Friday, 7 May 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 7/5/21; Educational Inequality; Backlash on Morrison; War Talk The Shovel;





Pat Cummins in his hotel room in India.

Guess what Morrison has set up  not fit for purpose hotel quarantine in India. Declaring it good enough

Cooped up in his Ahmedabad hotel as the Australian contingent began to leave India for the Maldives to wait out the government’s travel ban, Pat Cummins had time to reflect on a very different IPL experience.

Eerie silence and sacred cows as Cummins awaits passage from India

 Educational inequality in Australia: Too much talk is never enough

 ‘Australian schooling is one of the most inequitable in the world and disadvantaged Australian students are up to three years behind the most-advantaged students.’

Tinkering with the curriculum fails to address the biggest issue in Australian schooling, which is social disadvantage and inequity.

While elite private schools receive generous government funding in addition to tuition fees charged to families, some of the most disadvantaged public schools continue to be inadequately resourced.

Australian schooling is one of the most inequitable in the world and disadvantaged Australian students are up to three years behind the most-advantaged students.

Without adequate resourcing and funding models in place, no amount of reform will ensure all students receive access to a rich curriculum.

Proposed new curriculum acknowledges First Nations’ view of British ‘invasion’ and a multicultural Australia 

As Dr Binoy Kampmark noted, “Then there was the issue of the previous policies Canberra had adopted to countries suffering from galloping COVID-19 figures. A baffled Sharma wondered, ‘Why is it that India has copped this ban and no people who have come from America?’ Former race discrimination commissioner Tim Soutphommasane seconds the suspicions. ‘We didn’t see differential treatment being extended to countries such as the United States, the UK, and any other European country even though the rates of infection were very high and the danger of its arrivals from those countries was very high’.” This article was originally published on The Big Smoke.

Source: Morrison blames media for travel ban backlash – » The Australian Independent Media Network



“Now Is Not The Time To Talk About Building A Quarantine Facility”

"Today is a day to talk about a potential war with China” 

News Corp Australia executive chairman Michael Miller and global co-chairman Lachlan Murdoch.

It appears current affairs remain the laggards and Andrew Bolt continues to be dead weight. (ODT)

The Rupert Murdoch-controlled media company said the performance was due to investment in sectors such as real-estate and book publishing while indicating cost-cutting efforts at Foxtel and its evolution into an online streaming company gave News Corp “optionality and flexibility”.

News Corp is the owner of The Australian, The Daily Telegraph and The Herald Sun, and has a 65 per cent stake in Foxtel.

Source: News Corp revenue jumps, Foxtel strategic pivot provides ‘flexibility and optionality’

main article image 

 The extreme-right in the USA points the finger at and blames Murdoch Media for their radicalization. Sky News in Australia is equally as active here but ASIO and the LNP seem to ignore their pro right recruitment activities and the consequences they have had to endangering our democracy and the escalation of violence as far away as New Zealand.

Huffington Post’s Ryan Reilly cited the attorney claiming “Foxitus” and “Foxmania,” saying that his client was radicalized to attack the U.S. Capitol after watching Fox News for six months. He then started “believing what was being fed to him” by the conservative network and President Donald Trump.

Source: “Foxmania”: Capitol attackers are blaming Fox News in court for their radicalization |


 Commercial flights from India won’t be allowed for ‘some time’: Clennell
 Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell says he doesn’t think commercial flights from India will be allowed for “quite some time” however repatriation flights will occur. He said the decision to begin repatriation flights on May 15 is “dependent on agreement at National Cabinet”. “This the difficulty with allowing the states to be in charge of quarantine,” Mr Clennell told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “Because you can’t just make this unilateral decision, so that’s kind of a key meeting tomorrow.” 
The government's lack of leadership as a unifying force during this pandemic has the LNP appearing in disarray. However it provides  Morrison the opportunity to blame anyone and everyone else such as the states, the media, India's incompetence and China. Anyone other than themselves.

Commercial flights from India won’t be allowed for ‘some time’: Clennell

 The ABC is not there to 'fight the right'

 ABC Chairman Ita Buttrose "imagines the ABC is the only thing saving the country from the wicked right", according to Sky News host Andrew Bolt. "That's not just a paranoid fantasy of the left. That is also not the job of the ABC," he said. "By law, the ABC is meant to be unbiased; impartial. It's not there to fight the right. "That's is because all of us – including me, you, conservatives, and even right-wingers – are forced to fund the ABC. Hand over a billion dollars a year of our taxes. "And now hear the ABC chairman actually justify that hijack. Saying the ABC's role is to stop what she calls right-wing extremists. "Not left-wing ones, no never - just right-wing ones." 

The ABC's charter is not to be neutral at all it's charter is to question the veracity and partiality of everyone employed to service our democracy. It's duty is to critically question those servicing us and our democratic system of which we are all a part. That doesn't carry obligation to be neutral but rather  objective it requires governments to be transparent and accountable. 

