Saturday, 23 October 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 23/10/21; AUKUS; Perrottet Opus Dei and the Catholic Mafia; Melbourne's Guantanamo


 May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'John Lord Midday thoughts. Has Australia ever, so blindly, elected man so negatively characterless? So ignorant of truth and transparency. So insensitive to those who cannot help themselves. So willing to endorse and foster inequality. So illiterate of technology and science. So oblivious the needs of women. So inept at policy formation and its implementation. So prone to the language of absurdity. So pugnacious, so confrontationist, so self- righteous, his attitude toward others. So dismissive those who desire equality. And so out of touch with modern pluralist society. man so unsophisticated deep worldly acumen or discernment, yet religiously motivated.'

Western Media tells us “It’s all China’s doing” Note how the “peace-makers” are defending us with nuclear warheads at the ready but not any Australian of course for politically sensitive reasons. Fuck the French we are America’s “Pillocks of the Pacific”.

this all-Anglo alliance comes perilously close to locking the world into just such a conflict that could all too easily become a hot, even potentially nuclear, war between the two wealthiest, most powerful countries on the planet. If you’re too young to have lived through the original Cold War as I did, imagine going to sleep fearing that you might not wake up in the morning, thanks to a nuclear war between the world’s two superpowers (in those days, the United States and the Soviet Union). Imagine walking past nuclear fallout shelters, doing “duck and cover” drills under your school desk, and experiencing other regular reminders that, at any moment, a great-power war could end life on Earth.

 Taking the World to the Brink: The Australia-UK-US Nuclear Sub Alliance against China

Dominic Perrottet’s five-man “Catholic Cabinet” rushed through a deal to deliver control of Sydney’s cemeteries, ergo $5bn in capital, to the Catholic Church, in defiance of independent expert advice.

Arrogance in plain sight

A “Catholic Cabinet”

  Told it doesn't stack up economically they double down and even ignore ICAC's pre-existing advice

The ERC is now made up of Treasurer Matt Kean as chair, with Premier Perrottet, Finance Minister Tudehope, Nationals Leader Paul Toole and Minister for Customer Service Victor Dominello as members.

All five are avowed Catholics. The Expenditure Review Committee is expected to review Option 1 and Option 6 on November 11.

The similarities between Tudehope’s interference with the cemetery decision and Daryl  Maguire’s interference with the $5.5 million shooting club grant are striking.

The “Catholic Cabinet”: Perrottet’s $5bn cemeteries bid dwarfs Gladys’ gun club frolic

 Further details emerge as Premier Perrottet linked to ICAC gun club grant

Since late 2020, the Australian government has indefinitely held 43 refugees in the Park Hotel in Carlton, Melbourne. This week, 19 tested positive for COVID-19. According to the detainees, the source could be any of the 20 security guards who refused vaccination. 

 These refugees were brought to Australia from Nauru under the short-lived Medevac Bill passed in early 2019. The bill allowed critically ill refugees and people seeking asylum held in offshore detention centers to be transferred to Australia for medical treatment. Ahmed is one of the forty-three refugees being held in the Park Hotel, and like the others, he has remained in detention for the duration of the pandemic. He spoke to Jacobin about the source of the COVID-19 outbreak and the situation he and his friends are currently facing.

As Melbourne emerges from the world’s longest lockdown, indefinite detention continues for the refugees in Park Hotel. For at least nineteen, this will now be compounded by COVID-19, while the rest remain at severe risk. As Ahmed argues, the detainees at Park Hotel urgently need solidarity to end the cruel regime of mandatory detention:

Please, we need you guys. This is unfair, we are innocent. We didn’t commit any crime. Talking about it makes me sad — we’re just suffering for no reason. We’re not talking to each other here. We’re tired. We need your help, we need your voice. This system should be changed.

Refugees in Melbourne Are Stuck in a Nightmare of Indefinite Detention and COVID-19 Infections

US President Donald Trump arrives for a campaign rally at Pittsburgh International Airport in Moon Township, Pennsylvania on September 22, 2020. (MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

DWAC and SPAC are the sounds you’d expect to see in an American cartoon bubble like Batman. DJ Trump is currently the total commercialized product. Archie Bunker was simply an "entertainer" Trump is the full blown package comic, entertainer, fraudster, politician with a preparation from the cradle and is the  living production of Springtime for Hitler financed by the wolves on Wall St. A package set up that even if it fails there's money. Yes, he’s the total package and he’s being sold and constructed by people far smarter than him. Money Guns and Lawyers are all there to protect their asset the Golden Goose.

DWAC is what’s known as a “SPAC,” or special purpose acquisition company. The strategy, which has become popular in recent years as a way to sidestep the typically onerous regulatory process of taking a company public, typically occurs when a non-public company merges with a shell company that is already public. In this case, DWAC is set to merge with “Trump Media & Technology Group.”

 Inside the “weird” world of DWAC, Trump’s already soaring social media SPAC |



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