have a "problem with Israel" Andrew Bolt?
‘What is it with the left and hating Israel’: Bolt
‘All democracies have to stand together, or they will fall separately’
Building fear has been a strategy applied by conservatives since the dawn of time. In particular the West and white men have employed it since the Inquisition when Christians and European blood was declared purer than the Africans and Jews who were driven out of Spain. Cold wars became hot Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan Cuba and others have all suffered under the impact of the West's fake narrative and Australia dutifully followed the US into wars lost each time.
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