News Corp posts $61m loss, announces plans to sell off Australian Government
Morrison’s we do nothing Mantra sure fits.
The takeover bid for Sydney Airport all but done, a takeover frenzy grips the sharemarket. Investors, foreign and local, know Australian governments are an easy touch, that they allow their citizens to be pillaged, that some of them actually believe the bankers’ myth that privatisation means efficiency. Michael West reports.
Short term fix
The pandemic has increased inequality. Yet corporate welfare runs amok. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg squandered $40 billion in the biggest transfer of wealth yet from Australian taxpayers to large corporations in history.
This is not a capitalist government, this is crony capitalism where policy is increasingly in hoc to foreign corporate players. Regulation has failed, yet free markets have failed too. Nonetheless, a tamed media trots out the privatisation and “free markets” propaganda while the central bank prints hundreds of billions of dollars to keep the money swishing about at the top of town.
And how it has done that. The money showered on corporate Australia – indeed by foreign governments too via QE – along with a surge in asset prices, has unleashed a takeover frenzy like never before. Some of it is trickling down to our superannuation accounts, for now, but when that party ends, Australia will emerge with a more concentrated, more powerful corporate sector running the show which we call government.
Addicted to privatisation, addicted to failure – Michael West Media
Australia’s climate policies have been ranked last out of 64 countries and the nation among the worst offenders for emissions, renewables and energy use.
Australia ranked last for climate policies, 58th overall out of 64 countries
Like everything he does Morrison won't read, hear or abide by any criticism of himself. What he feels will always be practiced compartmentalization with moments of anger. But he's always present and ready for a photoshoot as long as it's his full time camera man, "nothing candid allowed". Then, like the organ grinder's monkey, he'll perform the trusted and oiled scripts handed him along with some tried and true deflections like "don't agree with your premise". Morrison seems to apply those deflections more than most.\ Everything that happened yesterday stays in yesterday while tomorrow well that simple and generally dictated by the context and those that pay. If "doing is being" Morrison does very little but says a lot because his ship has become the SS Scandals, and baling the primary work of it's crew.
After looking lost amongst global peers at the G7 earlier this year, the Prime Minister took his “plan” to Glasgow via Rome to have another go at grand diplomacy.
Scott Morrison: A lonely man with an empty plan
Fake News and Misinformation exposed
Andrew Bolt is entitled to his opinion but a phishing excercise to sell subs? Firstly it makes him look like a dutiful News Corp sock puppet rather than a aficionado or director of an Opera Company . He's an elitist a snob preaching down rather than having an eye to eye conversation with VOC.
Did anyone notice Bolt's voice at the forefront of the poor treatment given the Arts by the LNP during the pandemic? The VOC cancelled it's 2021 season. Obviously JobKeeper had no place for them. I certainly didn't hear Bolt praised for speaking out on their behalf. Yet here he is trying to use them to catch a sub or two for his benefit with his sudden obscure comments suggesting that he knows better on how to run the VOC. It seems the operas chosen aren't to his taste. As if we don't know about opera in Australia. What an aloof self-serving snob he is. You won't hear a peep out of Bolt if this VOC 2022 season is a success will we? No apology that he was blowing smoke that's for sure.
How very Victoria today: politics above the public. Victorian Opera artistic director Richard Mills: "The last thing I want to see is another Madama Butterfly... It comes back to this idea of what does an arts company do? Is it part of the national conversation about who we are as a people?" Good luck with the operas he's chosen.
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