Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Thursday, 6 May 2021
Fighting Fake News with REAL 6/5/21; Western Media; The Shovel; Donald Trump; Federal Budget;
Chinese proverb KILL THE CHICKEN TO SCARE THE MONKEYS we know who Chicken Little is. Murdoch Media all opinion no facts has been supported by the LNP since before 2013. It's had consequences in their not so "free market."
The former president said people would be “very, very happy” when he reveals his decision about another presidential run.
Is this a case of the Media Ch9 promoting the conman and boosting his ability to raise funds with some respectability. Note Trump's promise I will make you "very very happy". He didn't he hasn't but he sure as hell put on a show.
Don't bother about the cause we'll keep bandaging the after effects by subsidizing the cause and keep the profits flowing to those that have been assisting in engineering the problem for decades. It sounds like another NBN to me. Don't bother changing the system just patch it up.
Victorian Opposition Leader Michael O’Brien has slammed the Andrews
Government over new revelations about hotel quarantine, saying the
“hypocrisy of this just stinks”.
Matiu Bush, head of Victoria’s infection prevention, has been stood down
after allegedly breaking the new rules involved in the state’s hotel
“Having seen 801 of my fellow Victorians die, it’s not good enough,” Mr
O’Brien told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.
“The government promised Victorians they had learned the lessons from
last year… clearly they haven’t.
“What’s almost as bad is that not only have these shocking breaches
occurred, but nothing happened about them until the media exposed it,
it’s only today that Mr Bush has been stood down.”
Mr O’Brien said the Victorian Government believes there are “two sets of
rules” – one for them and their mates and “one for every other
“The hypocrisy of this just stinks,” he said.
Michael O'Brien who is he oh he's the head on a stick we see almost daily who gets more media attention than even Albo the head of the ALP. Why is that? His rating is so low and media presence so embarrassing even his party is eager to see the back of him. O'Brien is right 801 aged -care patients did die from Covid-19. What O'Brien fails to mention they were all in aged-care at the Federal Government's and Morrison's pleasure. They contracted Covid-10 the spread spread from quarantine facilities the management of which was also meant to be under Federal control. If it weren't for Dan Andrews good will there' have been none. Yes, LNP supervision that Dan Andrews said he'd assist with not knowing Morrison would politicize and wash his hands of what occurred like the gutless no warranty salesman he is. As for O'Brien, he's the modern version of Dickie Knee and who Andrew Bolt is giving him real time to as if he has something to say.
Mitiu Bush deserved to be stepped down after investigations confirmed his inappropriate behaviour. The world is full of errors committed in emergencies by systems failing and by individuals. They are happening in NSW and W.A. as we speak but not mentioned by Bolt because politics stands in the way of everything when it comes to the Bolt Report. It stands in the way of truth, science and facts. The only other thing that tops politics is the self- aggrandizement of Andrew Bolt himself. A self made myth in his own production he is the living epitome of an "alternative fact.
Most of the extreme weather events that the media and public are so
focused on possesses no evidence of "human influence", according to
Former US Undersecretary for Science Professor Steven Koonin.
"Almost all my belief is founded upon reading the UN IPCC reports and
similar reports by the US government and then looking at the underlying
research literature," he said.
"According to the reports... most of the extreme weather events that the
public and the media are so focused on do not show any evidence of
human influence.
"So for example, the report's saying and again this is the consensus
science talking ... there are no detectable human influences on
hurricanes over the last 100 years. In the US, heatwaves, are no more
common now than they were in 1900 and have not gone up in incidents over
the last 60 years.
"Wildfires around the ground have gone down by about 25 per cent since
2003. And yes last year 2020 saw terrible fires in Australia and in
California here in the US - but in fact, 2020 globally was one of the
least active fire years on record.
"While the globe has warmed significantly - we've not seen any changes
in these kinds of events that at least we can detect and say are there
with confidence."
Below are statements by Bolt's guest Steven Koonin , a physicist, not a climatologist that seem to run against global evidence and the scientific consensus. So why does Bolt ignore these patent contradictions to the evidence of man made global warming?