The ABC works for us the Australian people and not for just some people as Bolt suggests. His citizenship is his contract. His contract he can walk out od at anytime and become solely Dutch his backstop. We even allow him the privilege of dual citizenship. So ABC works for a system of diverse, multicultural, multipolitical interests who seasonally elect governments to do their bidding. We elect them whether left, right, independent or apolitical to maintain and work within the principles of our democracy. The ABC is there to hold them accountable not to be impartial. So Andrew Bolt is wrong nobody is "forced" to fund the ABC. Citizenship is part of the agreed contract written in law between the ABC and us. Only  Bolt  the loser believes the ABC needs to start working for him. They are.

That billion dollars of taxes is the equivalent today of what the ABC budget was in 1984. No, it's less considering the population growth. It's almost doubled. The current LNP with it's promised no cuts to the ABC  has effectively neutered "our" auditor by withholding  a billion dollars from it. In effect halving it's finances and forcing it into survival mode. The ABC is the not there to "stop" right-wing extremists that's a job for National Security, ASIO and the police. It is there however to illuminate their growth wherever and whenever they can and report it. They are revealing what's hidden for the safety of us all. ASIO has recently said these are clandestine groups have now taken over 40% of their time. The ABC job is to  also reveal those that support them their, enablers, recruiters, and funders. Just as they should if we were at war and just as they did when One Nation illegally attempted to get NRA to fund them under the cover of darkness. 

The ABC have an Independent and statutory obligation to help keep the bastards honest. Andrew Bolt certainly doesn't play that role. His, on the surface is to make the Murdoch corporation  a profit and is privileged with immense resources to do that but is a failure. He's never really been successful yet he's still there so money can't be his primary goal after all. Rather that's propaganda, to influence by presenting not alternative facts but false ones dressed up and sold as news and information. They are neither but unlike Peter Foster and other grifters jailed for the sale of fake products Bolt's not even charged let alone convicted. He survives under the protection and grace given the Murdoch's by the LNP, IPA, and other powerful and wealthy interests who want the ABC gone. Survives under the notion that he's bullshit is "free" rather than the harm he causes.

The ABC is not there to ‘fight the right’

 'Another attempt by the left' to intimidate a conservative women

 NSW One Nation Leader Mark Latham says the treatment of Natasha Maclaren-Jones in the state's parliament was an attempt by the left to "intimidate and shout down a Liberal-Conservative woman". "I've served in all three levels of government, I've seen stoushes at local councils, I've seen them at federal parliament, but nothing like this," he said. "As I saw it, there was an attempt by two-Labor left-wing men to intimidate verbally and physically the conservative woman who was trying to assume the chair. "You've got to ask the question, where's the ABC that ran a three-month campaign in Canberra about the treatment of women?"

This isn't recent news. It was reported by the ABC at least the day it happened. Where were the two misogynistic opportunists Bolt and Mark Latham then?  Why is Bolt's favored One Nation tag team-er given space to preach "old news". Is it  because it's Thursday and Bolt has little nothing to offer so he can say "over to you Mark" tell us what you think because I'm not? 

 Yes, we are all misogynists in the main socialized at a psychologically cellular level and there are idiots of all political persuasions. However these two are exceptional idiots who should be in shorts and back school uniforms saying they aren't bullies the others are. The are saying the ALP is worse than the LNP. However despite there being idiots on both sides progressives by definition want systemic change while extreme conservatives like Bolt and Latham don't. They currently don't think rape isn't as bad as what Mark saw happening in the NSW parliament. Bolt even has claimed that any change to the rape laws will victimize men. Now that's being LNP apologists and extremely dumb ones. Who have taken a week to respond and I can't blame Latham for that.  By the way the above photo doesn't even seem to fit what it is they are referring to.

‘Another attempt by the left’ to intimidate a conservative women

 A 'likelihood' NSW will get on top of COVID-19 transmission: Peter Collignon

The NSW government's response to another case of community transmission of the coronavirus is "proportional" and has a "likelihood" of getting control of the spread, according to Infectious Diseases Expert Professor Peter Collignon. "Well, I think they've adopted a proportional response to what the level of risk is at the moment. There is still one person we haven't found," he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. "But equally 80 per cent of people don't really transmit this to others. "Secondly, because they get the population on side and comply it decreases the chance of having a super spreading event because they're limiting indoor crowds- particularly without masks. "And on top of that - so far the people in Sydney in all the past outbreaks have responded very well in getting testing when anybody has any symptoms - and they have been able to get control of this." 

Is this an advertorial for Gladys if she'd been Dan Andrew would she have been given this warm and cuddlyf wrap. Sky must expect a solid cash flow when the LNP advertising budget is allocated by the NSW government. Nobody si asking how and why did this happen? How did yet another infectious person slip through the cracks and how many more are out there. Proportionality is simply saying well we fucked up but it's not that bad. It's not asking the hard questions is it Andrew Bolt who simply says "and what do you think Peter" "Well I think lets not talk about why when or how Andrew" After all " 80% don't transmit this disease to others" Am I hearing that this is really a trivial virus? Peter Collignon is not an expert Epidemiologist  it seems. Maybe he hasn't heard about India, the US, and UK. NSW Premier warns missing link may not be found


A ‘likelihood’ NSW will get on top of COVID-19 transmission: Peter Collignon

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