Sunday, 14 November 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 14/11/21; Brittany Escaped She didn't Solve the problem; Cold War; COP26; Individualism;





Jamie Spears and his daughter Britney.

A single case of Private Conservatorship may have been won in The US. Protection against abuse may be the basis for the “arms-length” clause in administration of Trusts in Australia. However "arm-lenth" becomes a contradiction when the law hands and rubber stamps peoples estates and lives over to the mega-corporate giants like the Public Trustees. There are hundreds of thousands of Australians trapped under the administrative clutches of the Public Trustees that no longer serve those willed  into or the government puts their charge.

The term "fee for service" has been lost when it comes to these self-governing profit-making corporations against which people have no redress and are little more than Soylent Green. It’s about time it's now the 22nd Century and they need to be revisited given close examination again as to who they actually benefit. Britanny would never have been heard of or stood a chance if swallowed up by them. Shouldn't there be an independent audit on numbers of people they have threatened, mistreated, charged, prosecuted, and whose funds they have misappropriated withheld and profited from without consequence. An audit on fees charged for service and not just profit?

 What began as post-war organizations of care have now grown into silent private mega-corporations harvesting yields which become their primary reason for being rather than who they serve. Where the term  reasonable charge for service no longer applies and from which there is no passage of escape. There are no heroic Brittany tales to be found there. Isn’t it about time the curtain was drawn open on these faux charitable last century poor houses and their administration charges and procedures audited?

Britney is free. A Los Angeles judge has ended the conservatorship that has controlled Britney Spears’ life and money for nearly 14 years.

 Britney Spears’ conservatorship terminated

 The LNP has used war as a weapon to maintain it's power in political and used it against Australians not for them. Korea, Russia, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria  have been tools to gain or retain power. The same can't be said of the ALP. Should we be surprised at the degree to which we have attached ourselves ever increasingly to the American hip. Our domestic politics, our culture every aspect of our post WW2 lives has the star spangled banner imprinted on it. Close examination shows it to be no accident. History has been a domestic struggle between Democracy and Autocracy between the Australian Labor Party and those that have always believed they were born to rule the LNP. To attempt to mainframe  our history in any other terms blurs the point. The Morrison government is certainly not a reflection of any progress being made or even imagined..

Paranoia about Chinese influence in Australia is on the rise — and the Australian ruling class is stoking tensions between China and the United States. For the sake of world peace and prosperity, they have to be stopped.

 Australia Is Lobbying for a New Cold War Between China and America


The failure to address these loopholes will mean the production of fossil fuels in countries like Australia will continue for much longer than it should.

Source: Top 5 Loopholes left by COP26 for Big Carbon that need to be Closed

 May be a Twitter screenshot of 1 person and text that says 'Eddy Jokovich @EddyJokovich @Eddy A week when Melbourne protesters are calling for the assassination of a Labor Premier, and a PM exposed as a liar. And the media seems OK with that. Keating said Australia has lost its way couldn't agree more #insiders #auspol'

 There is no doubt that since WWW2 Australia has become increasingly Americanized. Our culture and Institutions more than reflect that. So much so our current leaders uptake just about any political idea that comes out of America. The current worst stricter voter ID when it's not necessary. 

So why should we be surprised when we see the worst of Individualism raising it's head on the streets of Melbourne. Yelling "Sack Dan" and " I don't need to get vaxxed if I don't need to so fuck you". Are we really so American?

It seems to me that in our haste to blame Trump and the culture that produced him for why the rate of vaccinations in America trails every other wealthy country, we’re missing a character trait that may offer a fuller explanation. This trait is found among Democrats and Independents in blue America as well as Republicans in Trumpland. In fact, I think it’s been near the core of the American personality since before the founding of the nation — a stubborn, selfish individualism. What do you think?

 Why America Trails Every Other Wealthy Nation in Vaccinations | The Smirking Chimp

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