Here are five statements Koonin makes in “Unsettled” that climatologists say are misleading, incorrect or undercut by current
1. “The warmest temperatures in the US have not risen in the past fifty years.”
2. “Most types of extreme weather events
don’t show any significant change—and some such events have actually
become less common or severe—even as human influences on the climate
3. “Humans have had no detectable impact on hurricanes over the past century.”
4. “Greenland’s ice sheet isn’t shrinking any more rapidly today than it was eighty years ago.”
5.“The net economic impact of human-induced climate change will be minimal through at least the end of this century.
Sky News host Rowan Dean says global warming madness is sneaking into
“every aspect of society” after France passed its climate change bill.
Under the legislation, state schools will be required to ban meat or
fish from tuck shops at least one day a week.
“This idea, of what we feed people or feed our children or feed future
generations as a solution to so-called global warming is the most
insidious, diabolical creation that anyone’s come up with,” Mr Dean told
Sky News host Andrew Bolt.
“This global warming madness is creeping into every aspect of society;
heaven help us.”
It's about time we came to realize our choices have consequences both private and publicly. Public health is often given little attention by conservative governments preferring it be a family responsibility at our earliest age. Schools become the obvious first stop centers to begin with in changing bad wide societal habits.
Rowan Dean or Bolt's synopsis doesn't appear to offer any explanation as to why banning meat or fish from French tuck shops for a day is bad? France has always been leaders in ensuring the public health of children via the schools. In fact Michael Moore highlighted that fact years ago that they don't have "tuck shops" as such in their schools. They have sit down cooked lunches. Is that bad for their health? Nutritionists would suggest it's a great idea. We don't do that here. Is Dean really aware of that?
Dean certainly didn't attack Jamie Oliver's efforts for his plan to make schools a center for learning healthier eating habits. France is and has been way ahead of the world for years and it shows. Their comarative obesity levels much lower than ours.There's a whole range of reasons why meat and fish aren't recommended for daily consumption by any of us. If CO2 emissions happen to be added to that list it would be good but it's certainly not the only one. With 7.5 bill people on the planet we don't set an example for the best use of resources to feed ourselves with do we. Life expectancy in the US is falling and Dean so much wants to mirror them.
Over 60s are advised to stop eating as much raw fish as we do anyway given the pollutants in their diet. The same has been said of meat given the the environmental havoc caused to grow it. Due to recent droughts in Qld 500,000 cattle had to be destroyed showing us what a precarious resource cattle in fact are. Besides as adults concerned with their image and health I'm sure both Dean and Bolt have complied and don't eat either meat or fish daily. Nor have they suddenly upped their intakes simply because they are pig headed lobbying climate change deniers. If a diet change happens to cut emissions it's good. It seems it wouldn't harm the planet or white Westerner's, only their over indulgence. The majority of the planet's population certainly doesn't even have the choice.
Now that the drought has been “essentially broken” following floods, a
“perfect breeding ground” for mice is seeing a “plague” sweep across NSW
in particular, according to Sky News reporter Danica Di Giorgio.
“I’ve spoken to a number of experts, interviewed several people over the
last few months and they’ve told me that the mouse plague occurs in
Australia every five to ten years,” she told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.
“To give you a bit of an idea of the extent, mice are prolific breeders,
they have the ability to breed from about six weeks old and can
reproduce about ten mice every 21 days.
“So right now there’s no end in sight.”
Guessing Bolt's message is always tricky as it's never obvious at first blight. Is it that old cherry, yet again, that floods, droughts and even mice plagues are "normal events" and not exceptional. So those impacted and us watching shouldn't be worried it has nothing to do with climate change? As was the biblical locust plague was. It was normal an a pure exaggeration to have been put in that book of fictional tales according to Bolt the agnostic. He also says that too about all extreme weather conditions that they are just normal events despite what the farmers, and scientists say.
Our hand has 5 fingers every finger is different. So, Bolt's explanation of the hand is simply the five fingers are different so difference isn't exceptional and then nor is the hand. However. global science suggests the need to study of the whole hand if and when any one of the fingers is to be understood as exceptionally dysfunctional. A far more logical and rational approach to understanding the system than just looking at lots and lots of different fingers.
