Australia has really become LNP Wonderland

Gladys Berejiklian cannot recall if she knew she was Gladys Berejiklian at time of taped phone calls
"I wasn't paying attention at the time"

If we pause there it was bad enough for Australia because our
biggest, best mate, the US was letting it be known in no uncertain terms
that France’s fury at being misled and “stabbed in the back” had merit
and furthermore had serious consequences for strategic security
relationships, particularly in the Indo Pacific.
Australia’s diplomatic ham-fistedness was compounded when Scott
Morrison – confusing his domestic political marketing priorities with
his job as national leader – gatecrashed a Macron conversation in a
crowded room on the sidelines of the summit.
The PM is at
great pains to insist the process of reconciliation is under way since
Mr Macron phoned him as he was departing Australia, however, he says
“these things take time”.
It was already obvious they take much more time than the “kiss and make up” Mr Biden and Mr Macron provided for the cameras.
Mr Morrison was being denied the same sort of picture opportunity.
Morrison GILDING THE LILY and digging himself deeper as the LIAR
News Corp paper also published a message purportedly from Mr Macron
to Mr Morrison, two days before the AUKUS pact was announced and the
Naval Group contract publicly terminated, where the French President
asked “Should I expect good or bad news for our joint submarines
ambitions?”Mr Morrison claimed that message was in relation to
attempts to organise a phone call with Mr Macron shortly before the
AUKUS nuclear announcement.
He said he was unable to co-ordinate a time with the French.
Changing the question
believed absolutely that a conventional submarine wasn’t going to meet
our strategic need. That’s why I went to dinner in Elysee, to tell him
that … I needed to convey to him very clearly that we had big concerns
about that boat meeting our needs,” Mr Morrison said.
However, the
text message also potentially makes the case that, just two days before
the AUKUS announcement and the public scrapping of the French deal, Mr
Macron appeared to guess but was not certain that “bad news” may be
So Mr Morrison also declined to comment on how the text from Mr Macron ended up in the Telegraph.
“I’m not going to indulge your editorial on it,” he said when asked.
Unfortunately it wasn't an opinion the telegrams were fact
" “I don’t wish to personalise this … But those slurs, I’m not going to
cop sledging at Australia. I’m not going to cop that on behalf of
Australians,” he said."
Morrison lies straight into the camera claiming Macron bad mouthed Australia he didn't he bad mouthed Scott Morriso who it's fast becoming clear doesn't represent Australia.
Meanwhile why is Tony Abbott running around trying to buy up nuclear subs the Americans no longer want and like a junkyard dog making a noise about it? Whose money has he got and who does he expect to buy them? They certainly aren't state of the art. Is he making a noise trying to tell us Dutton head of Defence is laying a path for his come back?
PM hits out at ‘slurs’, ‘sledging’ on subs drama after leaked texts

Morrison like Philip Morris is putting his FAITH, oops sorry, PLAN into technology. The tobacco company promises to UNSMOKE the world and Morrison promises to DECARBONISE it with a $2bn wanted poster and an Aussie Nobel Prize for technology. Remember how Barnaby spent $80m on useless water rights.
No subsidies for renewables or anything working NOW but money awash for not tried or proven carbon capture, cleaner coal, gas and utes with cleaner but more grunt. Philip Morris is doing it with PR, a change in language and IQOS heatsticks. Morrison is for much the same Murdoch's PR a transition to cleaner fossil fuels and anything that is over the horizon rather than proven to work NOW. Hoping for a miracle is the language stalling the paid course of action. Anything nearer to 2050 when it won't be his problem. The fossil fuel industry is only too happy to support the cheap option of a stalling tactic and kicking the tin down the road. They are making Australia seem more like Nth Korea than participants in the rest of the world.
Imagine if it were a global food issue and Australians were eating x3 per head of population Morrison would be still arguing but that's a negligible total in terms of the global issue so there's no need to do anything. The starving Chinese and Indians will need to show how they put their shoulders to the wheel first.
out a “cause for optimism” to the COP26 summit in Glasgow, the Prime
Minister said Australia had pledged $2b to do its part to help limit the
rise in global temperatures
Morrison outlines $2 billion funding pledge to UN climate summit

travelling in a private capacity, Mr Abbott said that he had been
canvassing the idea in the US of Australia acquiring some older-model
nuclear submarines “within months, rather than decades”.
The French offered the world's best but the LNP demanded Utes with Grunt. So Naval Group said OK. the LNP demanded they be built here with an Aussie labor component. The Naval Group said Ok "but you don't have the skilled labor". We didn't have the skilled labor and the LNP demands were the problem. Who will in their right mind deal with Australia again. Oh the Americans and British you say how many problems will they bring to the table they don't have the the history the french have with submersibles. We will get Abbott's used ones.
Fresh from warning
Beijing could “lash out disastrously very soon” in a speech in Taiwan
last month, Mr Abbott also offered a dire assessment of escalating
tensions in the Indo-Pacific amid growing Chinese assertiveness, warning
“the challenges are pressing, the peril is not far off”.
Abbott claims hes doing all this for FREE
Abbott calls for Australia to use retiring nuclear-powered submarines as training boats
Fake News and Misinformation Exposed

