Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 16/6/21 Climate; Wuhan and Morrison; The world of secrets; NBN;



Composite: Scott Morrison, A general view of the steelworks and coal loading facility in Port Kembla in Wollongong, Australia

Voters want Australia to set a net zero 2050 emissions target, but no carbon tax

A majority of Australians want the federal government to cut greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 but do not want a carbon price as part of the plan.

The question asked "do you support a new tax or new technologies" hardly represents  a true indication of what Australians really do support. "do you support the most effective way to achieve net zero"  or" should the largest carbon emitters pay a  price for their emissions" might  have derived different responses. This has been a hardly unbiased poll was it first tested out on a focus group in order get the response wanted?

The question itself is no longer a valid sovereign one and is really one that needs a combined global focus such as a the recent global tax on corporations. A tax on the single largest carbon emitters per person or the largest companies might be more effective. The Dutch lead the way with it's recent demands on Shell. Currently Australia stands in opposition to the G7. 

 Is it any wonder Biden cancelled his and Morrison's one on one scheduled meeting? Morrison in the eyes of Americans is more a Trumper Republican than a Biden Democrat and his links with QAnon. That and his policies on climate change certainly certainly wouldn't endear him to Biden.

All these Labs aren’t in China. Just how many secrets does this government refuse to reveal? Timor Leste is just one that comes to mind. Morrison is hardly promoting an in-principle argument here that he abides by.

Scott Morrison’s support for President Biden’s assertion that there is an urgent need to bolster and accelerate efforts to identify the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and further that there is a need to ensure that the World Health Organization is independent and invested with stronger surveillance powers, seems on the face of it more than reasonable. Is it?

But nonetheless, the lab scenario should worry us. Governments around the world operate labs that create and study viruses. One could claim that this is a disinterested pursuit of scientific knowledge but somehow, I doubt that funding such research is motivated by lofty altruistic motives. The laboratories working on various biohazardous research are graded from 1-4 according to their potential risk. Fifty or so laboratories worldwide come into category 4. Category 4 laboratories are highly regulated and often top-secret establishments. One cannot help but infer from that level of secrecy that governments fund that research out of their defense budgets.


3 Qs

Source: COVID-19 origin: a search or a witch hunt? – » The Australian Independent Media Network

 NBN problems a result of Coalition Government's cost-cutting policies

The NBN's latest proposals may not resolve its issues of cost efficiency and internet speed, writes Paul Budde. 
The LNP were never into investing in infrastructure and the NBN is just that. The Abbott/ Turnbull/Morrison government has put us at a major competitive disadvantage which has actually sent us backwards in the digital age. It's what we can expect of a government that have no policies other than beating and gaslighting nation when tendering and for securing the top job. Service is the least of their interests promoting fear and division their priority. 
Why else has the Trump model of American politics been of so much interest to them? Whether Health, Education, Economy, Climate Change or Tax, LNP strategies have been conducted with Trump's in view. Trump put on shows Morrison photo shoots in yellow vests. Their aim is to assist their donors by lowering Corporate tax when the world wants the ensure the stop their tax avoidance practices. Universal health care is no longer an option with an LNP government at the helm even in a pandemic. Global attention to climate change is pandering to some sort of hoax and is secondary to bottom line interests than those of a planet. Inhumane border policies are necessary to prevent inhumane people smuggling but labor trafficking for commercial interest fine. No matter the harm done to local labor ensuring wages suffer.
There's political stance built on fear the promotion of division, racism, the demand for assimilation in a multicultural country and the promotion of false history. Cemented with a financial alliance with the interests of the wealthiest 1% and a mainstream media totally dependent of their financial supports. The government being one of the biggest advertisers in the country. Couple that with the clamp down and the prevention of critical thought or demand for accountability and you've cobbled together a fascist state. Fear and division were a moral contradiction in any democracy but it worked politically for Hitler and one can never forget he was voted in too.

Students line a busy intersection and overpass protesting against a Jefferson County School Board proposal to emphasize patriotism and downplay civil unrest in the teaching of U.S. history, in the Denver suburb of Littleton, Colo., Thursday, Sept. 25, 2014. Several hundred students walked out of class Thursday in the fourth straight day of protests in Jefferson County. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)  (AP)

Moving away from the debate about what is or isn’t “critical race theory” and instead focusing on what lawmakers are actually trying to do — replace factual information with fake history — helps recenter the debate on what’s really going on. After all, the only reason Republicans and right-wing pundits lie about what is and isn’t in the public school curriculum is because they know they can’t win the debate by being honest. The truth terrifies them, which is why they go to such lengths to conceal it both in public debate and in our public schools.

Why isBruce Pascoe an Andrew Bolt pathological obsession?

Source: Why the panic over “critical race theory” is the perfect right-wing troll |


The Israeli military confirmed it attacked the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, marking the definitive end of a cease-fire that followed 11 days of violence last month in which over 250 people were killed, most of them Palestinians. In a statement, the Israel Defense Forces said it had attacked Hamas’ armed compounds in Gaza City in response to the reported launching of incendiary balloons from the territory, which the Israeli fire brigade said caused 20 fires in open fields near the Gaza border but apparently no casualties. HuffPost has not been able to confirm whether Hamas militants were responsible for the balloons. Advertisement The IDF said it was “ready for all scenarios, including renewed fighting in the face of continued terrorist attacks emanating from Gaza.”

Balloons and some fires in paddocks vs a reign of bombing and terror from the skies

Source: Israel Launches Airstrikes On Gaza As Cease-Fire Crumbles | HuffPost

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