Thursday, 11 November 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 11/11/21;; Short back and sides delivered to renewables by a government leading the way




Vales Point Power Station, EVs, Trevor St Baker

Coal baron and Liberal donor Trevor St Baker is ripe for Scott Morrison’s electric vehicles (EVs) subsidies. Callum Foote reports on the commendable materialisation of a Coalition climate action technology. EVs won’t kill the weekend, and there’s every chance they won’t kill the Coalition’s friendliness to its mates. While the details of the big EV step-up are still being eked out to an eager Australian public, there is a bright future for a Liberal donor in this technological wonderland.

The media has been stunned with Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s majestic backflip, sorry “pivot”, on Electric Vehicles (EV), having just announced the Future Fuels and Vehicles Strategy which centres on $250 million to build charging stations for EVs.

This is a first in the PM’s globally ridiculed Technology Roadmap because EV technology has actually been invented – unlike other unspecified future technologies upon which the Coalition is relying. Moreover, it is an unusually concrete announcement for the Coalition in that EV technology – unlike clean coal and clean gas (carbon capture and storage or CCS) – has a shot at working commercially.

It is therefore commendable that Scott Morrison, in the wake of Glasgow’s COP26 climate conference, has finally moved to embrace an authentic policy. Although, while typically short on detail, and long on Scomoesque public relations stunts, it appears that the spending may be targeted at least one prominent Liberal Party donor.

 Coal baron the frontrunner as Coalition finally unfurls climate technology which exists – Michael West Media

Meanwhile Morrison is documenting what's serious


 For the world:

 This is a documentary in the making for the rest of the world to show who he he really is : Not a PM

For us:

  "It was just a spur of the moment carefully orchestrated thing”

Scott Morrison shows he’s just an ordinary bloke by getting hair cut in front of 50-person camera crew 

Morrison is actually suss on originality of any kind except being noted historically as Australia's most prolific Liar leading our most self-confessed, do-nothing Government. He is constantly videoed doing just that daily, nothing! 

"Pathological liars get extremely angry when confronted with proof of their falsehoods. They often balk at innocent questions about their fabrications. Many pathological liars believe their lies and find it more comfortable to lie than tell the truth. ... When questioned or confronted, they revert to anger and hostility.28 Oct 2021"

M May be an image of 5 people and text that says 'Media Analyst @MediaAnalystOz Look it's Boris Johnso Johnson getting a haircut for the press, driving a green bus, and preparing food like normal people, all in the past 3 years Morrison and Johnson both use the same people to run their campaigns. When Morrison does a stunt, google if Johnson did it first #auspol BAKE BACK BETTER 7:40 pm 09 Nov 21 Twitter for Android'

Not really reported by Murdoch Media or the the other MSM

In the tradition of Coalition environment ministers, Sussan Ley has knocked back a large renewable energy project while waving through three new coal mines. Callum Foote reports on a government ministry which has found more renewable projects “clearly unacceptable” than coal mines

 “Clearly Unacceptable”: Environment Minister Sussan Ley bans renewable project, blesses three new coal mines

Scott Morrison coal stance will cause G7 regrets

 Arrogance of the Government's Corporate Welfare Policy unleashed. He is the tobacco salesman promising to UNSMOKE  the world while selling more tobacco. He's the parent intent on giving the child a belting and saying "this hurts me more than it does you but it's in your best interest." "Let's use more gas rather than a cleaner energy source to produce hyrdogen " EVs accelerate faster than Lamborghinies but have no grunt". "Short term thinking is cheaper, better and more efficient than long therm so let's do as little as poosible now and step on the pedal in 2050 because I know Godot is coming"

Australia’s plan to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 does not involve a phase-out of coal, and ( PM Morrison says): “Australia’s coal and gas export industries will continue through to 2050 and beyond, supporting jobs and regional communities.”

“The pressure on Australia, both international and domestic, is just going to keep growing. And the cost will be felt not just in the loss of international reputation, but economic damage as the rest of the world moves faster, and starts to impose border tariffs on Australian exports.”

While Morrison says there is “no line in the sand”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has repeatedly said he hopes the event will be a line-in-the-sand moment that would see “all the countries in the world … move off coal”.

 Coal plan in draft COP26 may be ‘rude shock’ for Scott Morrison

Morrison: Australia India and Russia are alone counting coal. China has stepped up to the plate and publicly announced it's immediate future intentions stand shoulder to shoulder with the US and UK. That's CHUKUS a agreement Morrison didn't see coming...Clumsy again...constantly!!

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping will hold a virtual summit before the end of the year.

Glasgow: China and the United States have boosted the global climate talks with their joint statement, quelling lingering fears that the summit might end in failure and opening the door to the acceleration of a global green economic transition.

 COP26 Glasgow summit: US-China climate pact gives momentum to hope but few details

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