Andrew Bolt no longer
puts dates to his blog which he claims is the most read political blog
in the country. Now, that's bullshit if ever there is. He hasn't posted
anything for well over a month. Good start for someone who expects to be
Bolt pays an immense amount of effort to point out that "science is not exact and it's predictions and methods are little better than a religion". He therefore claims, Climate Science and it's global consensus carries no weight. With a Morrison like premise "I don't accept your arguments" Bolt attacks and smears those that pay attention to and point out that global consensus. David Attenborough, Dr Tim Flannery are far more qualified and disciplined minds than his. While Paul Kelly the most highly respected and awarded Journalist in the Murdoch stable. Someone that Bolt can't, and never, never will hold a candle to. All of them however take the brunt of his ignorance.
Bolt generally prefers to play the man and any prediction or change of opinion are used as a weapons for such attacks. Bolt rarely admits to a change of mind himself or even less his mistakes of which there have been countless. However, Bolt's failed predictions, the evidence he used over the years have regularly been proved wrong time and time again. So much so, he's recognized as a King of Misinformation, the most politically biased, and undemocratic commentator in this countries mass media after Alan Jones. His presance and attention has been shrinking visibly since his patron Tony Abbott was voted out of his Prime Ministership, his Party's leadership and then out of Parliament.
Bolt spent almost 2 decades telling Australia the planet was cooling and not warming. That the sea wasn't rising, that the glaciers in the Northern hemisphere weren't melting. He's proved to be a racist, anti-multiculturalist and basically anti-Democracy. To be Democratic one has to accept one can be wrong, and accept one can be a loser and can be wrong. Bolt simply can't do that even when charged and found guilty by our judicial systems. Personally he's been publicly outed as a liar when just threatened with a legal action by his ex-fiance and News Corp wasn't prepared to finance her challenge in court. Bolt is among the top individuals with a public presance that shames us all.
part of an army of the future is so heady that even an establishment
commentator falls for it. Twice. "Net zero at 2050 and a projected 35
per cent emissions reduction result at 2030 [are] goals from which there
is no turning back no matter how shrill the outcry from conservative
populists." Three things must be said about this conceit.
Any Information here? Of course not it's dutiful hunt for subscriptions
journalists now care that global warming schemes hurt workers: "Several
editors this past month have abrogated their duty to report impartially
on the politics of the COP26 climate conference... Their journalism is
starkly different from coverage in the UK, where much reporting has
focused on working class concerns about soaring energy prices."
Bolt provides no evidence of China's actions, we are expected to take his word for it. In fact China has publicly announced it was Reducing the large number of coal-fired plants it had previously planned. It is responsible after all for improving the lives of 1.3bn people which they have on every metric. While Australia's 25m's lives can't be said to be improving. Ask the 40,000 academics that no longer have jobs. Previous to the LNP being in government Australia was 2nd among the world's economies and were loudly given deserved the world's admiration. But not Bolt's. That can't be said now after 8 years of the LNP power.
China's Government has always had a Plan and a 5 year plan and not one hand balled to private enterprise as Morrison's LNP has.The $250bn fund Morrison says is "not a carbon tax" is really "a stalling tax" to assist emitters giving them more time. It's not an exercise to increase jobs, re-train workers, to really lower costs or to transition ASAP to cleaner global energy. It is a far cry from investing in the real progress, opportunity that's staring us in the face. Face the fact Bolt, Morrison's Government has simply abandoned all responsibility for any action on warming for little more than $8bn a year. Warming which lets remind ourselves Bolt and the LNP spent 20 years denying. The fossil fuel industry hid the problem from us for 60 years and the LNP has simply ignored it and today has announced it globally and publicly that it was leaving us alone in the world with the worst reputation we have ever really had since it had us abandon Asylum Seekers.
The reality is the states and capitalists have been hanballed the problem while our Federal Government has walked away from the problem to simply continue to do nothing. Doing nothing is the greatest of all costs we will face when we could have transitioned to being a super power with the worlds cheapest energy. "Too late" we cried.
Bolt logic China is the world's biggest emitter Australia tiny but don't take into account per head of pop then we become one of the biggest. That as far as Bolt is concerned is irrelevant. If the planet had food problem and we consumed x5 more per head of pop his logic would happily insist China needed to consume less not us. But that's the sort of prick he is.
just one question before buying the snake oil of global warming
hustlers like Adam Bandt, Anthony Albanese and Malcolm Turnbull. If wind
and solar power really is now cheaper than coal, why is China building
95 new coal-fired power stations?

