Friday, 12 November 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 12/11/21; Voter ID and a change in legislation. Morrison and Trumpland Australia;




The ultimate LNP goal is not to “steal the nation's votes but to destroy our Democracy” by recreating a system where voting is reduced to a pantomime more akin to Orban's Hungary, Erdogen's Turkey, Putin's Russia, and in particular what the Republican Trumpers currently propose for the USA. Simply put a One Party Autocracy where any opposition is reduced to a fiction An Autocracy of Oliagarchs and a voting system that's just a pantomime.

Morrison's slogan "The Australian Way" is quite a contradiction little more than MAGA.  On one hand like Trump Morrison has turned our backs on the nations we claim to have shared values and joined and praised those with which we don't Russia. Putin Trump and Morrison have no intention of digging up coal and share that value. But then Morrison also demands we must defend Taiwan at all cost from the evil of China that holds what he regards as similar values as Russia. Like Trump Russia is good China is bad then Morrison is Trump. On what basis do these two fuckwits make these decisions? It's neither on their bullshit Christian values nor on their professed Capitalist ones as Russia and Taiwan are opposites. There is no consistency other than transactional self-interest at anyone moment  and that's not necessarily yours, mine or Australia's. It's whichever the way the wind blows at any one moment. Even Yo Yos are more consistent. Morrison like Trump never really names who it is he's actually working for. It's definitely not for the Nation as he claims but seemingly only his own interest of power for power's sake and those ready to invest money to support him and his personal ambition like Trump. 

If we don’t need it, why does the government want it? “Voter suppression” is the call from the left on that. The government, it’s alleged, is copying straight from the Republican Party’s US playbook, manipulating the law to disenfranchise voters who are less likely to support conservative candidates, such as the poor and marginalised. Specifically, in America, Black people. Here, likewise. After all, which section of the Australian population is most likely to have difficulty producing ID on polling day? Make it harder to vote, and they won’t.

The analogy is imperfect, because of compulsory voting. The actual negative impact of voter ID requirements is likely to be vanishingly small, given that the proposed law does make it very easy to comply. However, that’s not an argument in favour of the law.In the absence of any stated or apparent rationale for bringing in voter ID (beyond the meaningless assertion about public confidence), it’s fair to look for a more cynical explanation. Some have suggested that this is the first step by the Coalition down the path of undermining public confidence in compulsory voting with a view to eventually pushing for a change to voluntary voting.

 Voter ID legislation: the Senate needs to reject this bad, unjustified law

 May be an image of text that says 'this is Scumo's 'can do' Capitalism executive salaries skyrocket while workers wages remain stagnant •.Corporate handouts and subsidies while taxpayers pick up the bill ..Pensioner poverty 2nd highest in OECD .Major Corporations pay NO TAX Legal rorting fJOBKEEPER Legyd'

Today’s falsehoods from Morrison share a likeness with those of former US president Donald Trump, writes Rachel Withers in The Monthly Today. Especially in the manner in which the PM attempted to twist his way out of earlier comments – footage of which is insultingly easy to find. Read more:

May be an image of 11 people and text that says 'What does the LNP government believe, besides propping up the fossil fuel industry? ORD @arrl Last Election, Electric vehicles are bad and will destroy your weekends. ogressi 2021 for batala 3 years on, LNP triple backflip with pike as "Electric vehicles are the future" to start the campaign for re-election.'

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