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says what he most fears is China "bullying us
into shutting our mouths" as China apologists tell Australia to temper
its rhetoric toward the global power.
"There is a good argument for us to do just that - to shut up and crawl
to China - but if you're going to do that, say it straight... let's put
profit before principles because freedom isn't worth the fight," he
"That sea to our north, in fact, includes some of our most vital
shipping lanes, and China, by stealing this territory, can now shut them
down if it wants and strangle us. That's none of our business?
"No, China is not into world domination if you mean sending armies into
every corner of the word, but it managed to invade Tibet, gone to war
with Vietnam, killed Indian troops over disputed borders, taken the
South China Sea, claims some islands around Japan, threatens to invade
Taiwan and sent warships into territories claimed by the Philippines.
"This dictatorship wants to set rules for the rest of us. That's the
global domination that I really fear."
Bolt has been bullying us into shutting our mouths for years, so you would think he knows something about the matter. He's been the one that's been bullying China since Abbott was PM and we have heard China complaining. They have been complaining politely about Murdoch media for years. While Bolt has been dutifully pounding his chest like an ape yelling" who are you telling me to shut up." Murdoch has had a grudge against China since they kicked Sky out of their country and since he and Wendy, who he called a CCP spy, divorced. There is a Chinese saying "you kill the chicken to scare the monkey" that seems appropriate given the Australian government and Murdoch media's current chicken little approach to China.
Who are these Bolt's" China apologists " and what are they apologizing about? As for putting profit before principles and we have simply seen Bolt forego the ones he declared yesterday today. Time and time again he's contradicted himself even on the same blog page." Stop the lock downs they are sending us broke." "The government needs to save Australians in India no matter the cost." " I'm man of peace, against violence" " Young Christians are gutless they should be committed to fight like those young terrorists did in Barcelona"
Of course Australia can stop supplying China with coal, iron ore, ports and land if it wants to. But China can't refuse to buy it seems or discourage exports like tourism, education, wine and lobsters if it wants. That's what the LNP calls "free trade". This government has lead us down the path of China abuse and kept saying "they need us more than we do them" now those chickens have come home to roost. 5 years ago the LNP celebrated the lease of Darwin's port that's how quickly the shit they find themselves in has escalated. Morrison decided to be Trump in the Pacific.
Bolt's "they could do" rationale is the much the same for 8 years but Abbott had more interest in Putin back then as" the enemy". America and for vacuous mythical reasons the LNP joined the invasion of Vietnam sure as man made hell exists we created it and went there into a fledged war and lost. We did the same in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria for the same ficticious reasons and lost. Idiot Bolt seems to regard China's actions as equivalent fully fledged wars equal to our years in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. Propagandists believe they can say anything and get away with it. China's border skirmishes aren't and never were the same as our invasion of Iraq and our bombing of Syria. It shows what Bolt actually thinks of his audience like Goebbels easily manipulated on an emotional level all for the sake of a domestic political need because all else with the LNP and Morrison is in disarray.
To regarded Tibet as an invasion seems harsh given we did nothing. We treated it as a skirmish until now because Andrew Bolt says China are invaders. While all the other actions do look like skirmishes and our governments treated them as just that. Why didn't China simply invade Vietnam if Bolt suggests they are so strong? It seems to suggest they didn't want to unlike us. China doesn't want to set rules for the rest of us Bolt certainly does and on all levels from raising children, pathways of mobility and what happens to our estates after death. He maintains it's of individual choice but it's obviously not.
He wants Dan Andrews cancelled, our universities closed to these foreign Chinese invaders. He wants Chinese investor forced buy outs as cheap as possible of course by a corporate state owned by minority of shareholders many foreign anyway. He wants us to continue the threat of a war with China just as Trump did wanting to see most Australians going broke or debt ridden slaves to an unjust system of strictly allocated privilege. Diplomacy and Democracy has never been a method of government approved of or applied by fascists and Andrew Bolt is showing and wants to prove it.
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