If we pause there it was bad enough for Australia because our biggest, best mate, the US was letting it be known in no uncertain terms that France’s fury at being misled and “stabbed in the back” had merit and furthermore had serious consequences for strategic security relationships, particularly in the Indo Pacific.
Australia’s diplomatic ham-fistedness was compounded when Scott Morrison – confusing his domestic political marketing priorities with his job as national leader – gatecrashed a Macron conversation in a crowded room on the sidelines of the summit.
The PM is at great pains to insist the process of reconciliation is under way since Mr Macron phoned him as he was departing Australia, however, he says “these things take time”.
It was already obvious they take much more time than the “kiss and make up” Mr Biden and Mr Macron provided for the cameras.
Mr Morrison was being denied the same sort of picture opportunity.

Mr Morrison claimed that message was in relation to attempts to organise a phone call with Mr Macron shortly before the AUKUS nuclear announcement.
He said he was unable to co-ordinate a time with the French.
Changing the question
“We believed absolutely that a conventional submarine wasn’t going to meet our strategic need. That’s why I went to dinner in Elysee, to tell him that … I needed to convey to him very clearly that we had big concerns about that boat meeting our needs,” Mr Morrison said.
However, the text message also potentially makes the case that, just two days before the AUKUS announcement and the public scrapping of the French deal, Mr Macron appeared to guess but was not certain that “bad news” may be coming.
So Mr Morrison also declined to comment on how the text from Mr Macron ended up in the Telegraph.
“I’m not going to indulge your editorial on it,” he said when asked.
Unfortunately it wasn't an opinion the telegrams were fact
" “I don’t wish to personalise this … But those slurs, I’m not going to cop sledging at Australia. I’m not going to cop that on behalf of Australians,” he said."
Morrison lies straight into the camera claiming Macron bad mouthed Australia he didn't he bad mouthed Scott Morriso who it's fast becoming clear doesn't represent Australia.
Meanwhile why is Tony Abbott running around trying to buy up nuclear subs the Americans no longer want and like a junkyard dog making a noise about it? Whose money has he got and who does he expect to buy them? They certainly aren't state of the art. Is he making a noise trying to tell us Dutton head of Defence is laying a path for his come back?
PM hits out at ‘slurs’, ‘sledging’ on subs drama after leaked texts
Morrison like Philip Morris is putting his FAITH, oops sorry, PLAN into technology. The tobacco company promises to UNSMOKE the world and Morrison promises to DECARBONISE it with a $2bn wanted poster and an Aussie Nobel Prize for technology. Remember how Barnaby spent $80m on useless water rights.
No subsidies for renewables or anything working NOW but money awash for not tried or proven carbon capture, cleaner coal, gas and utes with cleaner but more grunt. Philip Morris is doing it with PR, a change in language and IQOS heatsticks. Morrison is for much the same Murdoch's PR a transition to cleaner fossil fuels and anything that is over the horizon rather than proven to work NOW. Hoping for a miracle is the language stalling the paid course of action. Anything nearer to 2050 when it won't be his problem. The fossil fuel industry is only too happy to support the cheap option of a stalling tactic and kicking the tin down the road. They are making Australia seem more like Nth Korea than participants in the rest of the world.
Imagine if it were a global food issue and Australians were eating x3 per head of population Morrison would be still arguing but that's a negligible total in terms of the global issue so there's no need to do anything. The starving Chinese and Indians will need to show how they put their shoulders to the wheel first.
Setting out a “cause for optimism” to the COP26 summit in Glasgow, the Prime Minister said Australia had pledged $2b to do its part to help limit the rise in global temperatures
Morrison outlines $2 billion funding pledge to UN climate summit
travelling in a private capacity, Mr Abbott said that he had been canvassing the idea in the US of Australia acquiring some older-model nuclear submarines “within months, rather than decades”.
The French offered the world's best but the LNP demanded Utes with Grunt. So Naval Group said OK. the LNP demanded they be built here with an Aussie labor component. The Naval Group said Ok "but you don't have the skilled labor". We didn't have the skilled labor and the LNP demands were the problem. Who will in their right mind deal with Australia again. Oh the Americans and British you say how many problems will they bring to the table they don't have the the history the french have with submersibles. We will get Abbott's used ones.
Fresh from warning Beijing could “lash out disastrously very soon” in a speech in Taiwan last month, Mr Abbott also offered a dire assessment of escalating tensions in the Indo-Pacific amid growing Chinese assertiveness, warning “the challenges are pressing, the peril is not far off”.
Abbott claims hes doing all this for FREE
Abbott calls for Australia to use retiring nuclear-powered submarines as training boats
Fake News and Misinformation Exposed
Andrew Bolt no longer puts dates to his blog which he claims is the most read political blog in the country. Now, that's bullshit if ever there is. He hasn't posted anything for well over a month. Good start for someone who expects to be believed.
Bolt pays an immense amount of effort to point out that "science is not exact and it's predictions and methods are little better than a religion". He therefore claims, Climate Science and it's global consensus carries no weight. With a Morrison like premise "I don't accept your arguments" Bolt attacks and smears those that pay attention to and point out that global consensus. David Attenborough, Dr Tim Flannery are far more qualified and disciplined minds than his. While Paul Kelly the most highly respected and awarded Journalist in the Murdoch stable. Someone that Bolt can't, and never, never will hold a candle to. All of them however take the brunt of his ignorance.
Bolt generally prefers to play the man and any prediction or change of opinion are used as a weapons for such attacks. Bolt rarely admits to a change of mind himself or even less his mistakes of which there have been countless. However, Bolt's failed predictions, the evidence he used over the years have regularly been proved wrong time and time again. So much so, he's recognized as a King of Misinformation, the most politically biased, and undemocratic commentator in this countries mass media after Alan Jones. His presance and attention has been shrinking visibly since his patron Tony Abbott was voted out of his Prime Ministership, his Party's leadership and then out of Parliament.
Bolt spent almost 2 decades telling Australia the planet was cooling and not warming. That the sea wasn't rising, that the glaciers in the Northern hemisphere weren't melting. He's proved to be a racist, anti-multiculturalist and basically anti-Democracy. To be Democratic one has to accept one can be wrong, and accept one can be a loser and can be wrong. Bolt simply can't do that even when charged and found guilty by our judicial systems. Personally he's been publicly outed as a liar when just threatened with a legal action by his ex-fiance and News Corp wasn't prepared to finance her challenge in court. Bolt is among the top individuals with a public presance that shames us all.
Feeling part of an army of the future is so heady that even an establishment commentator falls for it. Twice. "Net zero at 2050 and a projected 35 per cent emissions reduction result at 2030 [are] goals from which there is no turning back no matter how shrill the outcry from conservative populists." Three things must be said about this conceit.
Any Information here? Of course not it's dutiful hunt for subscriptions
Few journalists now care that global warming schemes hurt workers: "Several editors this past month have abrogated their duty to report impartially on the politics of the COP26 climate conference... Their journalism is starkly different from coverage in the UK, where much reporting has focused on working class concerns about soaring energy prices."
Bolt provides no evidence of China's actions, we are expected to take his word for it. In fact China has publicly announced it was Reducing the large number of coal-fired plants it had previously planned. It is responsible after all for improving the lives of 1.3bn people which they have on every metric. While Australia's 25m's lives can't be said to be improving. Ask the 40,000 academics that no longer have jobs. Previous to the LNP being in government Australia was 2nd among the world's economies and were loudly given deserved the world's admiration. But not Bolt's. That can't be said now after 8 years of the LNP power.
China's Government has always had a Plan and a 5 year plan and not one hand balled to private enterprise as Morrison's LNP has.The $250bn fund Morrison says is "not a carbon tax" is really "a stalling tax" to assist emitters giving them more time. It's not an exercise to increase jobs, re-train workers, to really lower costs or to transition ASAP to cleaner global energy. It is a far cry from investing in the real progress, opportunity that's staring us in the face. Face the fact Bolt, Morrison's Government has simply abandoned all responsibility for any action on warming for little more than $8bn a year. Warming which lets remind ourselves Bolt and the LNP spent 20 years denying. The fossil fuel industry hid the problem from us for 60 years and the LNP has simply ignored it and today has announced it globally and publicly that it was leaving us alone in the world with the worst reputation we have ever really had since it had us abandon Asylum Seekers.
The reality is the states and capitalists have been hanballed the problem while our Federal Government has walked away from the problem to simply continue to do nothing. Doing nothing is the greatest of all costs we will face when we could have transitioned to being a super power with the worlds cheapest energy. "Too late" we cried.
Bolt logic China is the world's biggest emitter Australia tiny but don't take into account per head of pop then we become one of the biggest. That as far as Bolt is concerned is irrelevant. If the planet had food problem and we consumed x5 more per head of pop his logic would happily insist China needed to consume less not us. But that's the sort of prick he is.
Ask just one question before buying the snake oil of global warming hustlers like Adam Bandt, Anthony Albanese and Malcolm Turnbull. If wind and solar power really is now cheaper than coal, why is China building 95 new coal-fired power stations?
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